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CBS sportsline question

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  • CBS sportsline question

    We have our league commish put in every teams moves for the week which are due Monday at noon. So this being the start of week 3 on Monday 3/17, our issue is that by noon on Monday, the sportsline website will have already copied over every teams roster to week 4. So any moves that our commish needs to put in will need to be done for week 3 and week 4.

    Is there a way to have the website not copy over the following weeks roster until later in the week or is there a place in the setup where we can tell the website when to do this? I don't understand why the sportsline website has to build out and copy the rosters for the following week 7 days before that week even starts...... Putting in every move twice sucks!

    thanks for any help.

  • #2
    I'm not sure I follow exactly, but here goes:

    - why not just change the rule for the Patriot's Day week to 10:30 or 11am?
    - The commish can copy rosters back at any time. There usually is a link in the front office to do this, but I can't seem to find it as we speak. Have the commish send CBS an email regarding it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by revo View Post
      I'm not sure I follow exactly, but here goes:

      - why not just change the rule for the Patriot's Day week to 10:30 or 11am?
      - The commish can copy rosters back at any time. There usually is a link in the front office to do this, but I can't seem to find it as we speak. Have the commish send CBS an email regarding it.
      top right hand corner, look for the "c" inside a

      center column, bottom selection is "copy back rosters"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Art Vandelay View Post
        top right hand corner, look for the "c" inside a

        center column, bottom selection is "copy back rosters"
        What's strange is that this is no longer there in the leagues I commish. Not sure why.



        • #5
          On my page, it is located directly below 'edit service time'


          • #6
            I am looking for a feature/utility to copy rosters forward (not back). So today our commish had to put in all of the week3 moves. But sportsline had already copied all of the rosters from week3 to week4 before he put in the week3 moves. So for example team A sends email to commis at noon on monday and says reserve Alex Gordon and bring up Aaron Hicks. Both week3 and week4 roster have A Gordon as active. So our commish has to bring up Hicks and reserve Gordon for both week3 and then do it again for week4. He has to do this double transaction for every move as the week4 rosters have already been built out in sportsline.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cleo View Post
              I am looking for a feature/utility to copy rosters forward (not back). So today our commish had to put in all of the week3 moves. But sportsline had already copied all of the rosters from week3 to week4 before he put in the week3 moves. So for example team A sends email to commis at noon on monday and says reserve Alex Gordon and bring up Aaron Hicks. Both week3 and week4 roster have A Gordon as active. So our commish has to bring up Hicks and reserve Gordon for both week3 and then do it again for week4. He has to do this double transaction for every move as the week4 rosters have already been built out in sportsline.
              Not sure if this helps.

              My league is daily. Lots of times, I get to the transactions post start, which means I process using the next day cbs setting. I then go into 'edit service time' and change to what ever setting I need for that particular player for 'today'.

              I think if you edit future scoring periods, it makes everything extra complicated. Just run your transaction process (even if roster is already set for next scoring period), then go in and edit for current period you desire.

