Originally posted by nots
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None of that absolves the Bidens.
Sour Masher, Joe Biden has a nickname "the senator from MBNA". He gained this nickname because of his dealings with the big banks, who are his biggest campaign contributors throughout his career. Biden came through for the banks several times, including the awful bankruptcy bill, and the massive bailout package, among other things. The fact that you see a senator who's been taking money in exchange for political favors his entire career as worthy of the benefit of the doubt on the issue of corruption is laughable. This is what "soft corruption" is. It's not illegal, its widespread, its non-partisan. But that doesn't mean it's not corrupt. Joe Biden himself claimed that he told Bernie to run without corporate PAC money, because that money has the appearance of corruption. He said this himself! Dude cannot even remember who the fuck he is, or his son, apparently.