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14-team Dynasty League trade offer

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  • 14-team Dynasty League trade offer

    Hey there, hoping to get some opinions on an offer I have available to me. 14-team, H2H dynasty points league. One of the best teams in the league, so definitely in win-now mode, but always open to a deal that will help keep me in win-now mode year in and year out. The offer:

    I get Doug Fister
    I give David Ortiz & Jorge De La Rosa (or a draft pick)

    My current SPs: Felix, Kershaw, Halladay, Gallardo, Kuroda, Hudson, Marcum, Hammel, Edwin Jackson, Maholm, Straily, Morales, Beachy (inj), Feliz (inj)

    My other Utility options: Berkman, Jesus Montero, Snider, Taveras, free agent in draft (possibly Gomez, Belt, Plouffe, Ichiro)

    Is another 6 years of Fister better than 1-2 years of an aging Papi? Being able to throw out a bunch of 2-start SPs every week is a nice advantage in our league. Usually Felix, Kershaw & 3 two-starters depending on matchups. Certainly gives me trade depth as well. I'd imagine Fister is much easier to move than Papi. Thoughts? Love Papi, but better to bail early or just ride him out? Thanks for the help!
    Last edited by ; 02-16-2013, 10:41 PM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the pen!

    At first glance, it seems like you're loaded at SP, but then you're also kinda loaded at UTL. Ortiz is aging, but man, he still hit .318 and had 23 HRs in just 90 games. I think I'd hold onto Big Papi until he rides off into the sunset.


    • #3
      What kind of IP limit is there in this league? That is a super deep rotation with tons of good innings. I am with Revo because your UTIL will be filled with a smasher if you keep him and just accept it will be for 450 ABs at best and everything more is gravy. The other UTIL options you have are kind of lame in comparison to Ortiz. Berkman is a neat desperation play this year and Montero has yet to flash the power at the MLB level. Taveras is another speculative play you can't count on and Travis Snider is an enigma. I don't see what Fister does for you with a stable of arms like the one you have.

      Ortiz is a power/contact profile with great plate discipline hitting in a favorable park. The downside is Ortiz is 37 and will likely not be a 550 AB guy so if you keep you expectations in check, he will likely give you elite level production while he is in there.

      Welcome to the pen and let us know if there is anymore key detail you didn't post yet.
      Find that level above your head and help you reach it.


      • #4
        Thanks for the input, gents. No IP limits which is why I'm considering it. Plus Doc, Kuroda and Hudson aren't exactly spring chickens and don't want to be kicking myself if/when Papi goes down. Especially if Fister is what he was in the second half last year.


        • #5
          I think that you have plenty of viable utility options, but I don't know that Fister is the guy that I'd make that deal for. But with Montero, Berkman, and a potential hitter in the draft, I think that I'd do the deal if you could get a bit of an upgrade.

          Just curious, with your staff, why do you need/want Fister? Frankly, I think I'd dangle one of those starters for a stud hitter.
          "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
          - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

          "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
          -Warren Ellis


          • #6
            I like the way his peripherals have progressed, like his park, his team, his age. Think he's a top-30 SP this year, and I'd likely have him a good deal longer than Papi. I've tried dangling the older, the injured and Straily, but no one's interested in a big bat for them. I don't really see a reason to deal a Felix, Kershaw or Gallardo at their age in a dynasty league. My lineup's pretty solid: Mauer, Encarnacion, Kipnis, Cabrera, Beltre, Hamilton, Bruce, Rios, Ortiz and the aforementioned bench.
            Last edited by ; 02-16-2013, 10:20 PM.


            • #7
              I like the way Hornsby is thinking. Can you package your aging starters for a hitter? I don't play dynasty so maybe my expectations are too high for returns on Halladay and Hudson. That being said, I can certainly see the temptation in the deal. I like Fister and I think he is very good return for 1 more year of Papi and a wildly inconsistent Jorge.


              • #8
                Okay, That's a really nice team. With that offense, and Dynasty being the key. I would go for Fister given some of the aging starters on your team.

