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Keepers due at noon - who should be last keeper?

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  • Keepers due at noon - who should be last keeper?

    11 team, $280 cap, 25 player roster with 2 Utility and 10 pitchers. We can keep 16; I have 15 easy keepers. Position players are Iannetta, LaRoche, P Alvarez, N Walker, S Castro, J Reyes, Upton, Braun, Ethier, & Stanton. Pitchers are Zimmerman, Hudson, Kuroda, Broxton and Hanrahan.

    The bottom of my roster includes: W Ramos $4, Helton $4, F Sanchez $3, Domonic Brown $4, James McDonald $4 and Meek $2. Which, if any of those 6, would you keep as #16? I've tried packaging a group but it hasn't worked.

    I feel that my offense can handle keeping a prospect like Ramos or Brown, or someone with declining skills like Helton, but I also wonder if Meek is worth keeping as insurance for Hanrahan. Any last minute thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    Assuming 5x5, I think you have to go with McDonald. I generally despise rookie pitchers, but he's under value here and could turn into something fairly special. My second choice would be Freddy Sanchez, then finally Meek.


    • #3
      As a keeper league I would take Brown.

      Next would be Meek.


      • #4
        I think it's between Brown, McDonald, and Meek. Meek is valuable as a MR and as a handcuff for Hanrahan. McDonald is a promising young starter, but he plays for PIT which will always suppress his value. (See Maholm, Paul.) Brown is a top hitting prospect on a good offense, who may have playing time issues if Francisco turns into the 20/20 guy some people project him as.

        When in doubt, take the hitter. Brown, it is.


        • #5
          I should have mentioned that it is a 4x4 using HR, RBI, SB, AVG, W, K, S, ERA. Thanks for the replies so far. As much as I like McDonald, I don't know if he can produce for an entire season. I enjoyed watching him last year and I have never been much of a 'homer' type of owner that goes ga-ga over the home team (especially considering it's the Bucs).


          • #6
            I like McDonald but I think you need to go with Meek if 1/4 of your pitching categories are saves, or Brown because you might be able to trade him for a $20 player after the season starts. What are your prices for Walker and Iannetta? Just thinking outside the box a bit.


            • #7
              Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
              I like McDonald but I think you need to go with Meek if 1/4 of your pitching categories are saves, or Brown because you might be able to trade him for a $20 player after the season starts. What are your prices for Walker and Iannetta? Just thinking outside the box a bit.
              $2 for both Walker and Iannetta. Are you thinking not keeping one of them and keeping both Meek and Brown?


              • #8
                Being a 4x4 which counts Ks instead of Whip devalues a middle reliever even more than a 5x5 does.

                I thought about Domonic Brown, but having that hamate bone surgery really bothers me. There have been a number of guys who never got their power back after losing their hamate bone. I've read where some of them wrote that their grip never felt the same.

                I still like McDonald, especially with your categories, where a bad whip won't hurt him or you. Besides, unless Hanrahan craters between the freeze date and the auction, you'll be able to get Meeks back cheap.

                Question, your auction prices reflect the hit that MRs take with Ks being used over Whip?


                • #9
                  Hmmm...I'd keep Ramos. I have no confidence Pudge will either stay healthy or hit consistently, and I suspect Ramos will see a lot of PT. Second choice would be McDonald.

                  With 16 keepers, you must have crazy-mad inflation.
                  I'm just here for the baseball.

