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Covid Vaccine thread

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  • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
    The test was contaminated so he had to retake it (he did not explain).
    "Sir, the swab goes in your cheek, not up your butt."
    More American children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active duty military.


    • You know, comeuppance. Karma. What goes around comes around. Poetic justice. As Shakespeare would have it, “Hoisted with his own petard.” Plus the whole Darwin Awards thing, because he was fatally dumb. I daresay that all across America, many solid citizens and upholders of all that is good and just had approximately the same reaction to the news. When such schadenfreude is at its worst, you look at a map of the red-state hotspots and think, well, this toxic-ignorance problem is taking care of itself. If only fleetingly, I have entertained such thoughts. Then I flinch/shake like a wet dog, trying to dislodge the idea. Because: grotesque.

      The term “smug satisfaction” doesn’t even begin to cover the arrogance of it. Or the hypocrisy, because what are we fighting over in this nightmarish battle against pathogens and ignorance but the sanctity of life itself? Irony or no irony, in Dickinson County, Texas, a human life is over.

      So final and so sad. H. Scott Apley, the anti-vax fool, had a new baby, never to squeeze and smell again.
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      I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


      • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
        The test was contaminated so he had to retake it (he did not explain).

        I just received a text that stated his new test just came in all clear and he will see us tomorrow.

        Good news!
        I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


        • My family trip to Florida, booked when things were good, has taken a scary turn. Both my kids and wife got sick. My youngest spiked a fever. For four days, I have tried to find a place to get COVID testing to no avail. No where within 50 miles has anything available, and when I went to a walk-in that would no answer their phones, the place was packed and no one could give me an answer on when I'd be seen. I've purchased two different at-home tests for the family, and they came up negative, so while they are not as accurate as testing we could do in a clinic, I think the risk of bringing the kids into a clinic packed with sick patients is too high, so I will keep looking to see if a Walgreens or CVS drive-thru test opens up. I have to run all-day in-person orientations as soon as I get back to work, so I am hoping I don't pick up the illness, regardless of what it is.


          • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
            My family trip to Florida, booked when things were good, has taken a scary turn. Both my kids and wife got sick. My youngest spiked a fever. For four days, I have tried to find a place to get COVID testing to no avail. No where within 50 miles has anything available, and when I went to a walk-in that would no answer their phones, the place was packed and no one could give me an answer on when I'd be seen. I've purchased two different at-home tests for the family, and they came up negative, so while they are not as accurate as testing we could do in a clinic, I think the risk of bringing the kids into a clinic packed with sick patients is too high, so I will keep looking to see if a Walgreens or CVS drive-thru test opens up. I have to run all-day in-person orientations as soon as I get back to work, so I am hoping I don't pick up the illness, regardless of what it is.
            Damn, dude. I really hope everything goes okay for you and your family. Sending positive vibrations your way! Glad to hear that the home tests were negative.
            More American children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active duty military.


            • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
              My family trip to Florida, booked when things were good, has taken a scary turn. Both my kids and wife got sick. My youngest spiked a fever. For four days, I have tried to find a place to get COVID testing to no avail. No where within 50 miles has anything available, and when I went to a walk-in that would no answer their phones, the place was packed and no one could give me an answer on when I'd be seen. I've purchased two different at-home tests for the family, and they came up negative, so while they are not as accurate as testing we could do in a clinic, I think the risk of bringing the kids into a clinic packed with sick patients is too high, so I will keep looking to see if a Walgreens or CVS drive-thru test opens up. I have to run all-day in-person orientations as soon as I get back to work, so I am hoping I don't pick up the illness, regardless of what it is.
              That sucks, hope all is well. I have a trip next week to a red state (NC). F'ing TFG.

              In other news, the Pentagon has said all troops need to be vaccinated by September 17. Military personnel already have 8-10 vaccines they must have, but not one that was so political. This should be fun!


              • Originally posted by revo View Post
                That sucks, hope all is well. I have a trip next week to a red state (NC). F'ing TFG.

                In other news, the Pentagon has said all troops need to be vaccinated by September 17. Military personnel already have 8-10 vaccines they must have, but not one that was so political. This should be fun!
                Why do Doctors hate the Military?
                If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

                Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
                Martin Luther King, Jr.


                • Remember the absolute parade of clowns in the former guy's administration, each one more incompetent and corrupt than the last? Totally forgot about this one:

                  More American children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active duty military.


                  • my biggest concern with the vaccines is antibody dependent enhancement. my strategy is that the virus is going to be around for a while and mutate. and eventually it's going to mutate enough where it's a spy and our antibodies are going to think it's a new guy and let it in. it also happens naturally. so the debate is totally risk benefit.

                    the problem is the only 3 vaccines ever developed for coronaviruses all had ADE problems, FIP, SARS, MERS. so we are batting 0-3. and now we are in the 9th inning and we have to panic and try to win. but we've learned what doesn't work. the previous vaccines targeted a different protein. the N protein was a problem is the previous SARS vaccine. so now we are targeting the S. and that is smart. but it's not targeting the whole virus, and that's a problem. it's not calling in all of your immune systems reinforcements because we are worried about the ADE problem. and I think future vaccines are going to target more proteins like the N, and the M and the E.

                    right now we are being very selective just targeting the S (spike protein). and that is smart. but we are going to get desperate. because it's not going to fully work. you can't even call this a true vaccine when people can still be infected sometimes.

                    this is totally balls to the wall and cross your fingers. and we will figure it out as we go along. but for sure, getting vaccinated is the right course of action -as a society-. but as an individual who is infected but asymptomatic, you have an individual choice. it's the risk. survive the virus now perhaps, or take a vaccine that may cause ADE down the road. look out for yourself, or look out for society. seems to always be the popular choice.

                    and so what if some people get ADE. it will only be a small portion of the population, right? and then science will figure it out and treat them. of course when you include everyone.. it's a basic tenet of disease, if something is really virulent and only affects a few people, it's much better than something less severe but affecting everyone.

                    all I am saying is every choice that we have is potentially bad, we just have to pick the one that is least worse. so don't be so confident. these choices are going to come back to us. and we will be solemn.


                    • we've entered the age of heroes. whether you want to call Bill Gates, or Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos or the facebook guy heroes. they are the only champions we have now. we've backed ourselves into a corner now we need people to save us. and they may not be the ideal white knight, but we have no other choices. we did this to ourselves.

                      prevention was always better, but we are past that now. and perhaps there was never a way to prevent events like this. it's just life being life.

                      assuming this virus escaped from a lab and we added a cleavage site where there normally wouldn't be one on a coronavirus, again, we did this to ourselves. therefore logically, we can't rely on nature to get us out of it.


                      • although both viruses are single stranded RNA, influenza is much different from coronaviruses. this is why you can have a vaccine for the flu but not the common cold. influenza just genetically drifts while the common cold and coronaviruses have error checking and mutates less. this is why you have much more different types of flu. and presents a much bigger threat. this is also why comparing all the other influenza pandemics to this one is not comparable. we've never had a coronavirus pandemic before until now. ..let that sink in for a minute, it's not supposed to happen.

                        you are going to go around trying to vaccinate yourselves forever against this. ..this is the time to seriously consider changing our habits. you need to lose weight. don't become diabetic. stop drinking, stop smoking. that's it. we've run out of time. there's no miracle jab in the arm, there is no pill you can take that is going to change it. it's now nature against nature. she's thinning the horde. Serengeti rules. The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters
                        In The Serengeti Rules, award-winning biologist and author Sean Carroll tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who sought the answers to such simple yet profoundly important questions, and shows how their discoveries matter for our health and the health of the planet we depend upon.
                        you should treat your immune system like a temple. it been standing and working for millions of years. try to treat it well, it's one of the many wonders. and i'd rather not quote a militant atheist like Sean Carroll, he is a really good writer, and he is right this time.


                        • you guys are setting yourselves up for the next pandemic. everything that is happening now will be repeated. you've just given the government a license to expand. and while that may be a trendy cliché. it's still true. there's no balance. absolute power corrupts absolutely. always.

                          this is why the universe is set up as a distributed diverse system. it's one of it's most fundamental social laws.


                          • a God or a creator is infallible to absolute corruption since such a being would be immune and above such a law who created it in the first place. but that is why the universe is the way it is. is this further proof that the universe is based on a distributed conscious.

                            you know what really scares me. if I was a peasant in China during the cultural revolution, would I have been one of Mao's red guards?


                            • the good news about all this is one of the stray cats that come by to eat my cats food came by tonight after not seeing her for a few days. so the coyotes didn't get her yet. she hung out asking if she would be accepted, which I don't have the authorization. but we let her be and eat what she could and she went on her way.

                              I hope I don't find her down the street some morning hit by a car. and worry I caused it from putting food out. even though I don't even known her. there are some things in life that are out of your control.


                              • I am the ultimate butterfly effect guy. that is why I was a shut in for 20 years. but you can't live being afraid of causing everything.

