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NL only keeper help

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  • NL only keeper help

    4x4 10 teams $260 cap.

    23-player standard rosters

    Sure things:
    Brandon Phillips 30
    Troy Tulowitzki 22
    Lance Berkman 11
    John Jay 1
    Drew Stubbs 18

    Matt Cain 26
    Ian Kennedy 11
    Jason Motte 6
    Bud Norris 1
    JJ Putz 15
    Jair Jurrjens 17

    Potential other keepers include:
    John Buck 11
    Carlos Ruiz 10
    Ryan Zimmerman 36
    David Wright 38
    Ian Desmond 17
    Shane Victorino 28
    Dillon Gee 10
    Corey Luebke 10

    I really like Luebke and he'll earn $10. I think he can be had cheaper in the draft, though, so I hate to waste an extra few dollars and lose the year on the contract for the future.

    Desmond intrigues me. My co-owner likes Victorino but I just think he's too pricey.

    I think Jurrjens is at the end of ihs value; maybe I shouldn't even keep him.

    It would be nice to keep a catcher, but I think they are both a few bucks over their value.

    3b - it's a black hole. These guys will probably go for $30 each. They might be the two best players available in the draft. Hard to tell at this point.


  • #2
    4x4 10 teams $260 cap.

    23-player standard rosters

    Sure things:
    Brandon Phillips 30
    Troy Tulowitzki 22
    Lance Berkman 11
    John Jay 1
    Drew Stubbs 18

    Matt Cain 26
    Ian Kennedy 11
    Jason Motte 6
    Bud Norris 1
    JJ Putz 15
    Jair Jurrjens 17************I think you might consider flipping Jurrjens and Luebke in your ranking. Jurrjens seems to be deteriorating quickly from ace to back of the rotation SP.

    Potential other keepers include:
    John Buck 11
    Carlos Ruiz 10
    Ryan Zimmerman 36
    David Wright 38
    Ian Desmond 17
    Shane Victorino 28
    Dillon Gee 10
    Corey Luebke 10

    You never said how many keepers you need--is there a minimum? What is the max?
    You know your league better than I do: will Zimmerman or Wright go much cheaper? If not, keep one of them.
    Good luck!
    Bearin' up!


    • #3
      I'd keep a $10 Luebke over a $17 Jurrjens every day. Are you sure Bud Norris is even worth a buck in a 10-team league? He is mainly a K guy (doesn't help you) and isn't going to win many games. I like Desmond too but it's close since you'd have him at MI... then again is Phillips really worth $30? I don't think he hits .300 again but he should be good for 20/15. So I guess I'd rather keep Phillips and toss back Desmond.

      I am really not sure about Victorino... his steals were way down last year and if that happens again he's not worth $28.

      I'd go with:
      Brandon Phillips 30
      Troy Tulowitzki 22
      Lance Berkman 11
      John Jay 1
      Drew Stubbs 18
      Matt Cain 26
      Ian Kennedy 11
      Jason Motte 6
      Corey Luebke 10


      • #4
        Re: Norris: It's always nice to have a $1 pitcher already on your team going into the draft. You're going to wind up drafting one or two $1 players every year so I'd rather go with a guy who I am comfortable with.

        As for how many keepers, we have to keep at least 8 and up to 15.

        You guys think Luebke goes for $10 in the draft, huh? Damn. Really wish I'd have bid $1 at the end of the draft last year on him instead of Norris. Oh well.


        • #5
          Sure things:
          Brandon Phillips 30
          Troy Tulowitzki 22
          Lance Berkman 11
          John Jay 1
          Drew Stubbs 18

          Ian Kennedy 11
          Jason Motte 6
          Bud Norris 1
          JJ Putz 15

          I toss Cain and Jurrjens and add the two below

          Ryan Zimmerman 36
          Corey Luebke 10
          After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


          • #6
            I hate going into the draft without a catcher.

            Thoughts on dropping both? Seems like no one really likes either at their price, which is fine. I think both are a couple of dollars high, but if they go into the draft and people need catchers, could be tough to replace their modest offense.


            • #7
              I'd go with

              Bud Norris 1
              Troy Tulowitzki 22
              Lance Berkman 11
              John Jay 1
              Drew Stubbs 18
              Matt Cain 26
              Ian Kennedy 11
              Jason Motte 6
              Corey Luebke 10

              You should be able to get one of those 3Bs back at the draft. I'd shoot for the 1st one proposed.
              I have a tough time believing Phillips is a $30 player, but if you're committed to keeping him I'd put him in there > Norris.

