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Why LOOK! Rate my RJEL Team!

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  • Why LOOK! Rate my RJEL Team!

    Great auction, the CBS room worked like a Swiss watch...Too little money in the beginning (other than a 61 buck Kershaw and the same for Goldy), and too much spent in the middle. I found myself a little short in dollar day, and got sniped a couple of times, but overall I stuck to a plan. I wanted A stud starter and a big power bat. My targets were Kershaw and Stanton. Both went past my comfort point, which is pretty high, BTW, so I got a couple of guys for less, Kluber and Chris Davis. I think that it's probably a little long in the tooth, but hey, it is what it is...let 'er rip!


    C - Wilson Contrares 4, Keeper
    1B - Hanley Ramirez 24, Keeper
    2B - Brandon Phillips 8
    SS - Aledmys Diaz 3, Keeper
    3B - Eduardo Nunez 3, Keeper
    MI - Neil Walker 15
    CI - Chris Davis 37
    OF - Adam Eaton 11, Keeper
    OF - Howie Kendrick 4
    OF - Gerardo Parra 6, Keeper
    OF - A.J. Pollock 18, Keeper
    OF - Danny Valencia 12
    U - Mark Canha 1
    U - Albert Pujols 25


    1B - Kennys Vargas 3
    C - Wilson Ramos 2


    P - Corey Kluber 37
    P - Dellin Betances 15
    P - Joe Blanton 1
    P - Edwin Diaz 2, Keeper
    P - Danny Duffy 3, Keeper
    P - Marco Estrada 2, Keeper
    P - Daniel Hudson 2
    P - Francisco Rodriguez 19
    P - Bruce Rondon 3


    P - Shelby Miller 2
    P - Wily Peralta 1
    P - Steven Wright 2
    "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
    - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

    "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
    -Warren Ellis

  • #2
    Really like this team. Key buys for me include Wright, Davis, Kluber, Pujols, Walker. That core will keep this squad very competitive. Not a fan of Shelby Miller, Wily Peralta, Bruce Rondon. Would have preferred to see that money spent on a $6 SP. But it's an excellent core. Well done!

    Key need seems to be another solid SP.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hornsby View Post
      Great auction, the CBS room worked like a Swiss watch...Too little money in the beginning (other than a 61 buck Kershaw and the same for Goldy), and too much spent in the middle. I found myself a little short in dollar day, and got sniped a couple of times, but overall I stuck to a plan. I wanted A stud starter and a big power bat. My targets were Kershaw and Stanton. Both went past my comfort point, which is pretty high, BTW, so I got a couple of guys for less, Kluber and Chris Davis. I think that it's probably a little long in the tooth, but hey, it is what it is...let 'er rip!


      C - Wilson Contrares 4, Keeper
      1B - Hanley Ramirez 24, Keeper
      2B - Brandon Phillips 8
      SS - Aledmys Diaz 3, Keeper
      3B - Eduardo Nunez 3, Keeper
      MI - Neil Walker 15
      CI - Chris Davis 37
      OF - Adam Eaton 11, Keeper
      OF - Howie Kendrick 4
      OF - Gerardo Parra 6, Keeper
      OF - A.J. Pollock 18, Keeper
      OF - Danny Valencia 12
      U - Mark Canha 1
      U - Albert Pujols 25


      1B - Kennys Vargas 3
      C - Wilson Ramos 2


      P - Corey Kluber 37
      P - Dellin Betances 15
      P - Joe Blanton 1
      P - Edwin Diaz 2, Keeper
      P - Danny Duffy 3, Keeper
      P - Marco Estrada 2, Keeper
      P - Daniel Hudson 2
      P - Francisco Rodriguez 19
      P - Bruce Rondon 3


      P - Shelby Miller 2
      P - Wily Peralta 1
      P - Steven Wright 2
      Kind of a mixed bag for me.
      I like: Your keeper list was awesome. It was my favorite list going in. Canha at $1 and Pujols at $25. Kendrick at $4 was also a very good late-round target. I think you are going to have an offense that is well-rounded, but without any real areas of strength or obvious weaknesses.
      What worries me: I think your SB guys (Nunez, Eaton, and Pollock) will be disappointing in the SB department. Maybe not Eaton, so much, but I see Nunez and Pollock seeing fewer green lights in 2017. Not a big fan of most of your pitching. Kluber is an okay anchor, but at $37, I would have rather had Scherzer or Lester for $39. Your relievers are expensive and probably won't generate all that many saves, but look get tons of Ks and great ratios. You seemed to realize you were light on SPs and tried to compensate by grabbing Miller, Peralta and Wright late. These three could kill all the good that your relievers do. You will need another mid-range SP or two to keep this staff afloat.

      It's a fine team that, with some work, especially around the pitching, should be competitive.


      • #4
        RotoLab has you right after Andy which is 96 points with nearly an even split hitting and pitching. You are only getting a combined 6 points from SOs and Wins so a couple more SPs could make a huge impact. Good place to be imo as SP can always be streamed and there always seems to be guys that emerge on the wire. It has you for only a .329 OBP which on the surface seems bad but in relation to the league you're netting 12 points. Still, tight grouping on this metric so need to focus on guys who will be accretive here. Runs & RBIs are below average in points so just like a good SP or 2 could make a big swing so could some bats.

        You got me on Phillips as my plan had been to buy him given I have Albies to backfill when the seemingly inevitable happens. Also very much like the Kendrick buy at $4. You also topped me on Davis too who in hindsight would have fit very well on my team so thanks for that

        As others have mentioned I don't think it will take all that much to swing this from a middle of the road team to one that can challenge for the $.


        • #5
          I think Dane is almost spot on. Loved your keeper list, like he said. I do think Kluber is fantastic. My only concern with him is his WS run. How will that affect him? This should be a competitive team with the right in-season moves.


          • #6
            I don't see an issue with Kluber, people (including me) said the same thing about MadBum after the Royals World series where he pitched a thousand innings. All he did last season was pitch 226 innings with 251 K's. I could impact Kluber, but I sure hope not.

            I like Peralta, he was pretty good after he came back last season from the minors, and hopefully, he'll carry that forward. I think that the middle relief guys are going to help, Betances covers a lot of warts. Also, I expect Giolito to come up and help out come May. I also like Nimmo to come up and help out...great OBP kid with some power and speed, may replace Grandy sooner or later. Ramos is going to help out as well...either as a hitter or a trade chip, maybe you'd like Contrares back?

            But yeah, I'm short on pitching, and my team is old, hopefully, it'll stay healthy and I can make a run.
            "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
            - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

            "Your shitty future continues to offend me."
            -Warren Ellis


            • #7
              i see you middle of the pack and agree with rick - about even in hitting and pitching. no big holes but no standouts. saves could be tough, as KRod's arm could fall off at any time now, and that leaves unproven diaz and a few from betances. i liked the davis and walker buys - thought they were good value at that point. not a huge fan of valencia - how long will it be before vogelbach pushes him out? shelby miller is an interesting one - does he return to pre-2016 form? could be a gem if he gets even partway back.

              ETA: i like the kluber buy.
              "Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war?" Albert Hofmann

