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NL Trade Opinion

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  • NL Trade Opinion

    This is my 10 team league 5x5. We can keep up to 10 players. I've been offered Kyle Hendrick $15 or Jeff Samardzija $12 for pretty much whoever to deal back. Owner is looking for cheap players as he literally has no keepers under valued. I looked at Hendricks and to me he is at value or maybe slightly under. Samardzia is probably 2-3 dollars overpriced. I will need be keeping 2-3 pitchers and the rest offense. Would you make a deal for Hendricks? Looking for another opinion here to see if I'm missing something.

  • #2
    What do your upper tier pitchers go for and will most of those be kept? Will there be a lot of money in the auction?

    What are some of the ideas you are thinking about for sending back?


    • #3
      Kershaw will go toward mid 40s to upper. Rest of the top tiers will go into the 30s. I have no doubt Hendricks would go around $15 - $20. Samardzia I'm guessing $8-$12 range. I can easily keep 10 players spending about $60. The players that he is asking for is a pool of

      B. Woodruff $1
      M. Wacha $6
      W. Buehler $3
      L. Gohara $3
      J. Flaherty $4
      W. Flores $4

      All players are yr 2 contracts. I was planning on keeping Wacha but because we have 6 reserves I was thinking of one of the other pitchers. I have put out trade offers but teams are slow in response so far but with keeper list due next Sunday this should pick up.


      • #4
        If if were my team I am not trading a $3 Gohara.

        I would trade $6 Wacha for $12 Samardzija.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gregg View Post
          If if were my team I am not trading a $3 Gohara.

          I would trade $6 Wacha for $12 Samardzija.
          This for me, too. And if you really don’t like Samardzjia, I’d take Hendricks for Wacha given the keepers you have, too
          I'm just here for the baseball.


          • #6
            Originally posted by chancellor View Post
            This for me, too. And if you really don’t like Samardzjia, I’d take Hendricks for Wacha given the keepers you have, too
            For what it is worth, I really don't like Samardzija. But I do think he is the best choice.

            I agree with Chance that I still make the deal for Hendricks.


            • #7
              Honestly I wouldn't move Gohara for either. Of that group above I would only be able to keep maybe 2 because of the other keepers on my team. Why do you like Samardzija better than Wacha?


              • #8
                Originally posted by pitbull View Post
                Honestly I wouldn't move Gohara for either. Of that group above I would only be able to keep maybe 2 because of the other keepers on my team. Why do you like Samardzija better than Wacha?
                Mostly because of the stats.

                Ok, all kidding aside, Samardzija's whip has been good even when his era has not. The k's are also nice. Add that to Wacha had 8 games of less than 4.1 innings last year and I am just not a big believer in him.


                • #9
                  Yeah, one of these days Shark is actually going to put together a season to match his talents...his xFIP was actually 3.60 last year. So if he limits the homers a bit more, those 200 K's look much better. I owned Wacha last year, and no thanks, not again.
                  "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
                  - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

                  "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
                  -Warren Ellis


                  • #10
                    My problem with Shark is that he damn 33 now. To me one of those days he is going to put it together will need to come soon like this season. He just one of those pitchers who is prone to the HR ball which you would think should be good since he pitches half his games at AT&T Park. Maybe it will happen just not betting on it.


                    • #11
                      We went back and forth and I sent him Wacha $6 and Woodruff $1 for Hendricks $15. I think Hendricks should be steady. He had a good 2nd half after the AS break with a 2.19 ERA.

