Originally posted by Hornsby
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We have gotten to where we are today, because both parties frame every issue as a two sided coin. Unfortunately, as of late, one cant hold a position in the middle. Also a person is supposed to hold a position that their party doesnt hold. The tribalization started long long ago, and now we are reaping the fruits of our ignorance and laziness by essentially allowing the parties to run and own the electoral process. The main parties by being who they are get to be the only players at the table.
In order to be successful, we need multiple voices to be heard. We need people that build unity and are willing to look at all sides of the equation. Unfortunately all we have now is Heads or Tails. If your one party you will always vote Heads and the other party votes Tails. Why? Because we are too fucking lazy to consider that the only solutions to our countries problems can be determined by the leaders of the RNC and DNC. And when they need more money, man the problems become more pressing and the other teams solutions more wrong.
If these parties actually listened to their constituency there are any number of issues that would have been dealt with in a manner that both parties could live with over the last decade. Yet they dig their heels in, rather than work together.
Sorry for the diatribe.... but it irks me to hear someone say that a persons vote - no matter how they vote - is a wasted vote. It is the one time that we actually get to stand up and say - this is what I believe. It is the one time we get to say this party or person aligns with how I see we should set policy on all of the issues of the day. If we choose to settle and try to pick the winner, we have forfeited our voice and settled for something less.
That is how we got to where we are today. How else do you explain 2 of the worst ever Presidential candidates?