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Help with extension decisions on Harper, Wainwright, Gordon, As.Cabrera

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  • Help with extension decisions on Harper, Wainwright, Gordon, As.Cabrera

    Hey, guys. I'm in a 15-team 5x5 mixed ultra league with a lot of RotoJunkie regulars. I'm bringing a stacked offense into the draft that I think could allow me to contend for a title this year if I succeed in my pitcher buys at the auction. So with the understanding that I'm playing first-and-foremost for this season and want to be able to bid generously on pitching at the auction, who if any of the following four guys should I extend @ $5 per year up to three additional years?

    Harper 15
    Wainwright 2
    Gordon 10
    As.Cabrera 2
    Shelby Miller 5 (I need to make an extension decision on him this year, but I'm permitted to use him as an 11th keeper on my reserve roster even if he makes the opening day roster and his salary won't count against my auction budget)

    None of my other keepers require extension decisions this year, but they are:

    McCutchen 35
    Longoria 20
    Bautista 15
    Butler 21
    Pagan 9
    G.Jones 1

    Last edited by B-Fly; 03-22-2013, 10:50 AM. Reason: help for revo and other title ignorers

  • #2
    Cabrera 2
    Miggy? Yes, 3 years.
    Asdrubal? Yes, 1 year.
    Melky? Maybe 1 year.
    Everth? Maybe 1 year.
    Edwar? No.
    Orlando? No.
    Daniel? No.
    Francisco? No.


    • #3
      Originally posted by eldiablo505
      Since the title says As. Cabrera, I'd guess that it's Asdrubal and not Edwar.
      Who reads titles?


      • #4
        Edited to clarify that my Cabrera is, in fact, Asdrubal.


        • #5
          Harper... yes, 1yr
          Wainwright... yes, 1yr

          Rest of them... no. Why lock into a slightly underpriced mediocre SS for two years? And while I really like Gordon, I think $15 is about as much as I'd be happy with, so why max him out versus enjoying a year of nice profit?


          • #6
            Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
            Harper... yes, 1yr
            Wainwright... yes, 1yr

            Rest of them... no. Why lock into a slightly underpriced mediocre SS for two years? And while I really like Gordon, I think $15 is about as much as I'd be happy with, so why max him out versus enjoying a year of nice profit?
            I agree completely with jc on this one. I'm notoriously against extending players, but Harper and Wainwright will earn it and still give you enough money to buy some quality arms in the auction. That is assuming of course that Hunter and Cook don't overspend on all of them.


            • #7
              If I read this right you can extend Shelby 1 year without it costing you any money against your cap/budget? If that is the case you would absolutely extend him. Nothing to lose, but a shot to payoff big. If it counts than no.

              Harper and Wainwright I would give a year to. Nobody else.


              • #8
                Harper for sure. I'd go one year. I don't think I would extend Wainwright, can't blame you if you do however.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gregg View Post
                  If I read this right you can extend Shelby 1 year without it costing you any money against your cap/budget? If that is the case you would absolutely extend him. Nothing to lose, but a shot to payoff big. If it counts than no.

                  Harper and Wainwright I would give a year to. Nobody else.
                  That's an interesting point, but I guess the risk is that if Miller stinks and isn't keepable at $10 in 2014, I think I'd have to pay money to break the contract. Although it's not auction money, it's just real money, so no huge deal.

