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Which trade would you do?

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  • Which trade would you do?

    I have two offers in my 14 team mixed keeper league (5X5). I am already playing for next year. Which one if any would you do or should I make both.

    Deal 1:
    I get CJ Wilson ($1) would have him at $1 next season or $6 if I extend him for Sergio Santos ($10).

    Deal 2:
    I get Matt Latos ($7) he would be $7 or $12 with and extension next year for Austin Jackson ($5). Jackson would have to be exteded to $10 next season.

    I am leaning towards deal #1.

  • #2
    I'd definitely do #1 - 14 team mixed, closers are a pretty fungible asset. My inclination would be to stick with Jackson, though he's been disappointing so far.
    I'm just here for the baseball.


    • #3
      Definitely #1, but I'd seriously consider #2 also. Latos is a great buy-low, and Jackson ain't worth $10. Can you do both?


      • #4
        Originally posted by revo View Post
        Definitely #1, but I'd seriously consider #2 also. Latos is a great buy-low, and Jackson ain't worth $10. Can you do both?
        I can. My concern is whether Latos is healthy. I guess since I am playing for next year it really dosen't matter.


        • #5
          I still like Jackson but I'd do both as well, I think Latos has a better chance to be useful next year than AJax


          • #6
            I'd definitely do #1 over #2, but if you can do both, then I wouldn't worry about picking, and just do both of them

