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2k13: Tampa Bay Rays

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  • 2k13: Tampa Bay Rays

    Let's roll out a team with a few question marks for fantasy, mostly because their manager likes to juggle 15 different players for every role/position.


    Jose Molina got 251 ABs last year. He might get more this year. He's still not a good fantasy player, even for a buck he'll probably hurt you because of his AVG. The Rays' backups are worse. I guess Jose Lobaton is the backup? Chris Gimenez? Robinson Chirinos? I wouldn't touch any of these guys, and there's no help down on the farm.


    Evan Longoria will get as many ABs as he can handle at 3B. He's a first round pick, but injuries are a concern. Yunel Escobar should get all the ABs he isn't suspended for at SS. I really don't love him in TB which isn't a good place to hit. Ben Zobrist and Kelly Johnson will get most of the ABs at 2B, and both will serve as utility guys when they're not at 2B. James Loney as the 1B starter? Ugh. Between Loney and Molina, both great gloves with zero bat, the Rays are trying to corner the market on ALL the 1-0 games. Sean Rodriguez is in the mix, and if Maddon lets him mash lefties he could be worth a buck as a .230-10HR guy in 200 ABs. Ryan Roberts is also in the mix and will probably get the ABs Longoria misses due to injury/rest. I like him more than S-Rod as a buck player. Tim Beckham could finally make it to the majors as another utility guy. Maybe Shelley Duncan, Luke Scott, Jack Cust, and Hak-Ju Lee get some play here too. Wait, is Scott the starting DH until Myers comes up?


    Wil Myers will start at AAA and probably stay there until he isn't a super-2 guy any more. Maybe 400 ABs. Don't count on him earning what he costs in a redraft league. Desmond Jennings in CF, Matt Joyce in LF, and a lot of Zobrist in RF? I guess Super Sam Fuld is in the mix, as well as Duncan, Roberts, KJ and maybe Brandon Guyer. Your guess is as good as mine how this shakes out, other than Joyce getting full ABs against righties and Jennings playing almost every day. Fuld should be worth a couple bucks for his speed. Myers will still play once he is allowed to come up.


    Finally some good news! David Price! Matt Moore! Jeremy Hellickson! After the big 3, Alex Cobb probably has a rotation spot locked up. Jeff Niemann, Jake Odorizzi, and Roberto "Fausto" Hernandez are competing for the #5 spot. I guess Chris Archer is probably in the mix too. I like Moore to take a huge step forward, Price to continue to be awesome and Hellboy to continue his wizardry. I like Cobb a lot too. Niemann is good for a couple bucks and Fausto is the darkhorse. Assuming Carmona/Hernandez doesn't make the rotation, he'll be a low-leverage groundball guy who could earn a buck based on park/defense. Archer could get the Moore/Price treatment and come up to show off his stuff in a relief/late-season role.


    Can Fernando Rodney do it again? His ADP seems to indicate a little bit of skepticism but he's generally valued as an elite closer, if not the Eckersley clone he was last year. Jake McGee is lights out as a setup guy, but the Rays might not give him saves if Rodney falters, since that would jack up his arbitration price. Kyle Farnsworth or Joel Peralta could step in if needed. Hernandez probably won't. Cesar Ramos is a solid #2 lefty and Jamey Wright is a groundballer to eat some innings. Given their park and Maddon's usage, Peralta/McGee/Farnsy/Hernandez could all earn at least a buck in AL-only leagues.

    I think we're looking at these lineups (pre-Myers)

    vs. RH pitchers

    CF Jennings
    SS Yunel
    RF Zobrist
    3B Longoria
    LF Joyce
    DH Scott
    2B KJ
    1B Loney
    C some crappy guy

    vs. LH pitchers

    CF Jennings (maybe not leadoff though)
    SS Yunel
    RF Zobrist
    3B Longoria
    LF Joyce (I guess)
    DH Ryan Roberts
    1B Shelly Duncan
    2B S-Rod
    C some crappy guy
    Last edited by joncarlos; 03-05-2013, 11:22 AM. Reason: formatting, fixed VL lineup

  • #2
    Any insight on whether Myers is guaranteed a role in the second half...or is it a wait and see sort of deal? I tend to think he's a better option than Joyce. I ask for H2H owners who really only need his second-half production for the playoffs.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pauly View Post
      Any insight on whether Myers is guaranteed a role in the second half...or is it a wait and see sort of deal? I tend to think he's a better option than Joyce. I ask for H2H owners who really only need his second-half production for the playoffs.
      Once he gets called up, he'll be up to stay. The team likes Joyce and he's very good vs RHP so he'll get a lot of PA's for that unless they trade him.

      Cobb absolutely has a spot locked in, the 5 spot is the only one in doubt here. I honestly have no clue the way it will go because Archer has looked fantastic. In a perfect world, they deal Niemann for a better backup C or a RH OF bat (Craig Gentry would be ideal) and let Hernandez start there until Archer's super 2 passes.

      Fontenot has a legit shot at making the team over Sean Rodriguez


      • #4
        Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
        vs. LH pitchers

        CF Jennings (maybe not leadoff though)
        SS Yunel
        RF Zobrist
        3B Longoria
        LF Ryan Roberts
        1B Shelly Duncan
        2B S-Rod
        C some crappy guy
        I am all for getting rid of the DH, but if the AL starts making pitchers hit only when a lefty is on the mound, wouldn't that lead to unfair results because I team starting a lefty against a righty would get to use a DH but their opponents would not?


        • #5
          Originally posted by cavebird View Post
          I am all for getting rid of the DH, but if the AL starts making pitchers hit only when a lefty is on the mound, wouldn't that lead to unfair results because I team starting a lefty against a righty would get to use a DH but their opponents would not?
          Good point there smart guy. I guess Joyce has to play everyday unless the Rays find another righty bat to go in for him. I fixed the lineup in the first post.

          As to whether Myers comes up in the 2nd half, I think he absolutely does. Look at those projected lineups. Now look at these:

          vs. RH pitchers

          CF Jennings
          SS Yunel
          LF Zobrist
          3B Longoria
          RF Myers
          DH Joyce
          2B KJ
          1B Loney/Scott
          C some crappy guy

          vs. LH pitchers

          CF Jennings (maybe not leadoff though)
          SS Yunel
          LF Zobrist
          3B Longoria
          RF Myers
          DH Joyce or S-Rod
          1B Shelly Duncan
          2B Ryan Roberts
          C some crappy guy


          • #6
            Buster Posey would have looked real nice in that lineup.


            • #7
              Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
              Good point there smart guy.
              Having failed to figure out fantasy baseball, I have to content myself with making snippy posts when somebody makes a grammatical mistake or leaves someone out of a lineup, etc. Everyone has to have his niche, right?


              • #8
                Originally posted by cavebird View Post
                Having failed to figure out fantasy baseball, I have to content myself with making snippy posts when somebody makes a grammatical mistake or leaves someone out of a lineup, etc. Everyone has to have his niche, right?
                Hey, there's always bbq ...
                It certainly feels that way. But I'm distrustful of that feeling and am curious about evidence.


                • #9
                  There is also the chance that Scott could play some first against righties.


                  • #10
                    Sun, Mar 10
                    Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times writes that Roberto Hernandez "looks like the strong favorite" to win the Rays' No. 5 starter job.
                    Now the question is, will he be any good?


                    • #11
                      Leslie Anderson -- anything to see here?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by revo View Post
                        Leslie Anderson -- anything to see here?
                        he's a very dark Cuban. Outside of that, no


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
                          Now the question is, will he be any good?
                          here's a silver lining I wrote about back in December


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Moonlight J View Post
                            here's a silver lining I wrote about back in December

                            The correct answer: You don't even want to pay a buck to find out.

                            Unless it is a league like this:
                            Strike outs
                            OPB (lowest wins)
                            SLG (lowest wins)
                            Hits Allowed
                            HR allowed
                            ERA (highest wins)
                            WHIP (highest wins)

                            The ratio categories have to be included to avoid having good players who play a lot help you. That would actually be kind of fun. A crappy players who play league. Brendan Ryan and Colorado pitchers would be gold.


                            • #15
                              Neimann had shoulder surgery and is out for the year?

                              (Reported on this morning's Fantasy Focus... I hadn't heard that)

                              Does that mean we're on Archer Watch?

