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Help with keepers and it isn't pretty

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  • Help with keepers and it isn't pretty

    12 team AL only keeper roto 5x5 w/obp $260

    C Phegly $1
    1B Wallace $10
    3B Longo $33
    SS Villar $13
    2B Infante $8
    2B Roberts $8
    CI/OF Moss $18
    OF Ibanez $4
    OF Maxwell $12
    OF Ellsbury $32
    OF Gardner $20

    Buehrle $9
    Chen $10
    Hernandez $38
    A.Sanchez $32
    Kuroda $23
    Kazmir $10
    Phelps $10
    E.Ramirez $15
    D.Salazar $13
    Farquhar $12


  • #2
    what do expect as an inflation rate?
    Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Grinch View Post
      what do expect as an inflation rate?
      Probably around 15% for hitters and 20-25% for starting pitchers. SPers will be weak in the draft and usually are over paid for


      • #4
        Ibanez $4
        Ellsbury $32
        Farquhar $12
        Villar $13


        • #5
          Originally posted by price View Post
          12 team AL only keeper roto 5x5 w/obp $260

          C Phegly $1
          1B Wallace $10
          3B Longo $33
          SS Villar $13 - Keep. He could crater your OBP, but dang, he can run
          2B Infante $8 - Keep. Not awesome, but he's a mid-teens value, even in KC.
          2B Roberts $8
          CI/OF Moss $18
          OF Ibanez $4
          OF Maxwell $12
          OF Ellsbury $32 - There isn't an AL player around who scares me more than him. With your options, I'd keep him. I think.
          OF Gardner $20

          Buehrle $9
          Chen $10
          Hernandez $38 - If inflation is 25%, you're sure not getting him back for 38. Seattle seems like they're moving in the right direction. I'd keep him, mileage may vary here.
          A.Sanchez $32
          Kuroda $23
          Kazmir $10
          Phelps $10
          E.Ramirez $15
          D.Salazar $13 - KEEP! KEEP!
          Farquhar $12 - Keep, good closer value.

          Keepers and notes in bold above.
          I'm just here for the baseball.


          • #6
            Originally posted by chancellor View Post
            Keepers and notes in bold above.
            Agree with all of Chances keepers.
            I would be tempted to keep Ibanez and I may consider Gardner if your league is active with trading---having Villar, Elsbury and Gardner should let you trade to fix a draft shortcoming.
            Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!


            • #7
              Adding to Chancellor's list, I keep Kuroda at $23.

              200 innings of good era and whip, 150ks makes him a keeper to me.


              • #8
                I'd prefer Anibal to Kuroda and 9 bucks. I would go big and keep Salazar, Felix and Anibal, plus I guess you have to keep Farqhuar though I have absolutely no faith in him. On offense I like Infante and I guess you have to keep Villar. I would think about Longoria too.

                Why no love for Kazmir?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
                  Why no love for Kazmir?
                  Once bitten, twice shy??? Hasn't everyone been bitten by him?
                  Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!


                  • #10
                    Wow, no real bargains on that list, especially among the pitchers. I agree fully with chancellor's pitching picks, while among the hitters, I'm not sold on Infante at $8. I'd think about keeping Moss at $18, if you think the power will repeat, or Gardner at $20 to completely own the steals category with Villar, Ellsbury, and Gardner.
                    Only the madman is absolutely sure. -Robert Anton Wilson, novelist (1932-2007)

                    Faith is believing what you know ain't so. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

                    A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
                    -- William James


                    • #11
                      DQ - Infante isn't fancy, but in a 12-team only league, he hasn't earned less than $10 in four years, and has earned mid to upper teens three of those four years.
                      I'm just here for the baseball.


                      • #12
                        I like Kazmir at $10. And Kuroda at $23.

