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NL-Only Keepers

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  • NL-Only Keepers

    Happy March, everyone.

    Still have about three weeks to go, and some of these guys may depend on how spring unfolds, but I wanted to get some thoughts from the 'Pen on potential keepers.

    NL-Only, 12 team, $280 cap, 25 man rosters, 5x5 (OBP instead of Average). I can keep up to 15

    Here are my definites:

    1) Votto- $20
    2) Braun- $20
    3) Wright- $39
    4) Stubbs- $10
    5) Goldschmidt- $5
    6) Bumgarner- $12
    7) Latos- $10
    8) Hanson- $15
    9) Volquez- $7
    10) Capuano- $5
    11) Narveson- $3

    Out of the remaining guys, I can keep up to 4:

    1) Thole- $6
    2) F. Sanchez- $2
    3) R. Tejada- $1
    4) J. Guzman- $3
    5) E. Cabrera- $2
    6) A. Bastardo- $5
    7) N. Masset- $2
    8) M. Belisle- $1
    9) J. Samardzija- $2

    Also, for my last MLE, I have to choose between Bobby Borchering and Erik Surkamp.

    My thoughts right now are Sanchez, Guzman, Tejada, and Belisle, but I wanted to see what else people thought.

  • #2
    Last MLE: Surkamp

    I don't love Wright for $39. I take it that in your league that is a good price for him, so I'll assume that...
    I don't like Volquez-7.
    I'm not sure Naverson-3 would be on my list now. Maybe if he looks like he's got the job and he's looked good in spring training. If you ask me today, he's off.
    Of your remainders, Freddy is a good MI for 2. I also like Guzman for 3. He should get enough at bats to return a profit and if Alonso struggles, who knows. Tejada is ok for a buck, but I don't know if you want to fill the roster spot.


    • #3
      + 1 with Will. I agree on all points.
      Bearin' up!


      • #4
        Can you go back to the FA pool to upgrade Surkamp? I'm unimpressed.

        I'd keep Sanchez and Tejada and would dump Narveson from your definites


        • #5
          I would add Tejada to your list. I would drop Volquez and Narveson. I would keep Surkamp.
          After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”

