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Supreme Court of the United States

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  • Yep Manchin has a statement out now supporting the investigation. So either these 3 will wobble and aren’t demanding the investigation and will fall in line and McConnell calls the vote or they are firm No’s without the investigation and Mitch is forced to call the investigation. The only remote other option is Kavanaugh withdraws. Seems highly unlikely.


    • Really funny.

      If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
      - Terence McKenna

      Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

      How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


      • During yesterdays proceeding, we all heard at least 20 times FBI doesnt make findings of guilt/innocence, how many times did we have to hear the Biden quote, easily 1/2 a dozen times for anyone who watched both sessions. But to have yesterdays hearing without having any facts to ask serious questions was inevitably going to lead to point we are at now. Today both Yale Law School as well as ABA President called for FBI investigation before a floor vote. You dont think they know FBI role?

        I expect nothing to come of it, other than some peace at floor vote rather than mass rioting. Prime target for questioning is Mark Judge. He can simply stay clammed up, there is no subpoena compelling him to talk or else. If nothing major is uncovered, then Kavanaugh will be voted in, if something big is uncovered then he will be pulled. In both cases, serious bubbling cauldron has been if not cooled, at least calmed so country wouldnt rupture. As we heard literally dozens of times yesterday from hearing, we needed FBI follow up.


        • question - does the senate have any authority over the FBI? is a plausible scenario that the FBI says that they don't work according to preset schedules and if they open an investigation it will go until it's done? (I work with law enforcement up here & they generally don't like being given artificial - ie political - constraints).
          It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


          • Cronyn confirms there will be an FBI investigation. Details coming soon. He doesn’t have the votes!


            • Originally posted by nots View Post
              Wow, great move by Flake. Credit to the GOP on this
              Powerful video of Flake's response when confronted by two sexual assualt victims.
              Last edited by madducks; 09-28-2018, 02:58 PM.
              “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

              ― Albert Einstein


              • Originally posted by TranaGreg View Post
                question - does the senate have any authority over the FBI? is a plausible scenario that the FBI says that they don't work according to preset schedules and if they open an investigation it will go until it's done? (I work with law enforcement up here & they generally don't like being given artificial - ie political - constraints).
                The FBI reports through the Executive branch. My best guess is McConnell and Grassley will brief the President and his Chief of Staff, and they will request the investigation and the parameters of the investigation. And while I agree they won't like the time constraint, my best guess again is they'll abide by it to avoid a Strzok/Page type disaster.
                I'm just here for the baseball.


                • Ok while I am skeptical the investigation will get us a clearer picture I am glad it was called. At least there is a chance we get some more clarity on what happened. If nothing else at least this wasn't "plowed through" and Dr. Ford's testimony did not fall on totally deaf ears.

                  Mostly I am happy that for one night I know there is a man in Washington that has to be pissed. No not Donald Trump, he is too ignorant of DC politics and way too full of himself to see the doomsday scenario out there. I despise Mitch McConnel like no one else, but he knows the game and Mr. Plow Right Through has to be sitting there tonight muttering to himself about how a one term retiring senator from Arizona put his path to a stacked court on hold for now. While the doomsday scenario is unlikely it is there...

                  - Kavanaugh is caught in more lies, people put him at a party with Dr. Ford, shit looks bad
                  - McConnell doesn't have the votes and Kavanaugh has to withdraw or even more fun Trump tries to make him have a vote and he either refuses or has a losing vote
                  - Not enough time is left before the election to vet and confirm someone (fastest current Supreme took 50 days I think)
                  - Democrats win the Senate still only a 1/3 chance on 538, but it is a chance
                  - McConnel can't do a lame duck confirmation with Collins up in 2020, EDIT Murkowski 2022 and the chance that Flakes seat flips to Sinema and having just seen the country vote the Democarts into control of the House and Senate the votes just aren't there.
                  - Chuck Schumer takes over and refuses to accept any of the most conservative judges, the reddest of red state Democrats just got re-elected except for Doug Jones, so they have some cover to hold the line
                  - Trump has to nominate a Kennedy type

                  Yeah it is highly unlikely to happen, but McCconnel knows the game well enough that for one night he has to be pissed and that makes me smile a little tonight after a week where I didn't smile much.
                  Last edited by frae; 09-28-2018, 08:36 PM.


                  • Originally posted by DMT View Post
                    Why is ABA calling for an investigation? Are they a part of the vast left-wing conspiracy as well?
                    Well, as it turns out, yes. The ABA president issued that notice WITHOUT committee approval. The ABA committee that actually is tasked with this reiterated today that Kavanaugh had and maintains their highest rating. The ABA committee letter is on multiple sites.

                    So, to be clear, an investigation is NOT called for by the ABA. And, yes, I think we can safely say Mr. Carlson has proven his ideological bona fides by his actions.
                    I'm just here for the baseball.


                    • Frae - quick clarification. Murkowski is not up until 2022. Plus, her only worry is in the GOP primary. She won write in in 2010, and going away in 2016.
                      I'm just here for the baseball.


                      • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
                        Frae - quick clarification. Murkowski is not up until 2022. Plus, her only worry is in the GOP primary. She won write in in 2010, and going away in 2016.
                        Thanks my bad I should have wiki checked it and you are right she won't get challenged from the left, but she did already as you point out beat a challenge from the right. Let's just use Flake he would be a retiring senator and I'll make the doomsday scenario Sinema wins his seat. He might feel obligated to wait for her to be seated, but who knows. Either way we both know McConnell can count and my scenario no matter how unlikely at least has to be in the back of his mind.


                        • Originally posted by chancellor View Post
                          Well, as it turns out, yes. The ABA president issued that notice WITHOUT committee approval. The ABA committee that actually is tasked with this reiterated today that Kavanaugh had and maintains their highest rating. The ABA committee letter is on multiple sites.

                          So, to be clear, an investigation is NOT called for by the ABA. And, yes, I think we can safely say Mr. Carlson has proven his ideological bona fides by his actions.
                          So, then it won't be a problem to find it and post it. The copy of the ABA letter written to Grassley, authored by Carlson, on ABA letterhead, is easily found.

                          The dean of the Yale Law School Also asked for a delay and investigation, and the magazine of the Jesuit religious order, who ran the school where Kavanaugh was educated, withdrew their support. Stating that the nomination was:

                          “no longer in the best interests of the country.”

                          “If Senate Republicans proceed with his nomination, they will be prioritizing policy aims over a woman’s report of an assault,” the magazine said. “Were he to be confirmed without this allegation being firmly disproved, it would hang over his future decisions on the Supreme Court for decades and further divide the country.”

                          The statements came after Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s.
                          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                          -Warren Ellis


                          • As you wish, if my techno-peasant skills did it right.

                            As for the Yale Law School and the Jebs, this is my surprised face.

                            You could hardly find two more hard left wing organizations.
                            I'm just here for the baseball.


                            • Originally posted by frae View Post
                              Thanks my bad I should have wiki checked it and you are right she won't get challenged from the left, but she did already as you point out beat a challenge from the right. Let's just use Flake he would be a retiring senator and I'll make the doomsday scenario Sinema wins his seat. He might feel obligated to wait for her to be seated, but who knows. Either way we both know McConnell can count and my scenario no matter how unlikely at least has to be in the back of his mind.
                              Agree on McConnell. But I’ll assure once he has 50, he will drive a vote to the floor as fast as possible. His calculus is going to be much more worried about what will happen in the midterms if he, as Senate Majority Leader, can not get this done.
                              I'm just here for the baseball.


                              • Originally posted by chancellor View Post

                                As you wish, if my techno-peasant skills did it right.

                                As for the Yale Law School and the Jebs, this is my surprised face.

                                You could hardly find two more hard left wing organizations.
                                LOL, thanks, this is why I like you, despite your insane political walk the walk.
                                "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                                - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                                "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                                -Warren Ellis

