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President Donald Trump

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  • First of let me preface my post by saying I am one of the 15 non-enlightened folks that, although not voting from Trump, are somehow to be considered a Trump supporting phony moderate. Pity I have been exposed, but I will soldier on with my post.
    The military spending is obscene. Most people agree on that. But ever since Kerry got Swift Boated, it’s almost impossible to be against military spending. If you are a Republican and oppose it, you will be primaried. If you’re a Democrat, your GOP opponent will beat you over the head with it. If you are in office, you lack the courage to close bases or cut the weapon building funding because those weapons are built in your district. So the GOP gives its full throated support to the additional spending and the Dems feign outrage knowing full well that the next time they control the Senate and House, they won’t do a thing about it and will very likely increase it, though probably not as much.
    I choose to look at the military spending increase as another failed social spending program. The results are dubious but the money ain’t coming back and there isn’t a thing I can do about. Complaining about military spending or social spending or the debt is howling at the moon (full disclosure: I used to howl at the moon about the debt a lot—I guess I have evolved (or is evolcing only for the enlightened left?)). I choose to look at the tax cut as $1900 in my pocket, and I am ok with that. If that makes me dumb, unlightened, a racist, feckless or whatever the insult du jour is, I will try to be ok with that too.


    • Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
      Well, the canoe that Trump is paddling is finally nearing the edge of the falls...I can't see how even the most spineless of GOP legislator can support this insanity.

      WaPo News Alerts...
      How close to the falls was the last guy when he asserted this?

      I know, I know whataboutism, he’s not the President anymore etc etc so who cares right?


      • Originally posted by cardboardbox View Post
        I'll ask for a bigger tax cut next time just for you.
        Sweet, thanks! A tax cut just for me would be awesome!


        • Originally posted by nots View Post
          How close to the falls was the last guy when he asserted this?

          I know, I know whataboutism, he’s not the President anymore etc etc so who cares right?
          I know that we apparently have to be mind readers, and snarky besides, but anyone, Presidents included, who advocate breaking the law are wrong...period. Sorry I couldn't summon up the required amount of one-sidedness to help you make your point.

          BTW, I actually liked your post (4533), other than conceding that you have no power...we all power if we choose to use it.
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
          -Warren Ellis


          • Individually we post whenever we see something that interests us in some way, hopefully in thoughtful manner showing personal perspective, and minimum of snark, otherwise, why bother? Clearly this is an unregulated board as the odd and unhinged personal attack on me, not the first on these boards, has no recourse while virtually any message board or public establishment would ban someone for that. Good rule of thumb is post like your family, or your boss, may read the messages, and btw they might.
            As far as Trump paddling near the edge of the falls, I dont see it. His popularity with his base is high, while the support and trust towards fbi/justice department/press is edging lower in polls, so the constant daily tweets, aka the bully pulpit is having a measurable effect. We have a serial liar in highest office, this will be damaging in ways that will be studied for generations.
            As far as the military spending, nots is probably accurate but I am still in stage that you need to call it out. Its so far out of proportion that money trails need to be followed, something is missing from the picture.


            • [QUOTE=onejayhawk;307055]

              You mmust like that President Trump is telling all our allies to take on more of the cost for their own defense.

              At the risk of losing my #resistance membership, I will admit to liking this particular part of Trump’s foreign policy.


              • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                Individually we post whenever we see something that interests us in some way, hopefully in thoughtful manner showing personal perspective, and minimum of snark, otherwise, why bother? Clearly this is an unregulated board as the odd and unhinged personal attack on me, not the first on these boards, has no recourse while virtually any message board or public establishment would ban someone for that. Good rule of thumb is post like your family, or your boss, may read the messages, and btw they might.
                As far as Trump paddling near the edge of the falls, I dont see it. His popularity with his base is high, while the support and trust towards fbi/justice department/press is edging lower in polls, so the constant daily tweets, aka the bully pulpit is having a measurable effect. We have a serial liar in highest office, this will be damaging in ways that will be studied for generations.
                As far as the military spending, nots is probably accurate but I am still in stage that you need to call it out. Its so far out of proportion that money trails need to be followed, something is missing from the picture.
                Sorry man, but you don’t get to play the victim here. I am clearly not liberal, so therefore, according to your post I am a Trump supporting phony moderate. I didn’t insult you, you insulted me (and the others not in your Gang of 15 ). And I’m ok with that as I have been called worse by better. If you cared to do any research, you can see that from the day he rode down the escalator, I said he was ‘temperamentally unfit’ to be President, a position I still hold 17 months into his term. Just because I don’t wet my bed with every tweet he sends or think every decision he makes equates him to Hitler, doesn’t make me a supporter. So if you want to be condescending and self righteous, don’t get upset when folks push back on you and especially don’t cry about being insulted. To do that isvery Trump-esque


                • nots, your confused, or else intentionally mis attributing? i said we have small number of posters in political threads, i said 30 but now looking at it its well less. roughly 1/2 liberal, other 1/2 harder to define, that i know will get people pissed no matter how i describe, some level of if not trump supporter, then conservative. i have been in this loop with you before, where i need to over and over describe something i think is clear, but you insist is something else. i for sure did not insult you, either directly or indirectly, but i can count about 6 things wrong in your post to me just now, so that is a Trumpian game i guess.

                  conservatives, or non liberal moderates, or trump supporters, i honestly dont know how bernie, you, chance etc prefer, but my mis step is just that, on board have said something along lines of there is a liberal majority bully gang here a few times, I just was pointing that numbers are more even. i know from past i literally can respond all week, message after message to you, and you will insist something else rather than what i said. you live in snark, you thrive on it, i know from past you will throw comments my way and you may or may not recall i roll on and respond civilly. all good, i am sure you honestly think your responses are fair, so how could i be mad?


                  • Originally posted by gcstomp View Post
                    nots, your confused, or else intentionally mis attributing? i said we have small number of posters in political threads, i said 30 but now looking at it its well less. roughly 1/2 liberal, other 1/2 harder to define, that i know will get people pissed no matter how i describe, some level of if not trump supporter, then conservative. i have been in this loop with you before, where i need to over and over describe something i think is clear, but you insist is something else. i for sure did not insult you, either directly or indirectly, but i can count about 6 things wrong in your post to me just now, so that is a Trumpian game i guess.

                    conservatives, or non liberal moderates, or trump supporters, i honestly dont know how bernie, you, chance etc prefer, but my mis step is just that, on board have said something along lines of there is a liberal majority bully gang here a few times, I just was pointing that numbers are more even. i know from past i literally can respond all week, message after message to you, and you will insist something else rather than what i said. you live in snark, you thrive on it, i know from past you will throw comments my way and you may or may not recall i roll on and respond civilly. all good, i am sure you honestly think your responses are fair, so how could i be mad?
                    I have described myself as a quasi-libertarian many, many times in these threads. I have no problem listing the many problems i have with the GOP and I have no problem listing the problems i have with the Dems.


                    • Originally posted by revo View Post
                      When you say the "left" supports the incident with Sanders, are you referring to the media, or just everyone in general? I'm not seeing any opinion pieces cheering the restaurant (maybe the gay media is, because that's the reason why she was tossed.)

                      For the record, I think it's an embarrassment. But having said that, when you govern for only half the country, you probably should realize you may not be welcome in the other 50%, even when you're off the clock.
                      It's a distraction from the real stories, but SHS can't deny her cake and eat it too. The owner of the place consulted her employees and they asked her to stand up for them. Good business decision as she could have had a mutiny on her hand and would have needed to shut the place down for a few days to replace the staff.


                      • Originally posted by Moonlight J View Post
                        It's a distraction from the real stories, but SHS can't deny her cake and eat it too. The owner of the place consulted her employees and they asked her to stand up for them. Good business decision as she could have had a mutiny on her hand and would have needed to shut the place down for a few days to replace the staff.
                        I agree, the Trump regime is one of hatred. If you work for them, be prepared to face off against the opposition at all times. Especially if you’re the Joseph Goebbels of the crew. But I agree with Rep. Elijah Cummings, that she should have been served. Stay above the fray.

                        I saw a great post by Jim Wright that Trump, Sanders and the others should have been ecstatic that this happened to them, because this is what they wanted. Very amusing.


                        • Originally posted by Moonlight J View Post
                          It's a distraction from the real stories, but SHS can't deny her cake and eat it too. The owner of the place consulted her employees and they asked her to stand up for them. Good business decision as she could have had a mutiny on her hand and would have needed to shut the place down for a few days to replace the staff.
                          So IT IS ok to deny making a wedding cake for gay couples, after all! It’s ok to deny birth control to employees of a church or parochial school! Good to know. Cuz god hate to have a mutiny!

                          For the record, I think a private business should be able to serve whom they wish but it is not wise to be politically inclined because you lose half the potential clients. it’s a slippery slope and we’re skiing full speed down it.
                          I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.

                          Ronald Reagan


                          • My community is mostly a liberal echo chamber, but I've made a point to find some online spaces where I can engage in discussion with Republicans, conservatives, Trump supporters, people who don't like Trump but hated him less than Hillary Clinton, people who deeply mistrust the media, etc. And in my very left-liberal community, I have seen many of my friends and neighbors shed all Trump/GOP "apologists" from their Facebook feeds and gang up on community Facebook pages against the small minority of dissenting conservatives. I have not purged my friends list and I am warm and friendly toward the few conservatives in my community and would be pissed off if anyone tried to kick them out of a restaurant or harass them at a school event for their bumper stickers or yard signs.

                            I get where many liberals are coming from - they honestly view the Trump Administration's policies and rhetoric as grounded in or at least providing succor and comfort to a strain of white nationalism/nativism. I happen to agree with them on that. Then the question becomes whether those who do not agree with them on that, and who would make apologies for the President or the Administration or the GOPers who fall in line with Trump, are themselves "guilty" of tacit acceptance of white nationalism/nativism, and if so, how they (liberals) can still engage with those folks (conservatives) positively when they view the white nationalism/nativism strain of Trumpism as so deeply morally repugnant.

                            I struggle because I do arrive at my own political and ideological views through both "rational" and "moral" analysis. I am not a moral relativist and think there very often is a correct (or at least more correct) moral position on many controversial issues. I generally make a conscious effort to avoid what many conservatives deride as "virtue signaling" while still explaining the moral, as well as the rational, basis for my position on a given issue. But I too can get super frustrated with "whataboutism" where every time a Democrat/liberal/progressive person gets upset about something from the Trump Administration, someone feels the need to counter that by digging for something that happened on Obama's watch or Clinton's watch (or at least something that a right-leaning website dug up and spun for the occasion), and accusing the upset liberal of selective partisan outrage instead of addressing the current issue on its merits. Maybe there is more coverage of and awareness of bad stuff done by or allowed by the Trump administration. But is the best response to that to largely gloss over the bad stuff to instead focus on blaming the media for reporting it now when they didn't report it to the same extent three years ago or twenty years ago? Or is the best response to address it on its merits today and then fight to hold the media (and liberals) to a higher standard next time they're the ones steering the ship?


                            • Originally posted by Bernie Brewer View Post
                              So IT IS ok to deny making a wedding cake for gay couples, after all! It’s ok to deny birth control to employees of a church or parochial school! Good to know. Cuz god hate to have a mutiny!

                              For the record, I think a private business should be able to serve whom they wish but it is not wise to be politically inclined because you lose half the potential clients. it’s a slippery slope and we’re skiing full speed down it.
                              No. My point was that the same people that were all supportive of the bakery in CO and VA for their stances against individuals getting bent out of shape about this is odd because the latter is a direct by-product of the ofrmer.

                              I don't want to see people denied entry or service for anything unless they are a threat to the people inside of the place due to their actions.


                              • Harley-Davidson, one of the EU's targets in their surgical tariff strike (which raised the tariff on Harleys from 6% to 31%), announced that because it will not raise the bike's price by the $2,200 that it will need to go up, and because they anticipate a $100m annual loss from the tariffs that they will not accept, is moving the production facilities for all bikes made for the EU to Europe from Milwaukee, a permanent job loss here in the US. #thanksdonald #tradewarsareeasytowin #wompwompwomp

                                Mid Continental Nail Corp. of Poplar Bluffs, Missouri, one of the country's last nail producers, claims it has lost 50% of its business in just two weeks and has laid off 60 of its 500 workers, making it the area’s 2nd largest employer, already. The company's owner, who voted for and was a huge Trump fan, is now lobbying Democratic Senator McCaskill for help. #thanksdonald #tradewarsareeasytowin #wompwompwomp

