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trade offer - time sensitive

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  • trade offer - time sensitive

    What is the deal with miguel sano?

    I know there are leg issues and an assault charge from the winter.

    Is he getting 500 at bats?



    Help, must answer shortly.

    5x5 a.l. only 12 teams
    $15 salary

    Is there profit in that salary for 2018?

  • #2
    There won't be answers to those questions this quickly. I would be afraid of him at $15, unless you are getting him on the cheap. Gotta get a discount to go for him now.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cavebird View Post
      There won't be answers to those questions this quickly. I would be afraid of him at $15, unless you are getting him on the cheap. Gotta get a discount to go for him now.
      Cost is just a drop in reserve round picks...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Art Vandelay View Post
        Cost is just a drop in reserve round picks...
        As long as it not your first or second round, why not.


        • #5
          sounds like the downside is close to zero in terms of what youre losing. Whats the problem?
          After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”


          • #6
            I don't see any more bad news on him today. Sounds like an obvious do
            people called me an idiot for burning popcorn in the microwave, but i know the real truth. - nullnor


            • #7
              Our keeper lists are due this weekend AL Sat. NL Sunday. At the auction we get a mulligan. That means we can drop a player or bring one back on draft day. If you can do that or something like that it is a no brainer. Otherwise you risk spending/losing $15 if Sano gets suspended.


              • #8
                Given the she-said/he-said nature of the accusations, and the fact that while what he did is very scary, it luckily did not escalate to sexual assault (although her account certainly suggests that is what he wanted to do if his cajoling and pulling her had gotten her into the bathroom), I suspect any suspension that may come would not be for very long. Given that fact, I think he is certainly worth $15. Of course, it is another issue of whether you want him on your team. I traded a $17 Sano for a $5 Smoak, even though I expect Smoak to regress, because I'd prefer not to root for Sano. I'm not saying that to be high and mighty, and if I couldn't have gotten fair value for him, I'd have kept him, but if this is a close call for you, the "root for" factor may be a tie breaker.


                • #9
                  I think he'll probably be suspended a month. That is just my unfounded speculative guess. He appears healthy now and will be able to play 3B when the season starts. I think there could be a bit of profit. Doesn't mean I'd enjoy owning him.

