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Covid Vaccine thread

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  • cripes, just stumbled on this while looking for another quote.

    I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


    • Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer View Post
      There is definitely some correlation with vaccination rates, although not perfect. I don't know about Data for Progress.
      So far, I've liked DFP's database - they've been keeping it longer, and it has very good breakdowns. I dug into it to check an article I read on faith-based breakdown of percentages getting vaccinated, but that was nationwide and not regional. I'm hoping I have the time to find out if I can look at the faith-based numbers on a regional basis if that's available.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • Somewhat on topic--here's a parent who lost a kid to Covid, who was unvaccinated stating they were offended that the Doctor seemed unsympathetic the kid was suffering from Covid because they'd chosen not to get him vaccinated.

        After the kid dies, they reiterate their anger over the doctor's seemingly indifferent attitude while stating that they don't know if they believe their child really died from Covid.

        So they don't get the Vax, their kid gets Covid, the Physician (who's endured a year and a half of people like these diminishing his profession, intelligence and ability) reacts in an understandable manner (from my POV), they get offended, the kid dies, they then double down on their diminishment of the Physician (his diagnosis) yet still wonder why the doc could act the way he did.

        While you may not want to see anyone die from this virus, you can't blame people for having a "you brought this on yourself" attitude toward the Unvaxxed getting sick or dying from Covid.
        If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

        Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
        Martin Luther King, Jr.


        • coronaviruses are going to coronavirus. there is only really one bad coronavirus and it's in cats. fip. all other coronaviruses should be common colds. influenza presents much bigger threats. OTOH anything that uses bats as a host is bad, as opposed to birds. bats are the ultimate incubators and field of play. (you have to question original Sars and Mers mortality, it affected weakened immune systems more, obviously)

          the problem with covid is it started with an ability to infect asymptomatically. this gives the virus the ability to decide whether to become more virulent or severe w/o suffering any tradeoffs. it hasn't decided which way yet. but it should just become more virulent. which is better.

          also, it's better to get infected first and than vaccinated. Hybrid immunity


          • lets take this a step further, only people that have been infected first and then vaccinated can eat at diners because they will be at the least risk. where does it stop. this is a future coming to you someday. the 1997 movie Gattaca. not yet. this is mass hysteria. not some dystopian future yet, right?


            • Originally posted by nullnor View Post
              lets take this a step further, only people that have been infected first and then vaccinated can eat at diners because they will be at the least risk. where does it stop. this is a future coming to you someday. the 1997 movie Gattaca. not yet. this is mass hysteria. not some dystopian future yet, right?
              get the Shot, try not to die beforehand and please don't kill someone.

              You don't want to orphan a cat, now do ya?
              If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

              Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
              Martin Luther King, Jr.


              • going unvaccinated and gambling with covid for individual rights when you have underlying health conditions, you chose poorly.


                • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                  get the Shot, try not to die beforehand and please don't kill someone.

                  You don't want to orphan a cat, now do ya?
                  it's my biggest problem in life how to save the my cats. the other day a dog was in the yard and my cat jumped on it's back. she's my sweet one too. life just attaches itself to you. there is no escape from it.


                  • 2 nights ago 2 coyotes laid siege to the yard. I woke up after drinking at the perfect time. each coyote was hooing to each other opposite sides trying to get the cats to run into the other. of course they are too smart to fall for that. what it really told me was they got one of the cats that come in the yard for food from far away and decided to hang out.

                    so now, you just may get a video of me with night vision googles and a paintball gun.

                    moral of the story is, you never want to kill coyotes, you make peace and scare them. they'll teach the rest of them, there's a guy with night vision goggles.


                    • that's what vaccines are, either you eradicate it or you scare it and force it to another host.


                      • Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                        lets take this a step further, only people that have been infected first and then vaccinated can eat at diners because they will be at the least risk. where does it stop.
                        It stops with "do the right thing, which is completely under your control". Get vaccinated.

                        There's no "next" to be hysterical about.


                        • Originally posted by nullnor View Post
                          lets take this a step further, only people that have been infected first and then vaccinated can eat at diners because they will be at the least risk. where does it stop. this is a future coming to you someday. the 1997 movie Gattaca. not yet. this is mass hysteria. not some dystopian future yet, right?
                          I think it started when Republicans decided only non-gays can buy wedding cakes.


                          • unvaccinated people are gay hehe


                            • I am thinking about it seriously now though. that delta looks pretty bad actually.

                              even when this whole thing happened, I never imagined there would be so many moving parts.


                              • it's 1980 and AIDS has just been discovered. but instead of gay men, it's immigrants. that's where the new republican narrative is trying to weakly go with this.

                                pandemics truly have the capability to bring out the worst behavior in civilization. you can never be too careful.

