Originally posted by bryanbutler
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I prefer "is a player fast enough to steal bases?" and then "is the poor SB success rate this guy is having going to lead to him getting the red light at some point?" So CS are already built into the equation of SB enough as it is, in my mind.
I watch the live boxscores and there's a few things that make me mad, like RP blowing my SP's win. But nothing felt worse than collecting -2 SB on a day because of pickoffs and botched double steals from guys who never straight steal. I think in general, punitive stats make the game less fun amd might make sense in points based leagues, but harder to translate to roto. Can you imagine if pitchers got negative wins when they left with a lead but the bullpen blew it? Or hitters negative HR if they hit it less than 400 ft? It just feels unfair to me, but maybe I'm a whiner. (Setting myself up here, but oh well...)