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Baseball Prospectus 2012, here today!

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  • Baseball Prospectus 2012, here today!

    It's a good day, since my Baseball Prospectus came in today.

    It's a bad day, though, since if you believe BP, every one of your guys will suck this year.

    I know they have some very complicated formulas and computers and such, but it seems that every single batter is predicted to do worse than last year, mediocre at best.

    Mike Stanton is my power guy. Amazing slash line last year. He's projected for 30 home runs.

    Desmond Jennings is my speed guy. He's projected for 15 stolen bases.

    I don't know if I even want to keep these bums. I understand about regression and all, but isn't it possible that someone young like Stanton (22) might actually improve for a year or two before they fade away?

    The best thing about BP, though, is that they have a nice bio of our fearless leader, Jason Collette, on the Contributors page. I felt a sense of pride just reading that. Best I could tell, though, he's about the only person projected to have a good year.