Originally posted by Sour Masher
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But I find it annoying that I dig up links about relevant candidate issues, and they're consistently ignored.
Did anybody notice Bernie leading Biden 39-24 in the Wisconsin poll that revo posted? With Beto under 10% on a poll conducted throughout the weekend of his launch?! Did you notice the number of Wisconsonites who wished the Dems would move further left vs. further right? Look at the data!
Debate me on substance instead of this "too far left", "not far enough right".... that's not a debate. People respond to substance. It's about populism (championing policy with widespread support, which both Bernie and Trump are doing) vs. the establishment. Even Buttigieg is willing to cleverly deconstruct Trump on a personal level that appeals to Democratic voters much more than standard establishment beliefs in maintaining decorum and treating even the scummiest Republicans with undue respect. Trump's fake populism worked. Bernie's legitimate populism will work even better.