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My 2014 title run....

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  • My 2014 title run....

    I won my league for the third straight time in 2014. This is a 14 team mixed…5x5…$300 draft day budget. Madducks and Mag7 are in this league with me.

    I ended up with 133 (out of 140) points, 68 points in pitching and 65 points in hitting. I won the AVG, Wins Saves and K’s categories. I was second in Runs and RBI’s, Steals, ERA and WHIP. I was third in HR.

    I made two off season deals:

    1. I got Miggy ($67) for Anibal Sanchez($16), Werth ($15) and Segura ($1). I know Miggy was expensive but since I had an$11 Trout I decided to go for it.
    2. I got Chris Davis ($6) for Craig ($6), Rios ($9) and Ubaldo ($1).

    Each owner keeps up to 8 players. My keepers were:

    Trout ($11) – great season despite not stealing bases with regularity
    Miggy ($67) – injuries slowed him down, but still a great season
    Freeman ($20) – regressed due to a shitty lineup surrounding him
    Chris Davis ($6) – a huge disappointment
    Bumgarner ($17) – a great season from him
    Yordano ($1) – a very good showing for him this season
    Cishek ($6) – this dude is good..really good!
    Frieri ($6) – trainwreck, but he did get me a bunch of saves
    My keepers 2014 seasons ranged from excellent to bad. Overall I think my keepers very much helped my title run.

    DRAFT :
    I spent a total of $134 on keepers so I had $166 to spend at the draft.
    Since I was loaded up on power with my keepers, on offense I decided to go for speed and try and grab some solid veterans to fill in the roster. For my pitching I wanted two tier 2 starters and maybe 1 more closer.

    Wilson Ramos ($9) – injured early but was solid when healthy
    José Altuve ($24) – MVP!!!
    Jhonny Peralta ($7) – mediocre while on my team
    Ben Revere ($13) – great season for what I wanted ---average and speed
    Torii Hunter ($13) – was solid while on my team
    Marlon Byrd ($13) – another good season
    Todd Frazier ($3) – I dropped him after two weeks..bad decision
    Kelly Johnson ($1) - sucked
    Kris Bryant($1) – end game lottery ticket who I dropped right after the draft
    Garrett Richards($1) – HUGE season..unfortunate injury
    Jameson Taillon ($1) – Tommy John ugh
    Zack Greinke ($30) – great season
    Jordan Zimmermann ($31) – great season
    Bartolo Colón ($1) – I dropped him rather quickly
    Kyle Lohse($1) – very good while on my team
    Bobby Parnell ($16) – injured on opening day

    My draft was really good this year. I got the two tier 2 pitchers I was aiming for and they both had outstanding seasons. I got the speed I wanted although no one could have predicted Altuve’s monster season. Hunter and Byrd were solid OF 3 and 4 for me. Richards looks like the real deal. The only real clunker (other than injuries) was Kelly Johnson.

    I made 5 trades this season:

    1. I traded Lohse and Hunter for Wainwright and Nathan. This was offered to me by the other owner. Wainwright had a dead contract and Nathan was pitching pretty poorly, but I think the other owner could have gotten a better deal elsewhere. Still not sure why he made me this trade offer. Worked out fabulous for me.
    2. I traded a $1 Yordano for Cespedes and Papelbon. Worked out well for me although Yordano looks like a great keeper.
    3. I traded Chris Davis ($11) and James Jones ($1) for Bautista and Asdrubal. Worked out extremely well for me. The other owner wanted Davis as an $11 keeper for 2015.
    4. I traded Garret Richards and Mesoraco for Felix and Rosario. I think I overpaid for the King, but it worked out very well for me. I gave up two great $1 keepers but Richards injury made the trade look even better for this season.
    5. I traded Wainwright and Freeman for Kershaw. Wainwright has a dead contract and Freeman is a $20 keeper. The trade actually benefitted both teams.
    Trades really improved my team and were a huge factor in winning the league.

    Each team gets 50 moves in the season. I used 42 so I will not list every move I made. I made some really poor choices among those 50 pickups, but I also made some GREAT pickups.

    The moves that were key factors in my win:
    Alcides Escobar (March 28) – a big asset in speed and average
    Devin Mesoraco (April 12) – huge boost at catcher
    Jenrry Mejia (May 15) – I grabbed him right before he was named the closer
    Jake Arrieta (June 13) – MONSTER season… this pickup was so freaking large.
    Joe Smith (June 17) – got me a bunch of saves
    Carlos Carrasco (Aug 17) – he has been fantastic . HUGE pickup!

    Two bad moves that stick out were dropping Todd Frazier and Corey Dickerson. I would love to have both as cheap keepers for 2015.
    "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."

  • #2
    Sure, all of that had SOMETHING to do with your title, but we know the real reason you won was that your underachieving studs turned it around every time you started a thread in the Pen complaining about them.
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
    We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Erik View Post
      Sure, all of that had SOMETHING to do with your title, but we know the real reason you won was that your underachieving studs turned it around every time you started a thread in the Pen complaining about them.
      No, it was just luck.
      I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

      The Weakerthans Aside


      • #4
        Originally posted by BuckyBuckner View Post
        No, it was just luck.
        this. Mith could have replaced all those words with just one word: luck.
        "The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable." -NY Times

        "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts" - Joe Biden


        • #5
          It's luck when someone else's all mad skilz when I win!!
          "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mithrandir View Post
            I got the speed I wanted although no one could have predicted Altuve’s monster season.
            My biggest mistake was not keeping Altuve for $6. Instead i put him back in the draft where i didn't think he would go for more than $15.
            “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

            ― Albert Einstein


            • #7
              I traded Lohse and Hunter for Wainwright and Nathan. This was offered to me by the other owner. Wainwright had a dead contract and Nathan was pitching pretty poorly, but I think the other owner could have gotten a better deal elsewhere. Still not sure why he made me this trade offer. Worked out fabulous for me.
              You're a prison rapist at heart, Mith.
              I'm just here for the baseball.

