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Corona Virus

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  • Originally posted by Gregg View Post
    Maybe this is the "common enemy" that the world needs to unite it. I don't think the evil aliens are coming. This will have to do.
    the musical band Green Day is the common enemy of the world? i was always hoping this would come true someday.

    there's one song i forget the name but they play it all the time but i don't like it.

    on the other hand, the song i walk alone reminded me of the two poems by william blake the lamb and the tiger. tiger, tiger burning bright, in the forest of the night. or little lamb, little lamb...

    you know one time i sat down and combined the two poems into one poem and realized it used to be one long epic poem. not epic like beowolf or anything. i am the only person in the world that will ever suggest to you that william blake's the tiger and the lamb were more one poem than anyone will ever know.

    the Lamb and the Tyger are inversely proportional to each other, one representing the fear of God and the other representing faith or praise of God through nature.

    what i did was i mixed up the two poems together just for fun one night and realized if you put them together it's one poem. it's like numerology but with words.

    and then after i rearranged the two poems into one i went to a bar to meet my girlfriend and a female friend she recently met, i told her friend about it and realized i was that close to a ménage à trois with them. unfortunately william blake was just almost enough. after that i gave up on hope. i mean if you can't earn points for rewriting poetic history, one's hopes for a ménage à trois with two lesbians are completely dashed.


    • you know i have a curse, i am the best person at typing on a keyboard when drunk in the history of the world. it's a talent i don't wish on anyone. people should not be able to communicate when they are this inebriated. yet, here i am.

      you know what really amazes me, not getting kicked out of a place living in an RV in a town where it's against the law. it's a lot of conditions that came together.

      and sometimes it's about cats. when this old guy rent a spot from had 21 cats and got in over his head, on Halloween when he ran out of candy, he put kittens in kids bags of candy. the kids went home and afterwards, the next day, the parents asked, did you mean to give us a cat? the parents were so happy, they couldn't process what happened.

      now imagine how Halloween is, it's all about getting the best candy. it's classic capitalism. this house had this and that house has that, and without a strict system the candy you get is random. it's all fun and games until someone puts a kitten in your bag of candy. and lets be honest, if there is any holiday that is based on cats it's Halloween.

      this is why the cops don't kick me out of here for illegally 'habitating' on land with no running water in an RV. because the neighbors love this guy while living beside us in their million dollar homes that his family used to own the land they sold to them and they built their houses on.

      'i live in an an Oasis, a right to farm community. the price of eggs has gone up the most out of any other product. but if i drive down the street, it's signs that read, $5 for a dozen of free ranging eggs'. ..and free kittens on Halloween.


      • if they ever called the cops and kicked us out of the neighborhood, they'd have to look at their cats and say, sorry we kicked the guy that gave us to you out of his RV.

        he was good to them too. he would yell, 'Hurry, Hurry' when feeding all of them. and it would be like a herd running to him. even now i am realizing it might have even been a Logan's Run thing, and i haven't realized it yet.

        many people come by and i try to protect the old guy from the virus. one guy came by one day and brought a cat that used to live here. he can sleep at home and he's 70 years old and his 102 old mother kind of kicked him out of the house, except at night. so his cat stays at night in a work trailer in the back.

        it's all about not attracting the coyote horde that runs through here sometimes and calling attention to my cat.

        the best cat that they ever had was named Hitler. not they are antisemitic, but he had a mustache like hitler. one time when old guy called 911, the cat snuck in the ambulance and when they got to the hospital he wouldn't leave old guy. unfortunately later he got hit by a car at home. my cat gave birth to him and many others only to see them get hit by cars. even now when a car or big truck goes by, she shudders like she has PTSD.

        again it's all about cats. they own this planet. besides us, they are number 2 on the food chain.


        • if there is one thing i was ever able to show you it's that when you talk to an animal or in a different language you talk in tones. even if you don't understand, lower tones make statements, higher tones ask questions. and yes Noam Chomsky is a total fucking asshole that never even figured that out.


          • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
            Sorrento Therapeutics is claiming they have a 100% anti-viral cure that could be available months before a vaccine. Looking deeper, they are a tiny company with some shady business in their past, so it seems to be hyperbole you would never see from legit medical people as a pump and dump on the stock. Still, if there is even a kernel of truth to the efficacy of the anti-body in controlled experiments, it is promising as part of an anti-viral cocktail that could flatten the mortality rate and get us back to normal living before a vaccine comes out.

            and somehow I completely f'd up buying their stock. About tripled at one point friday.
            "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

            "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


            • Originally posted by nullnor View Post
              the only common enemy is greed. i am no economist just understanding that i can almost explain what happened is a miracle, but i'll try.

              omg the amount of money they are throwing around now in an attempt to save our republic tells you we are in deep shit and something has been fundamentally wrong for a while. the last 20 or 30 years where ceo pay rose 900% and worker pay like 12%. a direct result from off shoring jobs while making good cheaper to buy. but instead you could've paid workers more and they would've had the money to buy the same goods, the only difference shareholders and executives would've made less.

              i've had two really good jobs in my life. jobs that taught me more than i ever learned in school. they took me off the streets and taught me skills. the first one was lost in plant closings during the bubble burst, the second one got shipped to India. that's when i realized to go to school for HVAC.

              the companies that set up shop in China are treasonous. Greed. they left this country naked. this has been 20 years in the making. saying we did it to try to make China have a stake in social responsibility is a lie. it's a communist country. i blame Nixon. it was never going to happen. it's like voodoo economics. it's an excuse for the 'job creators' to grab as much as they can before the shit hits the fan. we sold ourselves out for false promises.

              so you start to examine where we were and how we got here and the panic that is now ensuing, you start to realize that our country is in jeopardy. and it's this way because of 1% of our population. yet obviously communism is no better or worse.

              look at the money they are willing to throw around now. i remember when Bush's first veto was for a 5 billion child heath insurance bill. obviously the heroes act is a wish list. but it makes Obama's bail out of banks small potatoes.

              this country is going under, there is no common enemy except greed. i've played by the rules my entire life. and after getting outsourced a few times, i decided i'll fix peoples AC and furnaces. i'll keep people cool and warm. and now the government is willing to pay me to stay healthy until it's safe for me to rescue and keep comfortable the people that made these ridiculous circumstances in the first place. it's total panic. if i was in my right mind, i'd just go to Alaska and kill and skin my own animals and say screw all this and live by myself.

              we aren't innocent either. the poor sold out for cheap wide screen TV's and XBox's and goods, while slowly giving up the american dream buying food with food stamps at the dollar store.

              our decisions over the last 30 years are now blowing up in our faces. the virus just accelerated it. they are now offering unemployment pandemic assistance until 2021 and 10,000 off federal student loans. it won't be signed or pass, but it's desperation time.

              the jobs aren't going to re-shore. we can't pay our way out of this because while the virus happened overnight, there's no safety net left to fall upon. and this is because we left ourselves naked and vulnerable to a worst case scenario thinking it would never happen- when it was anything but inevitable.

              there's only one way out of this. you have to let it run it's course of devastation and then pick up the pieces.. even if we survive this, imagine the calls for austerity after the housing crises, the austerity after this is over is going to make that look Gandhian.

              this is total devastation. and the things that exploited it and made it inevitable and everyone vulnerable, will continue and make it 100 times worse when this is over. this isn't a moment when everyone is going to find a common enemy and come together and right the wrongs that exacerbated it and we find some magic and we all come together and rectify this desperate situation.

              again what do i really know. i don't know shit, i will be the first person to admit that. i am actually a pretty hopeful guy. but i am more scared for the world right now than ever.
              Jeff Bezos is on pace to become the world's first trillionaire in 2026. This is disgusting. Humanity serves a handful of elites, to produce nothing, give back nothing. If billionaire philanthropists did anything worthwhile this virus wouldn't have decimated the planet. Bill Gates' net worth since making a pledge to give it away over time, has gone up like 800% (something like $15 Bn up to $120 Bn).

              Capitalism is not moral, but as you say, we haven't figured out an acceptable alternative. I don't have any real answers other than eat the rich. I can only hope that this crisis shakes civilization to its core, and we rally to fight climate change. But we are a reactionary species, as this virus clearly illustrates. We only act when we see it's too late. We are fucked.
              Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


              • “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

                ― Albert Einstein


                • Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
                  Jeff Bezos is on pace to become the world's first trillionaire in 2026.
                  Even after his divorce? I would be very surprised if he reached that number in his lifetime after his divorce, but his wealth is obscene, to be sure. It is disappointing he has not done more good with it. Gates has spent billions and billions to help people. Yes, he too is still obscenely wealthy, because he keeps making money, but I think he keeps his promise before it is all said and done and it hard to criticize a guy who has done as much good as him (even if his healthy, like everyone that rich, was built on the backs of hard working folks and at the expense of others, but that is capitalism, and at least he does a lot of good).


                  • Despite widespread global support, the CCP Health Organization, known for some strange reason as the WHO, denies restoration of observer status to Taiwan:

                    Taiwan: China can pressure campaign | WHO | No invite for Taiwan for WHA Taiwan has not been allowed to attend the WHA meeting and there is no invitation sen...

                    Saddens but doesn't surprise me. I'd like to see the countries that are not under China's control quit the WHO and form a new global health org and include Taiwan and I think there is growing grass roots support for this but I don't know how much overall support there is really.


                    • Governors from New York, California and Texas said Monday that professional sports could resume in their respective states in the near future.

                      California considering this is a huge development for getting sports back sooner rather than later. I’m a little surprised.


                      • Originally posted by nots View Post

                        California considering this is a huge development for getting sports back sooner rather than later. I’m a little surprised.
                        New York as well.


                        • Some good news re: CV-19 for a change: promising results re: the vaccine that Moderna is developing. The report is from CNN:

                          Study subjects who received Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine had positive early results, according to the biotech company, which partnered with the National Instit...

                          It might be ready for market by Jan 2021. Large scale phase 3 clinical trials are planned for July. It took an average of 43 days for the patients to develop antibodies. There are issues re: the proper dosage to be worked out, particularly w patients w preexisting conditions.


                          • My cousin posted an image on social media today saying: "The covid-19 solution - AFRAID - stay home, video conference, order curbside, wear a mask, NOT AFRAID - go to work, go to school, go to the park, travel and vacation, take the kids to the park, host/go to parties, enjoy life. YOU DO YOU AND I'LL DO ME. FREEDOM IS THE SOLUTION.".

                            Multiple family members "liked" it.


                            My response (I'm sure I'll be roasted by my family):

                            I don't agree with you here.

                            We need leadership to continue focusing everyone on the common goal of protecting those at risk. It's not about being "afraid" it's about the safety of those who can be really hurt. Of course we have freedoms, and we should hold on to those and protect them, but there are also barriers in place to protect everyone's safety as well. And everyone wants those barriers, we don't just send criminals home and tell them to please be nicer, we place them in prison to protect the rest of us.

                            Without dwelling too much on that comparison, I think the key is that you take all the precautions you can in order to protect others, not yourself. Can I still go to the park, safely, sure. But do I stay home when possible, absolutely. And it's not about fear, it's about respecting others who are vulnerable, because if everyone just said freedom is the solution and went out to parties, as this suggests, the death count is going to be ridiculously high. And it won't be just the people at the parties, they will take it home and hurt their loved ones.

                            You do you and I do me doesn't work in this case unfortunately. That's the worst idea possible. The only way this works is a group effort. I can only keep myself from spreading this, but you can go spread it to numerous people if you choose to go party instead.

                            I've found that those in the medical field that know about it much more than you and I generally agree with taking precautions (I'm sure we can find numerous youtube videos of doctors who don't but that's the exception rather than the rule in my opinion.) In fact, our cousin, a nurse who has treated patients with COVID, is adamant about taking more precautions. I think we should probably listen to her!

                            My daughter has a rare disease, and I have no idea how this virus would work with her unique system. I have a cousin who has 1 lung. I have many family members who are older and might not be able to handle COVID. I'm going to do what I can to keep them safe to the best of my ability. If it means I don't get to go to a party, I'm okay with that. Will you join me in that?

                            Highly respect your option and where you are coming from, but I disagree with the message you sent here. Staying home isn't about fear. Video conferencing isn't about fear. Ordering curbside isn't about fear. And wearing PPE isn't about fear. It's about caring about more than yourself. That's what I'm teaching my kids. They aren't afraid, but they care about their grandparents.


                            • it's over, we lost. i spent 10 hours last night tracing things. when this pandemic hit, it hit like an epidemic in it's last stage. which obviously is abnormal.

                              i can make a long essay, and i might. what disappointing me most, the reputable literature the journal Nature. the shit they published about the science of the coronavirus puts them next to the corruption of the WHO. that one paper,

                              i can completely rip that apart. they blatantly lied. there was a backbone. and more. but they made some points but only in their errors to cover for their funding investors. and sadly, apparently, it's come to this. the journal nature has recently before retracted statements at the request of the communist party. but this is outright corruption in the form of science. i learned a lot from delineating the mistakes in the article. but they were so glaring.


                              • the world is going to turn on china, it's going to get ugly. forget about the science, they aren't letting anyone investigate this. kick them out of the world trade organization, out of the UN security counsel.

                                you know, Taiwan owes the world 6 trillion dollars. 1.6 trillion to the united states before 1949. so if China says Taiwan is part of China, than China owes the world 6 trillion in debt. COVID-19: The feasibility of making China legally responsible

                                we've fought 2 wars with China in Vietnam and North Korea. why did we ever, not only allow a communist country to become an ally economically, but help them to be stronger.

                                China is going to get away with accidentally releasing this virus. because they might be the first ones, but some other country will be the last. gain of function. they should make some kind of law and dress it up to sound pretty. the gain of function patriot heroes care act. i think everyone could get behind something that sounds so promising.

