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Paul Maholm vs. Mark Teixeira.

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  • Paul Maholm vs. Mark Teixeira.

    Who provides more value in 2013?

  • #2
    It's really hard to equate the value between an injured batter and a starter, but I'm inclined to say Maholm.

    Hell according to Yahoo's rankings from 2012 it shaped up like this:
    Teixeira - O-Rank 199, Rank 181
    Maholm - O-Rank 320, Rank 156

    There are a lot more pitchers to shuffle in and out, but I think I'd take Maholm in a vacuum.


    • #3
      Without knowing the league specifics, I gotta say Teixiera. The doom and gloom reports on his injury are looking, right now, to be overblown. He has indicated he wants to come back as early as May 1st. Personally, I'd prefer they force him to take his time to ensure he doesn't rush and reinjure himself, but if he really does come back early to mid-May, and he comes back hitting like the reduced, but still productive power hitter he has become over the last couple of seasons, I'd prefer having him over a fairly replacable arm like Maholm.

      This is especially true in a mixed league where replacement level is much higher and it is worth taking the risk on the greater upside offerred by Teixiera. I picked him up cheaply in our 16 team mixed league auction, and I wouldn't trade him for Maholm right now.
      Last edited by Sour Masher; 04-05-2013, 11:47 AM.


      • #4
        4 months of Teix + 2 months of Berkman or Chris Carter (the best WW 1Bs in my 12-team mixed) >>> Maholm

        On the other hand,

        Maholm > 4 months of Teix + 2 months of Eric Chavez (the best WW 1B in my 20-team mixed)


        • #5
          Thanks guys. Glad for the input.

