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Sit Felxi, Lester, or Hamels for Kennedy?

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  • Sit Felxi, Lester, or Hamels for Kennedy?

    I'm in the same boat I was in during week 1 of my finals. Do I sit a stud SP for one of my bench SPs because of two starts in my 16 team h2h points league? I went all in on pitching this year, because our scoring system favors stud SPs, and it worked. I made the finals despite mediocre hitting. Now that I am here and in the lead, I don't want to mess this up. Especially now that I have the handicap of having lost Chris Davis and David Wright.

    Last week, I started Lynn over Felix because Lynn had two starts. It broke even for me. This week, it is my other bench SP, Ian Kennedy, with two favorable starts at home. So, who do I sit?

    Starters: Corey Kluber, Max Scherzer, Felix Hernandez, Jon Lester, Cole Hamels, Lance Lynn, Ian Kennedy. I have to start 5 of these. Kluber and Scherzer both have two starts, so are locks. Lynn only has one start so to me he is out. So that leaves Felix, Lester, Hamels, and Kennedy for three spots. As a points league, two start guys are generally the way to go. Kennedy is averaging about 15 points per game and the other three are 4-6 points higher than that. The great equalizer is that we get points for CGs and SHOs, and no hitters, so if one of these guys goes the distance, especially in a shut out win, he can outscore Kennedy even if Kennedy pitches well for both games. Now, that sort of gem of a game is rare, but not so rare for these guys. Still, the numbers say I should find room for Kennedy.

  • #2
    If two start pitchers are that beneficial then obviously you go with Kennedy.

    As for which of the other three to sit I would look at the match ups..if the match ups look pretty equal then throw darts!! Really i mean that. All you will be doing is stressing yourself out by having to choose one of the Big 3 to sit as they are all pretty equal. I can't see a good way to choose.
    "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


    • #3
      Yeah, all of the match ups are good, so it is tough. I am leaning toward sitting Hamels, just because he seems to never get the run support for wins.


      • #4
        One of Kennedy's starts are against the Giants, the other against Phillies. Lester faces Phils, Felix faces Angels, and Hamels faces Padres. Of the three, Felix obviously has the worst matchup so I'd sit him. The Ms have not been letting him finish games even when his pitch count is reasonable and he's dominating, so I'd say the likelihood of him getting a CGSO is slim.

        Of course, sitting the best pitcher in the AL at crunch time seems absolutely ludicrous to me, but this is exactly why I despise weekly H2H baseball leagues.
        If DMT didn't exist we would have to invent it. There has to be a weirdest thing. Once we have the concept weird, there has to be a weirdest thing. And DMT is simply it.
        - Terence McKenna

        Bullshit is everywhere. - George Carlin (& Jon Stewart)

        How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - Satchel Paige


        • #5
          Yeah, Felix vs Weaver seemed like the obvious choice, but he has absolutely dominated the Angels this year. SSS, I know, but his stats against the Angels, including a high K rate gave me pause.

          To get specific, in 3 starts, felix has 21 innings, 29Ks!, a 1.25 era, and they are hitting .137 against him. As good as Felix is, that stands out as his best stat line against anyone this year.

          IDK, even with two sweet match ups, maybe the safe play is to sit Kennedy. He has had a couple of blah starts recently.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
            Yeah, Felix vs Weaver seemed like the obvious choice, but he has absolutely dominated the Angels this year. SSS, I know, but his stats against the Angels, including a high K rate gave me pause.

            To get specific, in 3 starts, felix has 21 innings, 29Ks!, a 1.25 era, and they are hitting .137 against him. As good as Felix is, that stands out as his best stat line against anyone this year.

            IDK, even with two sweet match ups, maybe the safe play is to sit Kennedy. He has had a couple of blah starts recently.
            If the two start issue isn't THAT big of a difference maker, then you have to sit Kennedy. Win or lose with the studs!
            "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."


            • #7
              Well, again, Kennedy have avg 14.7 points per start and Felix has gotten 21.5 per start. So going by avgs, 14.7 x 2=29.4 is the better bet than 21.5. But I am in the lead right now by a fair bit, despite having Wright and Davis in the line up, so maybe I should play it safe. He has 4 guys with two starts next week, which has me worried, though. But his guys are Alfredo Simon, Ervin Santana, Mike Pineda, and Cosart. Those guys aren't great, so maybe I shouldn't be concerned.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sour Masher View Post
                Well, again, Kennedy have avg 14.7 points per start and Felix has gotten 21.5 per start. So going by avgs, 14.7 x 2=29.4 is the better bet than 21.5. But I am in the lead right now by a fair bit, despite having Wright and Davis in the line up, so maybe I should play it safe. He has 4 guys with two starts next week, which has me worried, though. But his guys are Alfredo Simon, Ervin Santana, Mike Pineda, and Cosart. Those guys aren't great, so maybe I shouldn't be concerned.
                Kennedy has been bad at home, bad post-AS break, bad in September, and bad against the Giants. If you're going to lose, it shouldn't be with the second best pitcher in baseball on your bench because you got too clever and went with a starter on a team with the worst offense in baseball. You'll feel like a chump all winter if that doesn't work out. If Felix blows it, c'est la vie. Sit Kennedy and start the aces.


                • #9
                  Well, I was thinking of sitting Hamels, but Red is right....I'd feel worse if I lost because of sitting my best guys. I'll dance with the ones who brought me. I'm up big right now, so I think playing it safe is the way to go. He does have those 4 guys going twice, which scares me, but they can just as easily implode for negative points as go off for big games.

