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Keeper Value of These Outfielders

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  • Keeper Value of These Outfielders

    In my 12 team 5x5 (normal categories) AL only league I have three outfielders that I think are at good keeper prices (or at least a good value; meaning not a huge bargain but a good deal). I am out of it by a long shot thanks to awful pitching (cause I spent too much on my outfield) so I need to decide if I should trade these guys or hang on to them and keep them next year. I think the answer is in the middle, trade one or two and keep the other(s). The other thing to consider is we have a three year race where we combine the stats from three years and give out money to the top three finishers in that. So if you want to have a chance at that you still need to try to put up decent stats in your rebuilding years. Teams still dump but they don't do it as early.

    Anyway, the three outfielders I have are:

    Brett Gardner $24
    Coco Crisp $21
    Curtis Granderson $24

    If I decide to trade one of these guys I feel like I should ask for more than in a situation where you can't keep the guy because I believe whoever trades for one of these guys will keep him.

    So, am I right in thinking these guys have value for next year?
    I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

    The Weakerthans Aside

  • #2
    I like Gardner the best as a keeper, and Grandy the worst. I'm not convinced he is a keeper. Isn't his contract up? I know his injuries were complete flukes but is the speed coming back? Is he a .240-35-100-5sb guy at best?

    Since this is Coco's career year it makes sense to trade him even though he would be a solid keeper at $21. I just think his health precludes him from ever earning a lot more than that.


    • #3
      Good point about Grandy being a free agent. Plus his average is never very good. Though I think those numbers you mention are worth $30 in my league. Those numbers are probably dependent on staying in New York. I guess there are other places that could be just as good for a hitter.

      I do like Gardner over Crisp due to him being four years younger. Maybe Crisp's contract will get me a better return.
      I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

      The Weakerthans Aside


      • #4
        Hang on to Gardner for sure and keep Crisp unless you can get better value for next year and trade Granderson when he comes back and has his first hot streak.


        • #5
          If you can get something good for Grandy, I would do it now. I think he is at value maybe a buck or two under. You can trade based on his past power numbers. What happens if you wait for him to get healthy and it takes too long to knock the rust off or if that hot streak doesn't come quickly.


          • #6
            I'd keep Crisp first and Gardner next, and deal Granderson. Sure, Crisp's numbers this year scream PEDs...oops, I mean fluke, but even if he regresses back to .265-70-10-50-40, he's worth more than $21.
            I'm just here for the baseball.


            • #7
              Thanks guys. It's funny, when I was finished with the draft I was thinking Granderson was the best value but now I think he's the worst. Obviously, the second injury plays a role in that but Crisp and Gardner have stepped up with very nice seasons. I think I'll make all of them available but will have to be overwhelmed to trade Gardner and Crisp, but ultimately trade one of those two and keep the other.

              My other current potential keepers are: Chris Davis $9B, Leonys Martin $5B, Arcia $10A, Lawrie $15C14, Nakajima $5A, Kalish $1A, Jarrod Parker $8B, Bailey $4A, Danks $2A, Fields $4A, Feliz $5A, Pineda $4A with Franklin $10M and Archer $5M not yet activated. We can keep 12 and it's a long way from next march but I am looking at having too many keepers (usually a good thing). I also have Cano and Pujols to trade away.

              What are your thoughts on Altuve at $21 as a keeper for next year?
              I'm unconsoled I'm lonely, I am so much better than I used to be.

              The Weakerthans Aside

