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Brett Myers, Alexi Ogando or Alfredo Aceves?

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  • Brett Myers, Alexi Ogando or Alfredo Aceves?

    have both AO & AA and am considering dropping one to pick up Brett Myers in 6x6 mixed league 12 team H2H. the SP spot is very important to my team, as I am using all relief pitchers and the cats are W, K, S, H, ERA & WHIP.

    while Myers has more value in the Save department (unless Aceves ends up closing, which seems unlikely), both Aceves & Ogando should accrue better #'s in almost every other category.


  • #2
    Remember that the player is more important than the role. Ogando went for $10 in TOUT. Not only is he likely a Hold machine, he gives you Ks, ERA and WHIP, plus the occasional W or S.

    BM and AA is much closer. That falls to how you weigh the two players--as players. AA is getting a start, while Beckett is out, so his chances of closing are likely slight. Myers is likely on a short leash. Since this is a shallow league, I would suggest at least seeing how Aceve's start goes.

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    Oh. In that case, never mind. - Wonderboy

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    • #3
      Agree, I'd wait. The one thing I wouldn't do for sure is drop Ogando.


      • #4
        I don't think Myers is on a short leash at all. Do you have any intentions of competing in wins and Ks on a weekly basis? If yes, then Aceves' job as a starter gives him value. But if not then the fact that he might not be closing or getting holds means he doesn't help you.

        I'd drop AA for Myers, but if Myers is still on the FA list he will probably still be there in a couple days, so maybe wait for Aceves' start.


        • #5
          Keep Ogando no matter what and like joncarlos said, wait a few days to see what happens with Aceves and then make your decision.


          • #6
            ha. awesome. great mins think alike. i had a waiver claim on Myers for Aceves and decided to cancel it and wait a few days. I totally agree that the player is more important than the role. if Aceves doesn't start in place of Beckett he could be a key set-up guy for the sox in that very game. going to wait and see. i do plan on competing in wins and k's. here is my pitching roster:
            kimbrel, mo, st, kenley, romo, nathan, frank fran, thornton, pestano, ogando, aceves.

            i might be better off dropping frank fran than aceves. or pestano, becaue he will likely ride the bench, and there are a few replacement level hold guys on the wire. myers has added value because he has SP eligibility and there are only 2 SP spots. i don't think he has a short leash, but i don't expect the astros to provide many save chances. hmm...


            • #7

              heyo! Aceves named the closer. held on to the best arm and was rewarded. ))


              • #8
                and according to Bob Nightengale, Myers is now on the block by the Astros


                • #9
                  well aceves has been horrible and myers is still sitting on the waiver wire. jonathan broxton was also dropped this week, while capps and casilla were just recently picked up.
                  this league is strange in that i can tell people are putting forth a lot of effort, but they're just not that good. i have a waiver claim pending dropping aceves for matt latos. as long as myers and broxton are out there i don't feel that bad about dropping a closer.

