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President Donald Trump

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  • Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
    Because Russia IS Trumps greatest ally...

    I know that the GOP leadership is spineless, and essentially owned by the power brokers, but at some point don't the 1% have to say, "Jesus, enough already, stop!".
    Yea, after they've received their billions in tax cuts.
    If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
    - Terence McKenna

    Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

    How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


    • Has any sitting President ever been ousted, one way or another, within their first year in office?

      There's a very good chance of this happening.

      Trump supporters/Voters must be so proud.

      Stand up and take a bow!
      If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

      Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
      Martin Luther King, Jr.


      • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
        Has any sitting President ever been ousted, one way or another, within their first year in office?

        There's a very good chance of this happening.

        Trump supporters/Voters must be so proud.

        Stand up and take a bow!

        I've outlasted William Henry Harrison, that loser!
        Last edited by President Donald J. Chump; 05-16-2017, 06:28 PM.


        • Fake News!

          (CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

          Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.
          "I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

          The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials.


          • And here we go!

            In a letter sent to the F.B.I. on Tuesday night, Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah and chairman of the House Oversight Committee, demanded all internal memos, notes, recordings or summaries of discussions between Mr. Trump and Mr. Comey.
            If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

            Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
            Martin Luther King, Jr.


            • McMaster, one of the few I respected in the Administration, no longer has any credibility. What a shame he let Trump pimp him out like the others.
              If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - Karl Popper


              • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                Unfortunately Chaffetz is not remotely trustable




                couple of months ago


                • Originally posted by GwynnInTheHall View Post
                  While this certainly looks good I wouldn't trust Chaffetz as far as I can throw him. I would bet that this information is reviewed and there is nothing worth talking about. However if Hillary had won and this exact situation came up we would have 10 special prosecutors helping the investigation.


                  • And coming from the perspective of a 3rd partier - - All I ask for is consistency from both sides. Yet again, we see more examples of party vs party, pandering to constituents, and same old crappy politics.

                    We saw how both sides acted when HRC had her blackberries, servers and such - partisanship at its finest
                    When Comey got the ax - one would have thought both parties would have been happy - nope - partisanship again
                    Now Trump appears to be loose lipped and asking for favors - favors one would believe may have happened if he had political credibility to pull from - partisanship bs again.

                    Its the same old bs of both parties covering their asses and raising money.
                    It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
                    Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

                    "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra


                    • Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
                      And coming from the perspective of a 3rd partier - - All I ask for is consistency from both sides. Yet again, we see more examples of party vs party, pandering to constituents, and same old crappy politics.

                      We saw how both sides acted when HRC had her blackberries, servers and such - partisanship at its finest
                      When Comey got the ax - one would have thought both parties would have been happy - nope - partisanship again
                      Now Trump appears to be loose lipped and asking for favors - favors one would believe may have happened if he had political credibility to pull from - partisanship bs again.

                      Its the same old bs of both parties covering their asses and raising money.

                      As a third partier myself I disagree. I think both sides would have been happy with Comey being fired if he hadn't been in the middle of investigating Trump. I think that fact alone and that Trump will nominate his replacement is cause for a small bit of hysteria.

                      And if you mean by "Trump asking for favors" that an investigation would be called off. I don't think any amount of political credibility should allow that to be pulled off. I don't see how that is partisanship bs.


                      • Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
                        And coming from the perspective of a 3rd partier - - All I ask for is consistency from both sides. Yet again, we see more examples of party vs party, pandering to constituents, and same old crappy politics.

                        We saw how both sides acted when HRC had her blackberries, servers and such - partisanship at its finest
                        When Comey got the ax - one would have thought both parties would have been happy - nope - partisanship again
                        Now Trump appears to be loose lipped and asking for favors - favors one would believe may have happened if he had political credibility to pull from - partisanship bs again.

                        Its the same old bs of both parties covering their asses and raising money.
                        Once again, you trot out the false equivalency argument in order to implicitly defend Trump and maintain your 'independence'. There are growing numbers of Republicans calling for an independent prosecutor and I listened to a couple yesterday talking about impeachment. But go ahead and continue acting as if this is just politics as usual.
                        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
                        - Terence McKenna

                        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

                        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


                        • Originally posted by Lurker765 View Post
                          As a third partier myself I disagree. I think both sides would have been happy with Comey being fired if he hadn't been in the middle of investigating Trump. I think that fact alone and that Trump will nominate his replacement is cause for a small bit of hysteria.

                          And if you mean by "Trump asking for favors" that an investigation would be called off. I don't think any amount of political credibility should allow that to be pulled off. I don't see how that is partisanship bs.

                          This isn't a question of 'consistency' or partisanship. These are situations which have the appearance of criminal obstruction of justice, willful misconduct at the very least. People try to excuse him by saying "oh, he is new to government". He spent over year running for the office of President. Are there not some books he could have read, or at least some youtube videos? Maybe 'Being President for Dummies'?

                          He told us for a year that he was the best, that he had the best skills, the best brain, the best words, and that the job was easy. Are we supposed to cut him slack now because he is ignorant of the most basic concepts, things a high school civics student or school board member would know? Or how about the kid who works at Dairy Queen? Don't tell our secrets to the Russians!

                          Here's the thing, all you guys who say you don't support Trump. You're anti-anti-Trump. You know you can't support this guy, so you troll or attack progressives, Dems or liberals. When are you going to stop saying 'what about Obama?' When will we no longer hear 'but her emails!' Smell the coffee guys. You elected him. Own him.
                          If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - Karl Popper


                          • Originally posted by Lurker765 View Post
                            And if you mean by "Trump asking for favors" that an investigation would be called off. I don't think any amount of political credibility should allow that to be pulled off. I don't see how that is partisanship bs.
                            I dont think any political credibility should allow it to be pulled off either - just for the record.

                            That said, I am not naive enough to believe that there have not been plenty of back room deals made to bury many potential investigations. Of course I also wear

                            Im likely tainted by my distrust of our government.

                            Also, the fact is that I did not vote Trump. I did not elect him - so please do not put that on me - it is false to say X voted for Y, T got elected. Therefore X's vote got T elected.

                            I could have stayed home and not voted but that non-vote is worse than actually voting for a platform that I agree with.
                            It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must stop it.
                            Bill Clinton 1995, State of the Union Address

                            "When they go low - we go High" great motto - too bad it was a sack of bullshit. DNC election mantra


                            • Originally posted by baldgriff View Post
                              I dont think any political credibility should allow it to be pulled off either - just for the record.

                              That said, I am not naive enough to believe that there have not been plenty of back room deals made to bury many potential investigations. Of course I also wear

                              Im likely tainted by my distrust of our government.

                              Also, the fact is that I did not vote Trump. I did not elect him - so please do not put that on me - it is false to say X voted for Y, T got elected. Therefore X's vote got T elected.

                              I could have stayed home and not voted but that non-vote is worse than actually voting for a platform that I agree with.
                              good to see you back!
                              "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

                              "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


                              • What Trump has been doing and continues to do is unconscionable and deems to be investigated and potentially impeached.

                                If we step back on this and had HRC been elected, you could be guaranteed she would still be under investigation. The Republicans would still be blocking any legislation she would have offered.

                                One think Trump is right about, the swamp needs to be drained, but it needs someone who has some knowledge of the swamp in order to drain it within the confines of the law, and not making our nation look the fool.

                                I think we should be planning for the introduction of President Pence some time in October-November.
                                "Looks like I picked a bad day to give up sniffing glue.
                                - Steven McCrosky (Lloyd Bridges) in Airplane

                                i have epiphanies like that all the time. for example i was watching a basketball game today and realized pom poms are like a pair of tits. there's 2 of them. they're round. they shake. women play with them. thus instead of having two, cheerleaders have four boobs.
                                - nullnor, speaking on immigration law in AZ.

