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President Donald Trump

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  • yeah you never take your bag of weed out when ppl ask if you have any, or let them hold it. when they can punch you you in the eye and take it.

    i look at politics like orchids and dandelions.

    a) the orchids are beautiful and pretty and are more sensitive than other flowers to the effects of the environment. as a result they grow magnificently when conditions are just right. but if the conditions are wrong, they tend to wither and do much worse.

    b) the dandelions are better than just plain grass, imo. but they grow about the same. they don't grow too short or too tall. if you put them in the best possible environment the don't change much. if you put them in conditions that are wrong they simply carry on. what they lack in ovation they make up in steadiness.

    orchids are democrats and dandelions are republicans. and the moral of the story is temperament is innate. nature creates both kinds to hedge her bets. sometimes it's a story about who can be the prettiest. sometimes it's about who can be the steadiest. but mostly it's a story about which strategy or trait helps each one to survive.

    i also have another longer version, if someone hasn't already written it already, called The Orchid and the Dandelion. where they both team up and the orchids teach the dandelions how to bloom because the farmer was thinking about planting carrots in their field. and the dandelions teach the orchids how to withstand too much rain because they live on a sloping hill. they realized that they needed each other. and each one had the exact specific skills to help the other with their vulnerability. together they formed an unprecedented alliance on the farmers farm. even the roses couldn't compete with the orchids. they tried to use their thorns and it still didn't work. and the daffodils and the petunias would get jealous of the dandelions.


    • I haven't waded into this pool for a long time. As I stated prior to the election, I did not support Trump or vote for him.

      With that said, and now three weeks into this:

      - What Trump has done doesn't suprise me in the least. His EO are exactly what I anticipated.

      - Immigration. If Trump were smart (I know, he hasn't shown that he is), he would sit down with members of Congress and work on real reform that takes care of the Middle East and Illegal Immigrants already hear. Simple policy, if you're here illegally, we are creating a 90 day window of amnesty. You need to come to the local county government and register for legal paperwork, and we will create a track for you to become a US citizen. When you register, we will be doing a background check. If you have X, Y or Z (felonies) on your record or a warrant, you will be deported. If you don't register in the 90 days, if you are arrested, you will be detained and deported, as you have shown you do not want to be here legally.
      - The Wall. Again totally to his base. It ill-contrived.
      - Bannon, Spicer, Conway. The first is a big danger, that Trump doesn't seem to care about. The other two are idiots. I give them a little slack because they aren't polished, but man, they just can't stop stumbling over themselves.
      - SCOTUS Nominee. Again exactly what I expected he would do.

      On the other side of the aisle, seems they are going to rip the obstructionist title away from the Republicans.

      And did people forget about the motto of the FLOTUS? Seems like everyone is going low now. It's disheartening.
      "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
      - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

      i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
      - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.


      • Originally posted by In the Corn View Post
        On the other side of the aisle, seems they are going to rip the obstructionist title away from the Republicans.
        What choice do the Democrats have? When the Republican Party has shown no willingness to compromise, why should they? That is a admitting subservience. Democrats should obstruct just as obnoxiously as the Republicans did. It just amazes me how Democrats are always expected to be the reasonable party while the Republicans can literally do anything and people just shrug.
        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
        - Terence McKenna

        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


        • i always knew someday i'd figure out why the dandelions were always reaching of exceptionalism or greatness. even tho i was an orchid and could never manage to understand what they meant. they don't want to admit it, and they believe they can do it own their own. but they need our help. just as much as we really need them too, to survive.


          • Originally posted by DMT View Post
            What choice do the Democrats have? When the Republican Party has shown no willingness to compromise, why should they? That is a admitting subservience. Democrats should obstruct just as obnoxiously as the Republicans did. It just amazes me how Democrats are always expected to be the reasonable party while the Republicans can literally do anything and people just shrug.
            Yeah, I couldn't agree more.

            Is anyone else just totally embarrassed by the clown-in-chief and his travelling shitshow?

            Now the clown is saying 78 terror attacks were "underreported" by the media, including the attacks in Paris(!) and Orlando(!). And they released a memo with misspellings!!!!! You have got to be kidding me!!! "Attakers???" Really?? This is like a Nigerian email!!


            • Originally posted by revo View Post
              Is anyone else just totally embarrassed by the clown-in-chief and his travelling shitshow?

              Now the clown is saying 78 terror attacks were "underreported" by the media, including the attacks in Paris(!) and Orlando(!). And they released a memo with misspellings!!!!! You have got to be kidding me!!! "Attakers???" Really?? This is like a Nigerian email!!
              Yes, I am completely embarrassed that he is the POTUS. His attacks on the media and the judiciary are disturbing on their face, and the juvenile, ham-handed, manner in which he carries out these attacks are an affront to the dignity of the office, and reflect the worst stereotypes of America to the rest of the world. The fact that someone who communicates so poorly was able to convince the electorate of his worth, not based on actual credentials, or logic, or reasoning, but by proclaiming, in the simplest way, "I'm the best, everyone else is a loser! reminds me of Idiocracy, an absurd farce of a movie that now reads like prophecy.


              • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                Yes, I am completely embarrassed that he is the POTUS. His attacks on the media and the judiciary are disturbing on their face, and the juvenile, ham-handed, manner in which he carries out these attacks are an affront to the dignity of the office, and reflect the worst stereotypes of America to the rest of the world. The fact that someone who communicates so poorly was able to convince the electorate of his worth, not based on actual credentials, or logic, or reasoning, but by proclaiming, in the simplest way, "I'm the best, everyone else is a loser! reminds me of Idiocracy, an absurd farce of a movie that now reads like prophecy.
                And lest anyone say I'm anti-GOP, I'll begrudgingly take Pence, but gladly take Ryan or any other republican president (yeah, even Cruz!) at this point. Just get this bozo out of the oval office!


                • Originally posted by revo View Post
                  And lest anyone say I'm anti-GOP, I'll begrudgingly take Pence, but gladly take Ryan or any other republican president (yeah, even Cruz!) at this point. Just get this bozo out of the oval office!
                  I still lament that Kasich didn't do better. The contrast between him and Trump was so stark, and Repubs chose Trump. To quote Trump, "very sad."


                  • Originally posted by revo View Post
                    And lest anyone say I'm anti-GOP, I'll begrudgingly take Pence, but gladly take Ryan or any other republican president (yeah, even Cruz!) at this point. Just get this bozo out of the oval office!
                    sure, me too, but we got what we got and thats likely to not change for almost 4 years.
                    "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

                    "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


                    • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                      I still lament that Kasich didn't do better. The contrast between him and Trump was so stark, and Repubs chose Trump. To quote Trump, "very sad."
                      voters also put Cruz and Rubio ahead of Kasich. Kasich's strategy of only winning Ohio was incredibly dumb.
                      "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

                      "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


                      • Originally posted by cardboardbox View Post
                        sure, me too, but we got what we got and thats likely to not change for almost 4 years.
                        Between the possibility of impeachment or resignation, I'm not willing to go more than 50-50 on him lasting four years.


                        • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                          Yes, I am completely embarrassed that he is the POTUS. His attacks on the media and the judiciary are disturbing on their face, and the juvenile, ham-handed, manner in which he carries out these attacks are an affront to the dignity of the office, and reflect the worst stereotypes of America to the rest of the world. The fact that someone who communicates so poorly was able to convince the electorate of his worth, not based on actual credentials, or logic, or reasoning, but by proclaiming, in the simplest way, "I'm the best, everyone else is a loser! reminds me of Idiocracy, an absurd farce of a movie that now reads like prophecy.
                          I don't know if I am quite in the place you that you are in, SM and Revo, but I too am embarrassed of him. The difference is that he IS my President, like it or not, as he speaks to the world for me/us, no matter how I feel about it. I chose differently, but then again, my guy was not actually on the ballot (I wrote in Paul Ryan as a protest vote assuming Hillary would win in a walkaway!).

                          Unfortunately, this was all very predictable way back in the early primaries when everyone said he's not seriously running and even if he is who would seriously vote for him?. I remember a couple of guys in my office showing up with Trump hats as soon as those crappy hats started showing up everywhere. I asked both if they actually paid for those ugly things or if they were given to them as GOP "party favors." Both were kind of offended and one even looked deeply insulted. Only later would I learn how insulted he really was, when he left the Bank to work elsewhere, partly impacted by changing job duties. Neither guy is a dope, in fact, both are well educated, both are mid-50s to early 60s males, with advanced degrees from Big 10 schools (one was summa cum laude at the "Ivy League of the Midwest," Northwestern). Neither one is a blatant -ist or -phobe or whatever the Dems like to throw at Trump supporters. Both are just guys who have worked hard, one having served his country in the military, and both felt left out by the last 8 years. That is a fairly common feeling among the rank and file within the Banking industry, based on the harsh changes experienced post-crisis.

                          But then again, elections have consequences.
                          I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

                          Ronald Reagan


                          • Originally posted by Bernie Brewer View Post
                            I don't know if I am quite in the place you that you are in, SM and Revo, but I too am embarrassed of him. The difference is that he IS my President, like it or not, as he speaks to the world for me/us, no matter how I feel about it. I chose differently, but then again, my guy was not actually on the ballot (I wrote in Paul Ryan as a protest vote assuming Hillary would win in a walkaway!).

                            Unfortunately, this was all very predictable way back in the early primaries when everyone said he's not seriously running and even if he is who would seriously vote for him?. I remember a couple of guys in my office showing up with Trump hats as soon as those crappy hats started showing up everywhere. I asked both if they actually paid for those ugly things or if they were given to them as GOP "party favors." Both were kind of offended and one even looked deeply insulted. Only later would I learn how insulted he really was, when he left the Bank to work elsewhere, partly impacted by changing job duties. Neither guy is a dope, in fact, both are well educated, both are mid-50s to early 60s males, with advanced degrees from Big 10 schools (one was summa cum laude at the "Ivy League of the Midwest," Northwestern). Neither one is a blatant -ist or -phobe or whatever the Dems like to throw at Trump supporters. Both are just guys who have worked hard, one having served his country in the military, and both felt left out by the last 8 years. That is a fairly common feeling among the rank and file within the Banking industry, based on the harsh changes experienced post-crisis.

                            But then again, elections have consequences.
                            The guys that left your buddies out in the banking industry are the guys Trump is putting into cabinet positions. I just don't get people that vote without thinking.
                            "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

                            "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


                            • Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
                              The guys that left your buddies out in the banking industry are the guys Trump is putting into cabinet positions. I just don't get people that vote without thinking.

                              That's a cute answer, intellectually dishonest, but cute. And, its completely incorrect. They guys that left my buddies and the community Banking industry out are to a large degree still in Congress! And, while I am not excited about much of Trump's actions to date, finally someone recognizes the need to take a hard look at unintended consequences of Dodd Frank (both Dems by the way) and the broad overreach of Senator Warren's pet project, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
                              Last edited by Bernie Brewer; 02-07-2017, 02:52 PM.
                              I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

                              Ronald Reagan


                              • Originally posted by Bernie Brewer View Post
                                I don't know if I am quite in the place you that you are in, SM and Revo, but I too am embarrassed of him. The difference is that he IS my President, like it or not, as he speaks to the world for me/us, no matter how I feel about it. I chose differently, but then again, my guy was not actually on the ballot (I wrote in Paul Ryan as a protest vote assuming Hillary would win in a walkaway!).
                                I've heard and seen (on FB) this line of reasoning. I've never felt this way about a president at any time before, Republican or Democrat. And like I've said, I'm not anti-GOP -- in fact, I was a registered republican until just last week, when I changed to Independent -- but I've never been this embarrassed for our country.

                                So that said, as I was opposed to nearly everything he ran on, should I now support the wall? Support the Muslim ban? Support an entire cabinet of unqualified individuals? Support his nonsensical tweets? Support his idiotic foreign policy? Support his half-assed, improvisational attempts to push his agenda? Support his lies and gaslighting? I'm sorry, no can do.

                                What I can support, is finding a way to get him out of office sooner rather than later. And hope the next guy undoes whatever he is able to push through.

