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Possible War with Iran

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  • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    Yes, but potentially more tragic if it ends up being an attack, because 170+ dead could escalate this in a way I thought highly unlikely before. Although, I really don't see why this would be an purposeful attack. Maybe an accidental hit from a missile, that that is a long shot too.
    DUBAI/KIEV, Jan 8 (Reuters) - A Ukrainian airliner burst into flames shortly after take-off from Tehran on Wednesday, killing all 176 people aboard in a crash that an initial report blamed on engine failure.
    Debris and smoldering engine parts were strewn across a field around 10 km (six miles) from Imam Khomeini airport as rescue workers with face masks retrieved bodies of the victims.

    Ukraine's embassy in Iran, citing preliminary information, said the Boeing 737 suffered engine failure and the crash was not caused by "terrorism."

    Carrier Ukraine International Airlines said it was doing everything possible to confirm the cause, and the investigation would also involve Boeing and Ukrainian and Iranian authorities. It was the Kiev-based airline's first fatal accident.


    • if Trump wants to start a war with Iran the next response would be to hit the Iranian bases that launched the missiles with cruise missiles. there would be no coalition support but the Israelis might. maybe some of the Sunni countries. not saying it should happen but you'll never get another opportunity like this. to look back someday and say the US was the only country that could do it but didn't. if you want to be the world's policeman. I don't see how it's not going to escalate. there's no other countries backing Iran.

      edit: I guess it can't be done. who the hell would be in charge of Iran after. be like Iraq you break it you fix it. situation would end up being worse than it is now. the civilian casualties and in Iraq for every American killed in the war 5 were horribly wounded.
      Last edited by ; 01-08-2020, 09:17 AM.


      • I reiterate my conviction that this was a face saving measure from a country that wants no part of a war with the US. The US has a clear out to walk away at this point, and not doing so would be an error of epic proportions. I just don't see a war happening. Here is what Iran's FM said of their symbolic attack. Any American who supports retaliation for this benign missile barrage after we killed 27 of their soldiers, and assassinated their 2nd most powerful leader is either a bloodthirsty monster (the sort that callously calls for us to turn the whole of the Middle East into glass) or an ill-informed dolt. I know we have plenty of both (as does every country).

        Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, also seemed ready to stand down, for now. “Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense,” Mr. Zarif tweeted. “We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression.”


        • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
          The US has a clear out to walk away at this point, and not doing so would be an error of epic proportions.
          I agree, that's the rational response. The big fear with Trump has always been that he gets his ego tied in and can't back down. Hope that is not the case here.


          • from a strategic standpoint, unless Russia and China would get involved, and I guess Russia is more concerned with their naval port in Syria - China would demand concessions in it's internal affairs with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Russia would demand concessions on Ukraine and anything else that happens around them. yet they kind of already have that.

            Hezbollah has 150,000 Iranian rockets aimed at Israel and get more dangerous every year. some day Syria will be back on it's feet and won't be too happy with Israel recently striking Iranian bases there. Syria will rebuild their army specifically to counter Israel. Iraq will only become closer to Iran.

            it's true the missile attack was more of a statement, but after having Saddam gone they increased their attacks and threats instead of decreased. they attacked American soldiers during the Iraq war even though power was being consolidated in their favor. they attack with proxy armies and militias and now when they do raise their hand and say they did it, everyone is supposed to say it's ok because they weren't really attacking.

            I am not saying I am for escalation, I am just to think about what's happened or will. right now, Iran is in a pretty weak spot. I don't see how you can officially shoot ballistic missiles at an American base and get away with it even if no-one was hurt and there's no damage. has any country done that before while not officially at war?


            • Said much better than I could have possibly said it:
              It's more or less the dinner hour on Wednesday in Baghdad. The Iranian missile attack of last night is long since over and there haven't been any more rockets fired since. By all accounts, there were ...


              • Iran clearly missed on purpose and punching back now would be an act of viscous cruelty and stupidity. Trump is saying the right things, so it looks like we got away with assassinating their guy, because might makes right. I am thankful it looks like it won't degrade into a war.


                • interesting. It would be nice if we didn't give the President as much authority as we do. Maybe at some point we can change that.

                  Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
                  The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
                  George Orwell, 1984


                  • You guys are are living in a fantasy world. It's nice


                    • Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
                      interesting. It would be nice if we didn't give the President as much authority as we do. Maybe at some point we can change that.

                      Yeah, I'm pretty sure Trump was presented with the option to kill Sulemani right after snorting a mountain of crushed Adderall and Sudafed. Would that make you more impulsive? I dunno, but I don't think his addiction is helping anything.

                      Did anybody see the press conference? 58 sniffs and snorts, slurred speech, etc. Dude looked sedated. Had that same weird jaw clenching thing going on that he occasionally exhibits.

                      All the more reason to reign in all Presidents' unilateral military decision making powers.

                      Iran is literally using the negotiated language of the US counterparts, "proportional response", to avoid a war. This is great news.
                      Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                      • The US now believes (like most others) that the Ukrainian airliner was mistakenly shot down by Iran. Horrifying if true.


                        • Originally posted by revo View Post
                          The US now believes (like most others) that the Ukrainian airliner was mistakenly shot down by Iran. Horrifying if true.
                          Trump will say Obama shot it down and 45 percent of the US will believe it.


                          • Originally posted by fuhrdog View Post
                            Trump will say Obama shot it down and 45 percent of the US will believe it.
                            they're already pretty much saying it, that the money he "gave" Iran paid for the missiles.


                            • i think about things like Australia being on fire. not just an entire country practically but a continent and some leaders still debate -the environment will cause more wars. and then there is Iran where for 30 years operates like a terrorist state. it's better to let the people of Iran take care of it eventually. and someday they will. but there is always a price. but the longer you wait that price or suffering goes up. i didn't mean money but also there's record low unemployment but record high deficit and debt, inequality and some leaders still debate. here the world sits with the cat completely out of the bag and the world debates what to do. and the cost and toll goes up.


                              • i think it sets a bad precedent to allow anyone to officially fire ballistic missiles at an american base like that. even hard core right wingers will admit Trump was wrong to allow it with only sanctions as president. if North Korea fired missiles at Japan, and not over them purposely, it just might start a war. this was an act of war. and we let it go. when Saddam fired scuds at Israel we begged them not to respond.

                                you are not supposed to do that to our bases and get away with it, and they did. that's not good.

