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Trade for Kershaw

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  • Trade for Kershaw

    14 team mixed..5x5...$300 budget..8 keepers...

    Team in sig.

    Should i make this offer? I have no idea if the other owner will accept it as he has been around 4-7th place (league pays top 4)

    I give :

    Richards ($1 in 2015, $6 in 2016 and $11 in 2017)
    Chris Davis ($11 in 2015)

    I get:

    Kershaw ($60 in 2015)

    I am currently in first place by 26.5 points. I realize no lead is safe, but i hate to give up Richards who looks like the real deal...but getting Kershaw would go a long way towards keeping my lead, right?

    "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."

  • #2
    I would hold off on that one. I imagine he would jump at the chance to get a $1 Richards plus crappy Davis.

    You don't need to sell your future today. You are in first place, keep an eye (I am sure you do) and wait with this one until closer to the deadline. I am thinking the day before deadline you get a boat load for a $1 Richards.


    • #3
      It does seem to be a good idea to keep the pedal to the medal to discourage the 2nd and 3rd place team from mortgaging their future. But you might be able to get more for Richards(?)

