Is there a bar, in your mind? When he finally does something that you railed him on for not doing previously, nothing? You could go with something geez he finally did it or it's about time, but instead you don't wanna play, you just wanna bang on your drums all day.
Wait, I have the right to interpret a full length video any way I want? And I don't have to settle for an edited version that is cropped in a way that presses the resistances' narrative? Thanks. Well then, I guess I'll choose to see it for what it was. Good luck with whatever you're seeing.
Wait, I have the right to interpret a full length video any way I want? And I don't have to settle for an edited version that is cropped in a way that presses the resistances' narrative? Thanks. Well then, I guess I'll choose to see it for what it was. Good luck with whatever you're seeing.