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Election 2020

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
    WaPo is reporting at least 13 off-duty police officers were part of the insurgency at the capitol, which is incredibly concerning and disheartening, but not entirely surprising. The number is likely to continue to grow as we learn more. What is slightly surprising and encouraging given police culture in general is that many of the rioters with badges have been reported to their superiors by fellow officers, according to a source from the article: Country before badge is a good step in the right direction and I hope gives courage to more to step forward when they see abuses of power and other behavior unbecoming of an officer of the law.
    Unfortunately, not surprising at all. As I have mentioned in here before, my little brother is a 25+ year vet of the Los Angeles Sherriff's Dept. He is off patrol now and works as the coroner for the same region. Growing up he was in theatre, sang, played drums and had a diverse group of friends. After HS he joined the military, but unlike my path--Crypto Linguist, he went into the military police after which he joined the Riverside SD and then the LASD. both departments are known for being systemically racist with the LASD being one of the worst on record. My brother has never shot anyone to date, but who knows what the future holds. He has become a full fledged Trumpist, bigoted and hateful. Streams right wing BS in his truck while using racial epithets like they're normal descriptives. Thing is, that until Trump--he never shared this side of him with me or my wife. I knew he'd voted for Trump in 16 but his excuse was--he wanted to piss liberals off. His mother in law calls Trump a Godly man.

    This revaluation coupled with my support for the BLM has turned a tolerable simple disagreement of opinion into a reality in which we no longer speak. Nor do I expect that to change. I'll always love my brother, but if there's no attempt to understand (and yes I have tried and tried in the most respectful manner) there can be no reconciliation (unity)

    I'd wouldn't have been surprised to see him among the idiots who stormed the castle if he didn't have a young daughter. So for all his hate for anything not White and/or Right, his love for his child gives me hope he might still be able to change.

    In the past I'd have said he'd be one of those cops who'd do the right thing and turn the others in if he knew them, I can't say that anymore.

    I'm sure this story is not uncommon and sadly these same stories are the collateral damage of Trumps regime.

    I don't hate Trump, but I'll be making a special trip to his grave once he dies just to leave him a little something. That'll assuage me and I'll spend less time in jail for that then putting him in it.

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  • Sour Masher
    WaPo is reporting at least 13 off-duty police officers were part of the insurgency at the capitol, which is incredibly concerning and disheartening, but not entirely surprising. The number is likely to continue to grow as we learn more. What is slightly surprising and encouraging given police culture in general is that many of the rioters with badges have been reported to their superiors by fellow officers, according to a source from the article: Country before badge is a good step in the right direction and I hope gives courage to more to step forward when they see abuses of power and other behavior unbecoming of an officer of the law.

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  • Sour Masher
    Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
    I don't know, I just heard about it from a friend and thought I'd post it here without citation

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Well who do you think created 5G ?
    I don't know, I just heard about it from a friend and thought I'd post it here without citation

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
    It was the 5g.
    Well who do you think created 5G ?

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  • GwynnInTheHall
    Originally posted by The Feral Slasher View Post
    Sad that they gave in to the pressure of the lizard men and illuminati.
    It was the 5g.

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  • The Feral Slasher
    Originally posted by revo View Post
    Right wing site “American Thinker,” which published election “fraud” nonsense with alacrity, was threatened by Dominion Voting Systems lawyers to admit and retract their lies or to see them in court.

    They folded like a house of cards in a stunning admission:

    “ American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

    These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

    It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. ”
    Sad that they gave in to the pressure of the lizard men and illuminati.

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  • chancellor
    LOL, they're toast. They've had to turn off comments on the whole site. It's on full meltdown mode.

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  • revo
    Right wing site “American Thinker,” which published election “fraud” nonsense with alacrity, was threatened by Dominion Voting Systems lawyers to admit and retract their lies or to see them in court.

    They folded like a house of cards in a stunning admission:

    “ American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

    These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

    It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. ”

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  • heyelander
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    These are the 10 House Republicans who still have a soul and voted to impeach Trump. The other 197 House Republicans are still complicit in spreading lies about the election.

    Rep. David Valadao of California
    Valadao just won his seat in a predominantly Democratic district that went for Biden by over 10 points. Probably politically advantageous for him to do the right thing there.

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  • revo
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    These are the 10 House Republicans who still have a soul and voted to impeach Trump. The other 197 House Republicans are still complicit in spreading lies about the election.

    Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

    Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

    Rep. Jamie Herrera-Beutler of Washington

    Rep. John Katko of New York

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

    Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

    Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

    Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

    Rep. David Valadao of California
    FYI, Anthony Gonzalez is the former Indianapolis Colts WR.

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  • madducks
    These are the 10 House Republicans who still have a soul and voted to impeach Trump. The other 197 House Republicans are still complicit in spreading lies about the election.

    Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

    Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

    Rep. Jamie Herrera-Beutler of Washington

    Rep. John Katko of New York

    Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

    Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

    Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

    Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

    Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

    Rep. David Valadao of California

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  • madducks
    Originally posted by Teenwolf View Post
    I knew this happened with Josh Hawley, but not all of them. Hawley's meltdown over it was fun to watch.

    This is great news.
    And Simon & Schuster has canceled Hawley's book deal.

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  • Teenwolf
    Originally posted by madducks View Post
    Now it's really getting serious.

    I knew this happened with Josh Hawley, but not all of them. Hawley's meltdown over it was fun to watch.

    This is great news.

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  • madducks
    Now it's really getting serious.

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