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do players steal less early in the season?

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  • do players steal less early in the season?

    based on the discussion in this thread, i thought i'd have a look at some data.

    unfortunately i can't find MLB data broken down by month or week on the interwebz anywhere.

    fortunately, i used to do all the stats-keeping for my main league with all of my own programs, so have weekly raw stats (from the old TQStats) from the years 1995 through 2006.

    the two linked plots i think show pretty definitively that there is no change at all in the rate of steals, at any time during the season. the idea that players run more as the weather warms up is an urban myth.

    first plot is the ratio of SB to PA (in %) as a function of time in the season - each season is a different color (though some get reused you get the picture). second plot is that same ratio, but divided by the average for that year (to take out year-to-year trends of more or less overall SB).

    "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann

  • #2
    You can get MLB splits in B-R, which includes per-month (link:
    Here's 2012 SB/G
    April/March: 418/676, 0.62
    May: 578/850, 0.68
    June: 541/808, 0.67
    July: 545/766, 0.71
    August: 531/850, 0.62
    Sept/Oct: 616/910, 0.68

    overall: 3229/4860, 0.66

    A jump after April/May seems to support the hypothesis, but then there's the odd drop in August.

    Looking at age splits, young player were much more likely to get a SB, so maybe there is some correlation with month due to delayed early call-ups (such as with Trout) and the September call-ups.
    Age 25-: 955/1214
    Age 26-30: 1534/2231
    Age 31-35: 611/1107
    Age 36+: 129/306
    people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


    • #3
      Originally posted by Controller Jacobs View Post
      You can get MLB splits in B-R, which includes per-month (link:
      Here's 2012 SB/G
      April/March: 418/676, 0.62
      May: 578/850, 0.68
      June: 541/808, 0.67
      July: 545/766, 0.71
      August: 531/850, 0.62
      Sept/Oct: 616/910, 0.68

      overall: 3229/4860, 0.66

      A jump after April/May seems to support the hypothesis, but then there's the odd drop in August.

      Looking at age splits, young player were much more likely to get a SB, so maybe there is some correlation with month due to delayed early call-ups (such as with Trout) and the September call-ups.
      Age 25-: 955/1214
      Age 26-30: 1534/2231
      Age 31-35: 611/1107
      Age 36+: 129/306
      good analysis. though I'm not sure the differences from month to month are substantial enough - I still think panic is in order.
      It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


      • #4
        i don't see a jump at all in those numbers. if i were home i'd do the statistics, but i'm in the car waiting to pick up the kids.

        ETA: thanks for that B-R link. i found the splits page but couldn't figure out how to get the monthly ones.
        "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann


        • #5
          Season AB PA HR SB CS success HR/SB PA/HR PA/SB
          2010 year 165353 185553 4613 2959 1129 72.38% 1.6 40.2 62.7
          2011 year 165705 185245 4552 3279 1261 72.22% 1.4 40.7 56.5
          2012 year 165251 184179 4934 3229 1136 73.97% 1.5 37.3 57.0
          2010 April 23428 26606 648 462 163 73.92% 1.4 41.1 57.6
          2011 April 27060 30384 724 544 208 72.34% 1.3 42.0 55.9
          2012 April 22891 25577 638 418 181 69.78% 1.5 40.1 61.2
          2013 April 12663 14166 373 187 68 73.33% 2.0 38.0 75.8
          Follow me on Twitter @ToddZola


          • #6
            Opportunities are 1B+BB+HBP -- it's crude but without breaking into the BIS database, it will have to do.

            % Opportunity per PA % run per opportunity
            2010 year 24.7% 8.9%
            2011 year 24.3% 10.1%
            2012 year 24.0% 9.9%
            2010 April 25.0% 9.4%
            2011 April 24.3% 10.2%
            2012 April 23.8% 9.8%
            2013 April 24.0% 7.5%
            Follow me on Twitter @ToddZola


            • #7
              Originally posted by Controller Jacobs View Post
              April/March: 418/676, 0.62
              May: 578/850, 0.68
              June: 541/808, 0.67
              July: 545/766, 0.71
              August: 531/850, 0.62
              Sept/Oct: 616/910, 0.68
              average = 0.663
              standard deviation = .036

              there is only the smallest statistical difference between 0.62 and 0.68 (one is slightly more than 1-sigma from the mean, one less than half). so there's no statistically believable "jump" after april/march (which is what i assume you meant instead of april/may).

              ETA: and todd's data backs this up. there is just nothing to show that players steal more when it is warmer (later in the season).
              Last edited by bryanbutler; 04-17-2013, 10:02 PM.
              "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann

