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President Donald Trump

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  • Booker/Harris in 2020 I say!
    "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

    "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


    • Originally posted by umjewman View Post
      I've only really had in depth discussions with one voter for Trump (at least that admitted he voted for Trump) and he is SO anti-Hillary that I'm not even sure it matters what Trump does - he's basically not Hillary so it's acceptable. He's even conceded that Trump is doing a lot of things that he doesn't like, but it's still not Hillary, so that appears to be a net positive for him. I think there are a lot of people in this camp, and these are the people who need to be swayed for 2020.
      I still don't get the level of hatred HRC gets. I mean, I get that she gets it, but to say she was worse than Trump boggles my mind. In any event, if this means some Trump voters will switch sides as long as the dems don't run HRC, I'll hang my hat on the hope. If Trump manages to beat another Dem though, that anyone but HRC argument goes right out the window, and at that point, I may lose all faith in our country and political system.


      • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
        I still don't get the level of hatred HRC gets. I mean, I get that she gets it, but to say she was worse than Trump boggles my mind. In any event, if this means some Trump voters will switch sides as long as the dems don't run HRC, I'll hang my hat on the hope. If Trump manages to beat another Dem though, that anyone but HRC argument goes right out the window, and at that point, I may lose all faith in our country and political system.
        Taken from another message board where I asked why people hate HRC:

        "Vince Foster, her treatment of her secret service assignment, her cheating during the primaries, her uranium deal with the Russians, her support for her sexual predator husband, her handling of Benghazi, the Clnton Foundation, the wake of dead bodies found in her wake. "
        "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


        • Originally posted by Fresno Bob View Post
          Booker/Harris in 2020 I say!
          At this point, I want whoever runs against Trump to legally change his or her name to "Not Hillary." I don't want any debates or articulations of platform, because that seems to be beyond what most voters care about--after all, HRC did all of that a billion times better than Trump and lost, so I guess all most voters cared about was voting for "Not Hillary" in 2016. Let's make that option explicit for them in 2020, so they know they don't have to vote for Trump this time. I want every single response to every single question posed to the candidate to be answered with "I am Not Hillary." To ensure we get as many votes as possible, the VP running mate should change his or her name to "Not Trump."


          • Originally posted by Mithrandir View Post
            Taken from another message board where I asked why people hate HRC:

            "Vince Foster, her treatment of her secret service assignment, her cheating during the primaries, her uranium deal with the Russians, her support for her sexual predator husband, her handling of Benghazi, the Clnton Foundation, the wake of dead bodies found in her wake. "
            The worst of what is claimed and thought about HRC, outlined here, is fully and more boldly displayed in the character that is Donald Trump, with about a million other offensives, and a hefty helping of complete incompetence and ignorance on top.


            • Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
              If Trump manages to beat another Dem though, that anyone but HRC argument goes right out the window, and at that point, I may lose all faith in our country and political system.
              We have had poor presidents in the past but we were always looked at as a global leader if not "the" global leader in the world. I don't feel that many see us as that anymore and justly so. We just look like a clueless bully. Maybe the other side of the world sees us as the Western version of North Korea. Both run by a clueless leader with no tact that want to control everything and lie at every moment. I have little faith in our country and political system currently...maybe I'm just ahead of the curve


              • Originally posted by fuhrdog View Post
                We have had poor presidents in the past but we were always looked at as a global leader if not "the" global leader in the world. I don't feel that many see us as that anymore and justly so. We just look like a clueless bully. Maybe the other side of the world sees us as the Western version of North Korea. Both run by a clueless leader with no tact that want to control everything and lie at every moment. I have little faith in our country and political system currently...maybe I'm just ahead of the curve
                I'm right there with you on the little faith--I only have a little faith left at this point. I did specify I'd lose ALL faith .

                I consider myself pretty pessimistic about what Trump means for our country, but I have a couple of friends that sincerely believe we've had our last election for president that will actually reflect the will of the people--that our great experiment in democracy has run its course, that if Trump loses, he'll stage a revolt, claiming his loss isn't real, that we will then be ruled by a dictator backed by an overfunded military, etc. I haven't gone that dark in my thinking just yet.


                • Originally posted by Mithrandir View Post
                  Taken from another message board where I asked why people hate HRC:

                  "Vince Foster, her treatment of her secret service assignment, her cheating during the primaries, her uranium deal with the Russians, her support for her sexual predator husband, her handling of Benghazi, the Clnton Foundation, the wake of dead bodies found in her wake. "
                  they left out misogyny
                  "You know what's wrong with America? If I lovingly tongue a woman's nipple in a movie, it gets an "NC-17" rating, if I chop it off with a machete, it's an "R". That's what's wrong with America, man...."--Dennis Hopper

                  "One should judge a man mainly from his depravities. Virtues can be faked. Depravities are real." -- Klaus Kinski


                  • Honestly, I think the problem is Fox News. They have so many blindly devoted followers that as long as they keep painting Trump in a positive light, failing to report accurately on his failures, and stoking xenophobia then his base will stay happy. The only thing that might change that is if this tax bill goes through and they finally realize it will affect their wallet/health. Otherwise they're just happy to piss off liberals, erase anything Obama ever accomplished, and endlessly try to keep people of color away from them.


                    • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                      Honestly, I think the problem is Fox News. They have so many blindly devoted followers that as long as they keep painting Trump in a positive light, failing to report accurately on his failures, and stoking xenophobia then his base will stay happy. The only thing that might change that is if this tax bill goes through and they finally realize it will affect their wallet/health. Otherwise they're just happy to piss off liberals, erase anything Obama ever accomplished, and endlessly try to keep people of color away from them.
                      So is the problem Fox news, or is it that there are so many blindly devoted followers?

                      With blindly being the operative word, I doubt at this point that there is anything that would get them to realize anything. As someone once said, he could kill someone in the middle of the street and it wouldn't matter.
                      It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                      • They’re blindly devoted because none of the terrible actions taken by Trump have affected them personally. Racist policies? Hell yeah! Environmental protection rollbacks? Not gonna matter for years! Pissing off world leaders? They should be kissing America’s ass anyway! But when they realize he’s actually raising their taxes and making their life worse? Maybe they’ll start changing their minds.


                        • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                          They’re blindly devoted because none of the terrible actions taken by Trump have affected them personally. Racist policies? Hell yeah! Environmental protection rollbacks? Not gonna matter for years! Pissing off world leaders? They should be kissing America’s ass anyway! But when they realize he’s actually raising their taxes and making their life worse? Maybe they’ll start changing their minds.
                          Maybe but after watching them interview people in Alabama that said they'd rather vote for a child molester than a Democrat...I think when Trump raises taxes, makes their life much worse that they would be just fine with it.


                          • Originally posted by overkill94 View Post
                            Honestly, I think the problem is Fox News. They have so many blindly devoted followers that as long as they keep painting Trump in a positive light, failing to report accurately on his failures, and stoking xenophobia then his base will stay happy. The only thing that might change that is if this tax bill goes through and they finally realize it will affect their wallet/health. Otherwise they're just happy to piss off liberals, erase anything Obama ever accomplished, and endlessly try to keep people of color away from them.
                            I think it goes beyond Fox News honestly. The Bannon/Breitbart wing of the party is much further to the right than Fox and seems to be more substantial than I thought it was originally. I've actually viewed Breitbart comments before (which is a cesspool of its own and not recommended) and they talk about how liberal Fox is, if you can believe. Basically, that Fox is for the RINOs and the "swamp" and Breitbart is for the "true conservatives."


                            • I think that the biggest part of the problem is that he's got a 35-40% base that really doesn't care what he does. Nor do they care WHO he is...they'd blindly follow anyone who wore the GOP banner, was Anti Abortion, and swore that they were a good Christian. Trump is not a leader, and never has been...he's a cunning, not smart, guy who sniffed out the right formula to win in 2016. Rage against all the fellow GOP candidates, bully them, and then lie, lie, lie, ad infinitum.

                              We get the government that we deserve, and right now, that's Trump. Want to deserve better? Be better. Demand more from your candidates. Get involved, at least online. Get out and vote.

                              Roy Moore is probably going to win in Alabama, unless the people of Alabama get out in droves and vote...I have to admit that I'm not optimistic...I hope that I'm wrong.
                              "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                              - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                              "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                              -Warren Ellis


                              • Screw it.

                                I did what I could for 40+ years.

                                I'm playing fantasy baseball this year.
                                If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - Karl Popper

