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Best baseball podcasts

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  • Best baseball podcasts

    Anyone have any favorite podcasts they care to share? I feel a bit bad saying this, but I can't listen to the Fangraphs one because I just find the host so difficult to listen to and I feel a bit similarly (although not nearly as strongly) as one of the hosts on the BP podcast. Any other recommendations?

  • #2
    the CBS one is very easy to listen to...good quality (doesnt sound like someone is on the phone or in an echo chamber). I enjoy the banter too. When they are back, the ESPN fantasy guys Matt and Nate are good and funny as hell. The new Buster Olney podcast is pretty great too.

    I like towers of power (Collette & sporer), but you need to really devote a bunch of time to it. Hey Mr. Collette- My 2cents is that the TOP podcast would be a lot easier to handle as a listener if you outline what gets talked about when during the podcast (so you can FF to what you really want to hear) -- you used to do this but I havent seen it on the last bunch of episodes...still it's good stuff.


    • #3
      I'll work on getting outlines back. We just get into the flow of the show and forget to timestamp where we jump to the next topic


      • #4
        BP hasn't hired a producer for you guys to listen as you record and take care of that type of thing?


        • #5
          I've listened to them all and most are not that good. The Baseball Tonight podcast with Buster Olney is great. I have just been turned on the Towers of Power podcast and really enjoy that one as well. They really cover a lot. Fantasy Focus is a must. Very entertaining. Fantasy 411 has good content but those guys can really grate on me.


          • #6
            I'm out of it -- didn't even know about Towers of Power. Will definitely check it out. Wish I liked the hosts on BP and Fangraphs more because they do have some great content.


            • #7
              Oh, almost forgot a favorite of mine is Dear Mr. Fantasy podcast. Really good content, guys really know their stuff but a little corny. Plus, one of my favorite songs of all time.


              • #8
                Hey Jason, is there a way we can help out your ratings as fans of the show? ratings or downloads? I don't really know how that all works but I suspect I am not doing you any favors by listening on Stitcher. I remember Adam Corolla saying he doesn't get any stats from them. Is that still true? It is just so damn convenient on my daily commute to plug my phone into my aux jack and listen to baseball podcasts at this time of year. If it helps you more to subscribe on I Tunes, I will do that as well.


                • #9
                  I listen the following fantasy baseball podcasts to TOP, BB HQ, 411 and Fantasy baseball Roundtable each give me a little different benefits. I would say the 411 is more geared toward 12 team 5x5, but both guys have play in Tout and NFBC so you can get deep insight too. I like the HQ AL and NL reports at the beginning of the show as it give some nice deep player tid bits. Jason and Paul do a nice job hitting all aspects, how could you not when it last 2 hours! The Roundtable is ok, sound usually is not great as they always have problems with Blog talk radio and they have their nitich. Podhiezer some times shows up here to PM with a friend.


                  • #10
                    Baseball HQ has a pretty good podcast as well. Perhaps a little too structured but overall good commentary imo. Free from iTunes.


                    • #11
                      The Baseball America podcast is good. I agree about the AL and NL reports on Baseball HQ, good stuff.

                      I can take or leave the CBS podcast because it seems like it's all geared for their standard mixed leagues.

                      The ESPN podcast has gotten to the point where I don't even listen (unless Jason is going to be on). Way to much banter, not much substance.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I enjoyed all of Baseball America's offseason podcasts talking about their top-10 lists but felt they glossed over all the top rated players generally and spent most of the time talking about more fringe prospects. Downloaded their new podcast on the top-100 and looking forward to that but tried to listed to their one from yesterday on the college game and couldn't get into it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KnuckleBalls View Post
                          Hey Jason, is there a way we can help out your ratings as fans of the show? ratings or downloads? I don't really know how that all works but I suspect I am not doing you any favors by listening on Stitcher. I remember Adam Corolla saying he doesn't get any stats from them. Is that still true? It is just so damn convenient on my daily commute to plug my phone into my aux jack and listen to baseball podcasts at this time of year. If it helps you more to subscribe on I Tunes, I will do that as well.
                          iTunes ratings/subscriptions would be great. I don't know what stitcher does - I put the podcast there because a listener asked us to. I host it at podtrac and they give us download data but haven't the last 2 weeks as they are revamping their system. Before that, we had exceeded 2K downloads for 3 consecutive episodes.


                          • #14
                            Just be careful if you listen to CBS because they have a really heavy points league slant to their advice and a lot of the talk is about shallow leagues.

                            I like most podcasts that have been listed. I also like fangraphs podcast though it is more real baseball and less fantasy if you are just into fantasy.


                            • #15
                     is the link to our show

                              I'd also recommend the Prodcast from Productive Outs

