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5x5 NL Keeper List - Many choices here.

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  • 5x5 NL Keeper List - Many choices here.

    This is 10 team 5x5 NL League. We can keep 10. I have a few choices to make here and would like some input. Here is the list:

    1B I Davis $5
    2B Walker $10
    SS Desmond $3
    Cl Axford $3
    Cl Hanrahan $1
    P Myers $5
    P Lilly $11
    P Jaime Garcia $9

    I think these 8 I want to pretty much keep but for the final two spots I have:
    2B Danny Espinosa $10 I like his SB/HR potential. Don't like his low BA or $10 value
    OF Morse $1 If he starts for the whole season ....
    OF Torres $3 Not going to do what he did last season but still productive enough
    P Anibal Sanchez $8 He stepped up last season.
    P Homer Bailey $1 nice 2nd half.
    P H Bell $27 I love Bell but $27 and have 2 closers already.

    I'm leaning more towards Sanchez and choice between Torres or Morse.
    I like your imput here. Thanks!

  • #2
    Welcome to the new board, Pit!

    I am leery of Sanchez. His injury history is lengthy and intimidating. Perhaps other owners feel the same way and it won't cost as much to redraft him as you think. I would keep Bailey and Torres. Torres will more than earn his $3 in runs and steals, and Bailey is finally showing signs of being the elite talent he was once pegged to be. I suspect Morse is a better player in real life than in fantasy.

    If this is 12TO and the spending habits are the same as when I was there, no one will bid more than $27 for a closer, even an elite one, so you can throw Bell back without losing any sleep over it. It it's not 12TO, that's a tougher call, but since you already have two cheap closers, you can afford to toss him.
    Originally posted by Kevin Seitzer
    We pinch ran for Altuve specifically to screw over Mith's fantasy team.


    • #3
      Of those remaining, Sanchez wouldn't make my top 3. Not horrible at that price but he could probably be had for the same at auction.

      Torres at $3 is choice 1. At that price, it's a no brainer.
      Morse & Bailey. Tough choice between those 2. I'd lean towards the bat, but keep an eye on the OF situation in Washington.


      • #4
        Erik - it's been awhile. This league is nothing like the 12TO or at least how it was when we were in. I got a trade offer Kemp $12 last yr in contract for Desmond and Davis. Which Kemp shows up this season? I'm considering keeping Bailey tossing back Garcia and then keeping Torres and Morse. Bailey should make the team I think. Morse is suppose to be the starter and if he get 500 ABs he could have a 25 HR season in him. Are you a believer? I agree with Sanchez on his injury history but he did pitch well last season. So many decisions to make and I have to go to work tomorrow.


        • #5
          1B I Davis $5
          2B Walker $10
          SS Desmond $3
          Cl Axford $3
          Cl Hanrahan $1
          P Myers $5
          P Lilly $11
          P Jaime Garcia $9

          2B Danny Espinosa $10 I like his SB/HR potential. Don't like his low BA or $10 value- I would toss him back
          OF Morse $1 If he starts for the whole season . He is worth a $1 roll of the dice
          OF Torres $3 Not going to do what he did last season but still productive enough no brainer. must keep.
          P Anibal Sanchez $8 He stepped up last season. pass
          P Homer Bailey $1 nice 2nd half. I would keep.
          P H Bell $27 I love Bell but $27 and have 2 closers already. no way

          so for me it would come down to Bailey or Morse and since Morse is guarenteed nothing at this point, my final 2 would be Torres and Bailey.
          After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


          • #6
            I don't think Garcia is worth keeping at 9 in a 10-team NL (and thus 520-780 less dollars spent on players). Alot of people thought he did it with smoke and mirrors last season, and it is showing this ST. He only went for 9 in the 13-team LABR league last week. Keeping Bailey at 1 is alot less risky.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Weapon1 View Post
              I don't think Garcia is worth keeping at 9 in a 10-team NL (and thus 520-780 less dollars spent on players). Alot of people thought he did it with smoke and mirrors last season, and it is showing this ST. He only went for 9 in the 13-team LABR league last week. Keeping Bailey at 1 is alot less risky.
              I've posted here and HQ and it is pretty much 100% that Bailey is the pick here and the other Torres. I think I will replace Garcia with Bailey and also keep Torres and probably go with Morse as the last pick,

              What do you guys think of the offer Kemp for me and I give up Desmond & Davis?


              • #8
                I like your list going in. I agree with Hammer on the keeps for the last two. No way would I trade Ike Davis and Desmond for Kemp in his last year (and after last year).

