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Trading: Too caught in todays top 10 vs future top 10

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  • Trading: Too caught in todays top 10 vs future top 10

    Sometimes you have to look beyond today's top 10 prospects. If you really believe in a player outside the top 10 then now is the time jump. I see nothing wrong with trading a top 10 prospect right now for Manny Machado, who I think will be a top 3 prospect soon. He will stick at SS with his glove and soft hands and has great bat potential, which all fantasy nerds love to hear.

  • #2
    Even if you feel that way about Machado, he is a long way off from contributing and you probably shouldn't HAVE to trade a top 10 pick to acquire him.


    • #3
      In a dynasty league I beg to differ. Besides, I'm not convinced Brown deserved top 5 billing.


      • #4
        Am I missing the offer or is this a philosophical discussion?


        • #5
          It depends on how many prospects you are allowed to keep. In our only leagues we can keep up to 6 each. That means the top 72 prospects for each league can be kept each year. No one would trade a top 10 for somebody down the list unless it was sweetened with a draft pick upgrade.


          • #6
            ElD states it a little harshly, but that is generally how I feel as well. Teens are too far out to project, unless you have a real freak, like a teenage Griffey, or B Harper. In which case, the rankings would already reflect the uber prospect, regardless of age.


            • #7
              I agree that it is good to go after guys that you have a view on before they become Top 10 assets. However, I would always try to get something back if shedding a concensus Top 10 asset for someone who's "stock" is lower. An early round draft pick or another lesser prospect or "B closer" for example


              • #8
                blue horseshoe loves anicott steel.
                After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


                • #9
                  Check out BA top 3 ranked guys in 1992:
                  1. Brien Taylor, lhp, Yankees
                  2. Todd Van Poppel, rhp, Athletics
                  3. Roger Salkeld, rhp, Mariners


                  • #10
                    I guess the same could be said for the current top 10. Take Domonic Brown for example, before his injury he struggled and now he said he's scrapping the new stance they tried to get him to use to straigten out his hitting issues. Also, you listed 3 SP and we all know they bust more often than position players. I have to believe that Manny Machado's bust chances are less than any of those pitchers. So is Domonic Brown's, but he was struggling before the injury.


                    • #11
                      Roger Salkeld

                      Look outside Rays Top 10: Braulio Lara and Enny Romero. Me likey


                      • #12
                        Recently, I heard Gary Sheffield speaking on the MLB Network. He noted that the Brewers tried to change his swing when he first came up, because they did not think he was quick enough nor strong enough to catch up to inside pitches using that waggle. After struggling to hit, he went back to his original swing and the rest is history.

                        For someone considered to be one of the game's top prospects, the Phillies are doing some odd things with D.Brown. Last season they brought him up to the majors mid-season, yet sat him on the bench, which took away from his development time and did not allow him to get into a groove, offensively. This season, they tried to change his swing before seeing what he could do with extended major league playing time...and he winds up breaking his hammate bone. As a Brown owner, I just hope they don't do more damage than good.
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                        RotoJunkie Posts: 4,314
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ThatRogue View Post
                          For someone considered to be one of the game's top prospects, the Phillies are doing some odd things with D.Brown. Last season they brought him up to the majors mid-season, yet sat him on the bench, which took away from his development time and did not allow him to get into a groove, offensively. This season, they tried to change his swing before seeing what he could do with extended major league playing time...and he winds up breaking his hammate bone. As a Brown owner, I just hope they don't do more damage than good.
                          Supposedly Brown scrapped that the game that he got hurt in, and singled in his first at bat using his "old" stance. He's going back to that when he's healed.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by willthethrill View Post
                            Supposedly Brown scrapped that the game that he got hurt in, and singled in his first at bat using his "old" stance. He's going back to that when he's healed.
                            From a fantasy perspective there are better "Top" prospects to take a chance on who don't seem to be having mechanical swing and /or mental swing issues. Could Brown be another Cameron Maybin?

