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2k11 Joel Hanrahan

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  • 2k11 Joel Hanrahan

    This guy has been nothing short of terrific thus far. His k rate is down cmpared to last year and the 1.32 WHIP is a little bloated but he is a perfect 11 for 11. Most if not all of you own him cheap. Enjoy the ride.
    After former Broncos quarterback Brian Griese sprained his ankle and said he was tripped on the stairs of his home by his golden retriever, Bella: “The dog stood up on his hind legs and gave him a push? You might want to get rid of that dog, or put him in the circus, one of the two.”

  • #2
    I haven't read anything about a change in approach but he's been a completely different pitcher this year. K rate is way down, but he has also reduced his walk rate and started throwing a lot more ground balls. His velocity is up and he's throwing almost exclusively fastballs (86% fastballs compared to 61% last year). I think I like the new version, it's just weird.

