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President Donald Trump

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  • that d-bag yiannopoulos gave a talk here locally about a month ago, at UNM. it was heavily protested. he can't be out of the spotlight soon enough for me.
    "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann


    • Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
      He's got words, really good words, at least a couple of hundred words...

      I honestly wish I could make this up, but I can't It's the reality that we're living today. At least he's going places that he never would have as a private citizen.

      Oh yeah, they also rolled back the protections for Transgender students in public schools. sigh...
      The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened on September 24, you think he's been a little busy in the last few months. Good grief, there is a heck of a lot to complain about, but come on, Horns, you're so much better than picking on the fact he has been there. Have you been yourself? Now, I will say maybe he could have gone there on one of the weekends he's been playing golf. Trump is not eloquent, but sometimes when you stand in front of something that shocks you or impacts your core, your response is simple, simple sentences. It only helps that Trump is already there.

      As for the transgender bathrooms, rolling back is not surprising. But shame on Obama for waiting until the last nine months of his presidency before acting on that. Perhaps his thoughts on this issue hadn't evolved until then. HE SHOULD NOT GET A PASS.

      Couple other notes on the bathrooms:

      - Interesting the DeVos pushed back on the repeal. Not surprised she lost to Sessions and Trump.
      - Trump stating that this is a state's issue, IMO, really plays in to the hands of progressives. Look at all the pushback that come from cancelled events in North Carolina. Economics will decide this issue.
      - I like Mrs. ITC's stance on's simple, make one room for standing and one for sitting.
      "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
      - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

      i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
      - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


      • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
        The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened on September 24, you think he's been a little busy in the last few months. Good grief, there is a heck of a lot to complain about, but come on, Horns, you're so much better than picking on the fact he has been there. Have you been yourself? Now, I will say maybe he could have gone there on one of the weekends he's been playing golf. Trump is not eloquent, but sometimes when you stand in front of something that shocks you or impacts your core, your response is simple, simple sentences. It only helps that Trump is already there.

        As for the transgender bathrooms, rolling back is not surprising. But shame on Obama for waiting until the last nine months of his presidency before acting on that. Perhaps his thoughts on this issue hadn't evolved until then. HE SHOULD NOT GET A PASS.

        Couple other notes on the bathrooms:

        - Interesting the DeVos pushed back on the repeal. Not surprised she lost to Sessions and Trump.
        - Trump stating that this is a state's issue, IMO, really plays in to the hands of progressives. Look at all the pushback that come from cancelled events in North Carolina. Economics will decide this issue.
        - I like Mrs. ITC's stance on's simple, make one room for standing and one for sitting.
        Yep, the fiscal pressure on states will be enormous and no doubt will have an impact on what happens going forward.


        • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
          The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened on September 24, you think he's been a little busy in the last few months. Good grief, there is a heck of a lot to complain about, but come on, Horns, you're so much better than picking on the fact he has been there. Have you been yourself? Now, I will say maybe he could have gone there on one of the weekends he's been playing golf. Trump is not eloquent, but sometimes when you stand in front of something that shocks you or impacts your core, your response is simple, simple sentences. It only helps that Trump is already there.

          As for the transgender bathrooms, rolling back is not surprising. But shame on Obama for waiting until the last nine months of his presidency before acting on that. Perhaps his thoughts on this issue hadn't evolved until then. HE SHOULD NOT GET A PASS.

          Couple other notes on the bathrooms:

          - Interesting the DeVos pushed back on the repeal. Not surprised she lost to Sessions and Trump.
          - Trump stating that this is a state's issue, IMO, really plays in to the hands of progressives. Look at all the pushback that come from cancelled events in North Carolina. Economics will decide this issue.
          - I like Mrs. ITC's stance on's simple, make one room for standing and one for sitting.
          You miss the point, which is simply that he has the vocabulary of a 6th grader...not that he hasn't been there before, I wouldn't have expected that. It's the way he expresses himself, nothing more, nothing less. Frankly, it's pretty embarrassing that all he could come up with regarding one of the worst periods in our nations history is that it was pretty bad. Jesus, really?

          And the simple solution for a bathroom is to simply have a unisex room that can be locked...
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
          -Warren Ellis


          • After last night my wife and I agreed to say "enough."

            We've befriended those in the Hispanic community for many years - made many friends, introduced to amazing foods, and have seen the depths of poverty, etc. We have taken in a "Dreamer" as well as an "illegal" in the past 10 years, both living with us off and on for three years before moving on to start their own independent lives, and are now called abuelita and abuelito to newborns.

            Last night another mother came to our home to ask us to care for her two youngest children in case anything happened to her (obviously in fear of deportation). We agreed. Over the past month we've agreed to take in seven children (all U.S. born of illegals) from three families if something should happen to their parents. After she left, my wife and I agreed that we need to say "no" from now on. I doubt anything will happen to these parents, as all have been here longer than two years and are in no ways in any trouble with the law.

            Politics aside, there is genuine uncertainty and fear in this small coastal Hispanic community.
            "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." Oscar Wilde
            "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Gandhi
            WRL (AL-only) Champion (league started in 1997) - 1997, '98, 2000, '03, '08, '15, '16, '17
            PVRL (NL-only) Champion (league started in 1986)- 1993, 2004, '05, '06, '10, '11, '14, '16, '17


            • Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
              And the simple solution for a bathroom is to simply have a unisex room that can be locked...
              Totally impractical for schools. Should there be separate locker rooms too?
              If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
              - Terence McKenna

              Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

              How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


              • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                Totally impractical for schools. Should there be separate locker rooms too?
                It would be an additional set of it is I favor the previous administrations approach, but obviously, that's going to be argued for years now.
                "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                -Warren Ellis


                • Originally posted by kawaise View Post
                  After last night my wife and I agreed to say "enough."

                  We've befriended those in the Hispanic community for many years - made many friends, introduced to amazing foods, and have seen the depths of poverty, etc. We have taken in a "Dreamer" as well as an "illegal" in the past 10 years, both living with us off and on for three years before moving on to start their own independent lives, and are now called abuelita and abuelito to newborns.

                  Last night another mother came to our home to ask us to care for her two youngest children in case anything happened to her (obviously in fear of deportation). We agreed. Over the past month we've agreed to take in seven children (all U.S. born of illegals) from three families if something should happen to their parents. After she left, my wife and I agreed that we need to say "no" from now on. I doubt anything will happen to these parents, as all have been here longer than two years and are in no ways in any trouble with the law.

                  Politics aside, there is genuine uncertainty and fear in this small coastal Hispanic community.
                  I think that is very commendable on the part of you and your wife. I applaud your willingness to get involved.


                  • Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
                    It would be an additional set of it is I favor the previous administrations approach, but obviously, that's going to be argued for years now.
                    Right, ideally there would be an additional set, but how feasible is that for most schools? I'm not sure I even understand the previous administrations approach tbh.
                    If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                    - Terence McKenna

                    Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                    How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                    • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                      Totally impractical for schools. Should there be separate locker rooms too?
                      I could see where school look at this and say, Phy Ed is no longer a requirement. This takes the issue completely away, unless the child wants to play sports.

                      I see schools looking to find a way to create priavte changing rooms that are available to anyone for any reason - transgender, modesty, body issues, etc.

                      And I agree Obama didn't do much to help people understand the approach.

                      To be completely open, I have a friend who's child is transgender. I can't imagine what that must be like. I think they have done a great job in affirming their son, now daughter. I don't know that I completely agree with what they are doing, but I am not in that situation and try my darnest to be empathetic.
                      "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
                      - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

                      i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
                      - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


                      • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
                        I could see where school look at this and say, Phy Ed is no longer a requirement. This takes the issue completely away, unless the child wants to play sports.

                        I see schools looking to find a way to create priavte changing rooms that are available to anyone for any reason - transgender, modesty, body issues, etc.

                        And I agree Obama didn't do much to help people understand the approach.

                        To be completely open, I have a friend who's child is transgender. I can't imagine what that must be like. I think they have done a great job in affirming their son, now daughter. I don't know that I completely agree with what they are doing, but I am not in that situation and try my darnest to be empathetic.
                        One of my 8th grade students is transgender - She started transitioning in 6th grade. It says girl on the roster - the kids call her a girl - I call her a girl- and that is what it is.
                        She uses the girls room mostly but there are also a few single person bathrooms around the school - most for faculty and another one used by whoever wants to use it - It really isnt that complicated logistically - and many schools have a few single person bathrooms (sometimes for handicap access)
                        I can't imagine her walking into the boys room.


                        • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
                          I could see where school look at this and say, Phy Ed is no longer a requirement. This takes the issue completely away, unless the child wants to play sports.
                          I sincerely hope that isn't the approach. Lots of research indicates that physical activity in children is not only important for their physical health, but improves scholastic performance. In fact, I think we need more recess/PE/brief activity breaks in K-12 than we have these days.


                          • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                            I sincerely hope that isn't the approach. Lots of research indicates that physical activity in children is not only important for their physical health, but improves scholastic performance. In fact, I think we need more recess/PE/brief activity breaks in K-12 than we have these days.
                            Spot on. Study after study validates the scholastic importance of movement (be it recess, gym, extracurricular etc).


                            • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                              I sincerely hope that isn't the approach. Lots of research indicates that physical activity in children is not only important for their physical health, but improves scholastic performance. In fact, I think we need more recess/PE/brief activity breaks in K-12 than we have these days.
                              I don't disagree, but phy. ed. is already discounted. I think my daughter (who graduated two years ago), I one trimester of required phy. ed. in school throughout the four years of high school. That really isn't doing much to help her.

                              I would be more inclined to see school in middle school and high school provide 30 minutes of "recess-type" activities on a daily basis. Who doesn't look back at middle school and high school and think, man, I would have loved 30 minutes of recess during those days.
                              "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
                              - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

                              i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
                              - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


                              • Nap time!
                                It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
                                Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

                                "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra

