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Election 2020

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  • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    I can always count on you to make me laugh .
    Really, I don't see it...

    Seth, why do you always make that stupid, not funny joke?
    I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


    • Originally posted by heyelander View Post
      Really, I don't see it...

      Seth, why do you always make that stupid, not funny joke?
      Please do not plagiarize my son. Proper attribution is required.


      • Originally posted by umjewman View Post
        Please do not plagiarize my son. Proper attribution is required.
        I'm so disappointed that this is the first time I've got to use it. I am going to have to work on that.
        I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert...


        • Originally posted by umjewman View Post
          Please do not plagiarize my son. Proper attribution is required.
          No kidding. Who do you think you are, Joe Biden?
          I'm just here for the baseball.


          • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
            No kidding. Who do you think you are, Joe Biden?
            I dunno, I think the name calling by Trump more accurately sounds like my children


            • Ok so some news as cook political moved Iowa and Ohio from lean R to tossup in their Electoral Map.

              This move continues to make Trump's path harder as he is now defending FL, GA, IA, OH, Maine -2, and NC as tossups to go with defending MI, PA, NE-2, WI, and AZ as lean D. He is playing no offense, no states in the tossup race did Clinton win in 16 and he has no lean R Clinton states...

              Cook also made 7 House race changes 5 to the left and 2 right. The key is what kind of changes, two tossups moved to lean d, the right moved 2 likely d to lean d. 3 lean d went to likely d. That now brings Cooks totals to...

              224 solid/likely/lean D
              185 solid/likely/lean R
              26 toss ups

              So if you just split the toss up races it would a net gain of +4 seats to the Democrats, this is after a wave election in 16.


              • The Biden campaign hauled in $25m since the shitshow started last night, including $8m during the debate itself. The $4m that went though immediately following the debate was a one hour record.

                Dopey is the gift that keeps on giving.


                • Just in case any of you know a progressive turned off by Biden not fully embracing the full Sanders platform, here is Sanders' full throated support of Biden and endorsement of Biden understanding what matters:


                  • Seriously, whatever media team TLP hired is HOF level. Like, pay whatever it takes to make sure they are on your side making content in the next election, cuz I would not want them making content against me. Just the sheer volume of good ones they have put out... well, maybe it is just because Trump gives them so much material to work with, but here is another great one they did last month are got reposted after the debate:


                    • That Lincoln Project ad is garbage. How does it appeal to Republicans in any way? The supposed goal is to peel off Republicans and they aren't doing that in any way whatsoever.

                      Its just like Bloomberg. Some people are so eager to praise gross fucking self-interested grifters who spend money to ingratiate themselves among Democrats.

                      You never answered my question. How do you think these Lincoln Project fuckwads feel about RBG passing and Trump forcing an SC appointment? Are they filled with joy or sad about Trump breaking with norms?
                      Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                      • Originally posted by onejayhawk View Post
                        Ted is not the physics major mentioned.


                        I am not an unabashed fan, though I am persuaded to support him. You are such a Trump hating echo chamber that any voice of reason seems like it comes from another planet, because it does. I live on Earth. Where you all are is some alt-reality where calling Trump a racist makes sense. Bizarre.

                        These are facts. There are about 220 million eligible voters, of which about 43% openly support Trump. That's 95 million voters without trying to persuade anyone else. Hillary had 66 million in 2016. From that group, Trump needs is a 75% turn out to poll 71 million votes. That's doable and Biden cannot beat it. He's got no oomph in his support.

                        Leave your alt-facts and fake news for a bit and do some 5th grade math.

                        Brian Kilmead, the dumbest of the Fox & Friends crew had this take: "Donald Trump blew the biggest layup in the history of debates by not condemning white sumpremists (sic). I don't know if he didn't hear it but he's gotta clarify that right away. That's like 'are you against evil?'. Why the President didn't just knock that out of the park, I'm not sure."

                        But I'm sure the hosts of the Presidents favorite morning show on Fox News were broadcasting from that alternate universe you speak of when they noted Trump's downright confusing support of the Proud Boys, who adopted "stand back and stand by" as their new official slogan.

                        Some of your points about 3rd party voters supporting Trump this election are interesting. This argument that Trump isn't racist is the most laughable, idiotic, nonsensical thing ever posted though. Thought I would bring it up as the country debates Trump's white supremacy for the 87th time and he refuses to back down from his statements supporting white supremacy.
                        Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."


                        • Geez that decency LP ad is another home run. LP is of course a network of republicans, long time well respected republicans, who have spent a lifetime electing republicans. These ads, and the LP stated core mission is "priority for all patriotic Americans must be a shared fidelity to the Constitution and a commitment to defeat those candidates who have abandoned their constitutional oaths, regardless of party. Electing Democrats who support the Constitution over Republicans who do not". Clear call for decency of Biden ad contrasting with trumps own words, his own actions, just perfect. Just could not be a better call for crossover regardless of your point on political spectrum, and the week after week 538 polls are reflecting thie widening gap. trump has telegraphed he has largely ceded the race in lieu of poisoning the process as the longshot odds are growing longer.


                          • New Biden endorsements, focusing on republicans called Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden now number over 130 with menbership that held high ranking positions in administrations of Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. New endorsements as of today include Greg Brower, a former FBI assistant director; Larry Pfeiffer, a former CIA chief of staff; and Alden Munson, former deputy director of National Intelligence.

                            Notable that over 100 McCain ex staff members endorse Biden noting they are solidly republicans. This election is more than dem vs rep. and why I like to highlight the crossover endorsements is becuase this is just not a dem vs rep race.

                            No presidential candidate has matched Biden crossover endorsements since Nixons 49 state re election in 1972 but again, thi is not just a lukewarm to trump but of an actively saying this guy is not just unfit, but a danger to our country, to an extent that a full spectrum of former high ranking republicans are putting their names to public statements declaring how trump has imperiled america https://www.defendingdemocracytogeth...onal-security/


                            • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                              Geez that decency LP ad is another home run. LP is of course a network of republicans, long time well respected republicans, who have spent a lifetime electing republicans. These ads, and the LP stated core mission is "priority for all patriotic Americans must be a shared fidelity to the Constitution and a commitment to defeat those candidates who have abandoned their constitutional oaths, regardless of party. Electing Democrats who support the Constitution over Republicans who do not". Clear call for decency of Biden ad contrasting with trumps own words, his own actions, just perfect. Just could not be a better call for crossover regardless of your point on political spectrum, and the week after week 538 polls are reflecting thie widening gap. trump has telegraphed he has largely ceded the race in lieu of poisoning the process as the longshot odds are growing longer.
                              TW, I am quoting gcstomp rather than your post to respond to your question, because he largely answered it. I will only add that I really do not get your antagonism to the LP. I guess you are not a believer in the old adage that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

                              I don't get the concern or vitrol toward them at all here. Do you think I or anyone else that appreciates these ads are being fooled into thinking the people behind the LP agree with me on all things politically? Of course that is not so. And I don't see how Biden or Dems in general will be in any way beholden to these moderate/centrist Republicans of conscience after the election. I respect the position they are taking against the leader of their own party. I admire the integrity they are showing. And most of all, I appreciate the craft and skill on the team they hired to make these ads (and I assume that team is apolitical professionals who can be hired by Dems later, which I hope they will, because they know their stuff). But I don't agree with them politically on many things, and I do not want or expect Biden to shift his platform as a thank you to their efforts.

                              You bringing up the fact that those behind these ads are Republicans who are likely happy about another conservative justice on the SC. Ok. Sure. I don't get why that should stop me from appreciating the effectiveness of their anti-Trump messaging or wonder why it seems better and more viral than Biden's own ads.

                              Aside from that, I personally do not feel anger or disgust at conservatives who want another justice rushed through. It makes sense for them to want that. What pisses me off is the blatant hypocrisy many of them have shown. Most especially Lindsay Graham, who was the most explicit in stating he would not do what he is doing now. Many of the others did not say that, or were careful to leave open the distinction between them blocking judges for the opposition and pushing them for their party. I am not mad at the action itself, but the hypocrisy and lying involved by many. The fact that Mitt Romney or someone like him wants that justice pushed through at warp speed does not make me seethe with anger in and of itself. I hope the Dems will do the same thing when they are in power. And on that point, I was frustrated that Biden did not push back on Trump in the debate when Trump said Obama/Biden left like 180 empty judicial appointments for him to fill, and that was a failure on them. It would have been if they had control, but they couldn't do what he is doing, because they did not have a majority at the time.


                              • Here's a breakdown of the insidiousness of the Lincoln Project. Its not for wooing Republicans, its about usurping power from the left.

                                Larry David was once being heckled, long before any success. Heckler says "I'm taking my dog over to fuck your mother, weekly." Larry responds "I hate to tell you this, but your dog isn't liking it."

