*** VD 13 Commentary Thread ***
If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
- Terence McKenna
Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel PaigeComment
I think we stopped because it added an extra two or three days to the draft start, waiting for some straggler to pick their draft slot."Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"Comment
Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
George Orwell, 1984
Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
George Orwell, 1984
I was thinking at some point it would be fun to do a round of KO's to start the draft. Some players are too valuable in certain formats, maybe in all formats---------------------------------------------
Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
George Orwell, 1984
Champagne for breakfast and a Sherman in my hand !
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
George Orwell, 1984
"Jesus said to them, 'Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.'"Comment
I always think its fun to submit a draft order preference like NFBC does. I have a deterministic algorithm I have used in leagues that have played with this rule. Basically the algorithm tries to give each player the best draft pick it can based on their ordered preferences.Comment
TSQL algorithm:
USE [Baseball]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SetOrder] Script Date: 12/28/2018 12:16:40 PM ******/
ALTER proc [dbo].[SetOrder]
@leagueID int = null,
@setvalues bit = 0
if @LeagueID is null select @LeagueID = LeagueID from PrimaryLeague
--table to hold the ORDER of the draft. After completion this will show you the draft order
declare @order table
choice int,
fantasyteamid int null
--insert a record for each draft position
declare @i int = 1
while @i <= (select count(distinct fantasyteamid) from [ChoiceOrder] where fantasyteamid in (select fantasyteamid from [dbo].[FantasyTeams] where leagueid = @leagueID))
insert into @order (choice) select @i
set @i = @i + 1
--temp work table to hold data about the teams and their choices
declare @workingtable table
fantasyteamid int,
choice int,
choiceorder int,
seed int
set @i = 1
select 'inputs'
select t.TeamName, nco.ChoiceOrder, nco.Choice from [ChoiceOrder] nco
inner join [FantasyTeams] t
on t.fantasyteamid = nco.fantasyteamid
where t.fantasyteamid in (select fantasyteamid from [dbo].[FantasyTeams] where leagueid = @leagueID)
order by nco.fantasyteamid, nco.ChoiceOrder
while exists (select choice from @order where fantasyteamid is null) -- loop until all choices are set
select 'pass number ' + convert(varchar(10), @i)
set @i = @i + 1
--clear out the work table
delete from @workingtable
--add a record for each team's selections that have not been taken
insert into @workingtable
select fantasyteamid, choice, choiceorder, 0
from [dbo].[ChoiceOrder]
where choice not in (select choice from @order where fantasyteamid is not null)
and fantasyteamid not in (select isnull(fantasyteamid, 0) from @order)
and fantasyteamid in (select fantasyteamid from [dbo].[FantasyTeams] where leagueid = @leagueID)
--set an initial seed value - use each team's first remaining pick
update @workingtable
set seed = w1.seed + w2.choice
from @workingtable w1
inner join (select * from @workingtable) w2
on w2.fantasyteamid = w1.fantasyteamid
left outer join (select * from @workingtable) w3
on w3.fantasyteamid = w1.fantasyteamid
and w3.choiceorder < w2.choiceorder
where w3.fantasyteamid is null --left join null here means there is no choice with a smaller choiceorder for each team
--add to the seed each team's LAST choice
update @workingtable
set seed = w1.seed + w2.choice
from @workingtable w1
inner join (select * from @workingtable) w2
on w2.fantasyteamid = w1.fantasyteamid
left outer join (select * from @workingtable) w3
on w3.fantasyteamid = w1.fantasyteamid
and w3.choiceorder > w2.choiceorder
where w3.fantasyteamid is null --left join null here means there is no choice with a larger choiceorder for each team
--remove all but the top choice (smallest choiceorder) for each team
delete @workingtable
from @workingtable w1
left outer join (select * from @workingtable) w3
on w3.fantasyteamid = w1.fantasyteamid
and w3.choiceorder < w1.choiceorder
where w3.fantasyteamid is not null --left join null here means there is no choice with a smaller choiceorder for each team
select 'Top Preferences'
select t.TeamName, w.choice, w.choiceorder, w.seed from @workingtable w
inner join [FantasyTeams] t
on t.fantasyteamid = w.fantasyteamid
order by w.fantasyteamid
select 'Ties:'
select t.TeamName, main.choice, main.choiceorder,
t2.TeamName as tiedfantasyteamid,
tied.choice as tiedChoice,
tied.choiceorder as tiedChoiceOrder,
mynextchoice.minorder as mynextorder,
othernextchoice.minorder as tiednextorder
from @workingtable main
inner join [FantasyTeams] t
on t.fantasyteamid = main.fantasyteamid
inner join @workingtable tied
on main.choice = tied.choice
and main.fantasyteamid <> tied.fantasyteamid
inner join [FantasyTeams] t2
on t2.fantasyteamid = tied.fantasyteamid
left outer join (
select ct1.fantasyteamid, min(ct1.choiceorder) as minorder
from [ChoiceOrder] ct1
inner join @order o1
on ct1.Choice = o1.choice
and o1.fantasyteamid is null
left outer join @workingtable wt1
on wt1.choice = ct1.Choice
where wt1.choice is null
group by ct1.fantasyteamid
) as mynextchoice
on mynextchoice.fantasyteamid = main.fantasyteamid
left outer join (
select ct2.fantasyteamid, min(ct2.choiceorder) as minorder
from [ChoiceOrder] ct2
inner join @order o2
on ct2.Choice = o2.choice
and o2.fantasyteamid is null
left outer join @workingtable wt2
on wt2.choice = ct2.Choice
where wt2.choice is null
group by ct2.fantasyteamid
) as othernextchoice
on othernextchoice.fantasyteamid = tied.fantasyteamid
order by 1
--remove from the workingtable teams that are tied with another team on choice but have a higher choiceorder for that choice
delete @workingtable
from @workingtable wt
inner join (select * from @workingtable) wt2
on wt.choice = wt2.choice
and wt.fantasyteamid <> wt2.fantasyteamid
and wt.choiceorder > wt2.choiceorder
--remove teams that have a smaller NEXT choiceorder than a team they are tied with
delete @workingtable
from @workingtable wt
inner join (select * from @workingtable) wt2
on wt.choice = wt2.choice
and wt.fantasyteamid <> wt2.fantasyteamid
inner join (
select ct1.fantasyteamid, min(ct1.choiceorder) as minorder
from [ChoiceOrder] ct1
inner join @order o1
on ct1.Choice = o1.choice
and o1.fantasyteamid is null
left outer join @workingtable wt1
on wt1.choice = ct1.Choice
where wt1.choice is null
group by ct1.fantasyteamid
) as mynextchoice
on mynextchoice.fantasyteamid = wt.fantasyteamid
inner join (
select ct2.fantasyteamid, min(ct2.choiceorder) as minorder
from [ChoiceOrder] ct2
inner join @order o2
on ct2.Choice = o2.choice
and o2.fantasyteamid is null
left outer join @workingtable wt2
on wt2.choice = ct2.Choice
where wt2.choice is null
group by ct2.fantasyteamid
) as othernextchoice
on othernextchoice.fantasyteamid = wt2.fantasyteamid
and othernextchoice.minorder > mynextchoice.minorder
--for those teams that are the only one left who has chosen a specific choice
--go ahead and update the final order
update @order
set fantasyteamid = wt.fantasyteamid
from @order o
inner join @workingtable wt
on wt.choice = o.choice
left outer join @workingtable wt2
on wt2.choice = wt2.choice
and wt2.fantasyteamid <> wt.fantasyteamid
where wt2.fantasyteamid is null
--remove choices and teams that have been selected
delete from @workingtable
where choice in (select choice from @order where fantasyteamid is not null)
or fantasyteamid in (select isnull(fantasyteamid, 0) from @order)
--now break ties
update @order
set fantasyteamid = ranks.fantasyteamid
@order o
inner join -- join in a seeding rank - "randomly" selected based on the seeds of the teams that are tied
(select choice, sum(seed) % count(fantasyteamid) + 1 as seedrank
from @workingtable
group by choice) as seeds
on seeds.choice = o.choice
inner join -- join in the team ranks with the common choice - i.e. the first of the series with the same choice will have rank 1, then 2, etc
(select fantasyteamid, choice, rank() over (partition by choice order by fantasyteamid) as rnk
from @workingtable) as ranks
on ranks.rnk = seeds.seedrank
and ranks.choice = seeds.choice
where o.fantasyteamid is null
select 'Orders Set'
select o.choice, nt.FantasyTeamID, nt.TeamName, co.ChoiceOrder
from @order o
inner join [FantasyTeams] nt
on nt.fantasyteamid = o.fantasyteamid
inner join ChoiceOrder co
on co.fantasyteamid = nt.fantasyteamid
and co.Choice = o.choice
order by 1
if @setvalues = 1
insert into [dbo].[ThrowOrder] (leagueID, fantasyteamid, throworder)
select @leagueID, fantasyteamid, choice
from @order
select (sum(co.choiceorder) * 1.0)/(count(co.choiceorder) * 1.0)
from @order o
inner join [FantasyTeams] nt
on nt.fantasyteamid = o.fantasyteamid
inner join ChoiceOrder co
on co.fantasyteamid = nt.fantasyteamid
and co.Choice = o.choice
Dare I say it, VD auction?If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
- Terence McKenna
Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel PaigeComment