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Scoresheet Initial Keeper Draft Rankings

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  • Scoresheet Initial Keeper Draft Rankings

    Does anyone know of a good resource for Scoresheet rankings for a keeper league other than the rankings on the Scoresheet site?

    My draft kicks off on Wednesday and if there are other resources I'd love to have that going in. I'm typically a "don't draft a SP until the 8th round or so" kind of drafter in Roto Leagues and I know that won't fly in Scoresheet, but if there was some list of overall rankings it'd help a lot.

    Thanks guys.

  • #2
    Baseball Prospectus has a tool that scores players specifically for Scoresheet based on the PECOTA forecasts.

    If you're looking for more strategy-style tips, here are mine:
    • Don't ignore defense. Those runs add up. On the other hand, it counts a bit less than in real baseball, so don't go overboard.
    • Use platoons. Also, lefty-killers aren't full-time players as much in Scoresheet. Focus on guys who can hit righties, then worry about their platoon partners.
    • Get enough IP and PAs for every position. If you run out, the replacement level is killer -- something like a 7.50 ERA for pitchers. Totally unrealistic, but not worth it at all.


    • #3
      Thanks Sky.

      I just discovered the BP tool this morning and it's very helpful.

      It'll be interesting to balance the keeper aspect of it in player evaluations. For example, I was hoping to be able to grab Jason Heyward without having to reach for him as I'm a Braves guy and it's always fun to have your players.

      I noticed he was ranked fairly low down the list on the BP tool and on the Scoresheet rankings. I'm willing to bump him over a couple of guys because of age, but I don't want to reach. Of course, I have the 5th pick and I'm not taking him in the first round obviously so it's possible he won't make it back and it'll be moot.

