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Replacement pitcher

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  • Replacement pitcher

    So, I'm starting the season with Greinke on the DL in my NL only 5x5 league and I need to find a replacement for him. I could go with a #5 starter (I was thinking of picking up Andrew Cashner) but I think I'm probably better off having a solid middle reliever or set-up man to fill the gap until Greinke is off the DL.

    So, what do people think? MR or #5? And, who would you recommend as a MR?

    I kept Kuo. Madson is gone. I'm not sure who else to consider. Any thoughts on strategy and players?

  • #2
    In an only league I play it safe and go with the safest reliever I can find. Hard to know who I'd like without seeing some names. Post a few you are considering.


    • #3
      MR...see if Contreras is available. He's seemed to do well in a relief role, and might vulture a few saves.
      I'm just here for the baseball.


      • #4
        Looking at my FA options, there are actually some potential SPs left too. I guess the choices I'd consider are:
        - Jason Hammel (and I have a phobia about pitchers in Colorado)
        - Randy Wolf
        - Randy Wells
        - Andrew Cashen (who I really like but I don't think a #5 rookie pitcher is really the way to go here - he may get 1 start while Greinke is out).

        and in the relief pitchers I'd consider
        - Capuano - huge risk here though
        - Kendrick - but he can kill ERA
        - Sean Marshall
        - Kerry Woods

        It really goes way downhill after that.

        After typing out this short list, I'm thinking I'm probably best off picking up one of the starters and hoping he doesn't blow up on me. It's only for probably 2 starts, though, as Greinke should not be out long.


        • #5
          Oh, and Contreras is available. Maybe that's the safe way to go.


          • #6
            Sean Marshall was a beast last year. Just 28 he has taken the next step.

            If not available then Mike Adams, Luke Gregorson, or Matt Belisle.


            • #7
              I think I may put in bids for both Marchall and Contreras, in that order. I think if Greinke is going to be out for 2 - 3 weeks, I'd rather have a solid reliever than a risky starter. I know it would only be 2 or so starts but a lot of early damage can be done to my team. Unlike actual baseball where you don't win or lose the season in April, I find in fantasy you position yourself in or out of the money in the first 3 months. Right around late June, early July is when teams that think they have no chance try to get a jump on the competition to do deals for the best keepers people are willing to move for studs. So, putting yourself in a hole in early April can really come back to haunt you, at least in my experience.

              Thanks all for the opinions. I think Marshall or Contreras is the way to go here.


              • #8
                Early in the season many pitchers do not go deep into games add rain delays and maybe Marshall gets you as many wins the first month as some of the starters you listed?

