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A complaint and a question

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  • A complaint and a question

    Here's my complaint. James Shields. I was rocking along in first place in my 15-team mixed, then he implodes tonight badly enough that it knocks me out of first place. I thought about sitting him this week, because he's been looking weird lately, but couldn't pass up that two-start week.

    My 12-team AL only 5x5 team is terrible. Halfway through May I was in last, and with less than 30 points. The pitching started firing, and drove me all the way up to sixth place. We've got a lot of games left, but I can smell a possible money finish. So here's the thing...I needed an outfielder badly (I had Wil Myers active in my outfield, and he's still in AAA). The guy who owned Markakis wanted Felipe Paulino, who has been superb so far. It's a non-keeper league, so I made a Markakis for Paulino trade. This was after reading some articles which said he would be back before the end of June, and was going to work his butt off to get rolling again.

    So, was that a bad trade? I usually don't trade for hurt guys, but it seemed like a good value trade from my side. Thoughts?

  • #2
    Eh, hand injuries can sap power for a while once healthy. I'm still skeptical about Paulino, but I think you could've gotten a steadier (and healthier) outfielder instead.


    • #3
      I worried about that hand issue. I know that the hamate bone used to create huge problems (Canseco '98 or '99), but I thought the surgeons were better now in removing the bone without collateral damage.

      Is that the consensus? Not a good move on my part?

      (Sure seemed like it at the time, given my lousy outfield.)


      • #4
        Not a great deal, but nothing to lose sleep over though. I believe in Paulino much more than some other seem to, he's a guy who's always had great stuff, and finally seems to have harnessed it. That said, you've got a regular OFer for 3 months that's going to give you slightly above league average production...and that's what you said you needed.
        "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
        - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

        "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
        -Warren Ellis

