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Last few keeper slots

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  • Last few keeper slots

    I've posted my entire roster before, but I just wanted some advice on my last 1-2 keeper slots:

    NL only 10 team 5x5 (R & K/9), can keep up to 10...keepers will be due in 2 weeks

    Which two, if any of these, would you keep:


    The rest of my keepers are: Ramos-6, Gattis-10, Belt-15, Gyorko-10, Rendon-10, KDavis-8, Cole-10, ZWheeler-6

  • #2
    I'm not sure I like any of them. Polanco is going to take Tabata's job. Lambo may or may not have half a job. Pollock might be the closest but at 10 that's pretty steep. Upside is maybe .265-10-15 which does have some value. I like Melancon or Strop but which one? And do they go more than 6 in a 10-teamer? Probably not. TDA is a no way guy with 2 better catchers on your team. Black is a no only because I like Melancon and Strop more.

    Forced to choose I would take Pollock, mostly since you only have 1 OF.


    • #3
      I mostly agree with Joncarlos, I'm not really sure I'd keep any of them at those prices.

      Of the hitters, Pollock is about at the upper limit I'd spend. I might consider him, but wouldn't really expect much, if any, profit on that. None of the others are very interesting at those prices, especially since you're already keeping two catchers.

      The three relievers could all earn $6 or more, but I value all three roughly equally at this point, and I'm not sure any of them would go for more than that at auction. Melancon is the most definite of the three as closer in waiting, and Grilli seems to get hurt for a stretch each year, but when healthy, he's probably also the most dependable of the closers ahead of these guys. Strop is decent but may or may not ever see saves this year, and Black may or may not be second in line behind Parnell.


      • #4
        I think I'd rather have the money and roster spots in the auction. If I had to pick two I'd go with Pollock and Melancon.


        • #5
          I would not keep any of those.


          • #6
            I'd give some half-hearted support for keeping Melancon, but that may be because I'm a Pirates fan. He's around his value assuming Grilli stays healthy. I like a lot of the guys mentioned, but can't see keeping them at those prices. Toss them back and see if you can get them for the same or less at the auction.
            Only the madman is absolutely sure. -Robert Anton Wilson, novelist (1932-2007)

            Faith is believing what you know ain't so. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

            A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
            -- William James


            • #7
              I am also in the agreement of keeping none of these. In a ten team i can't see melancon going for more than six and he is the most appealing of the lot to me.


              • #8
                Of them, I'd only consider keeping Strop since I think Veras will suck. But I think you can get him back for less than 6 if you want him or have the free roster slot.
                I'm just here for the baseball.

