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New league rule - Franchise Tags

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  • New league rule - Franchise Tags

    In our mixed league, we've only handed out 3 year contracts before the player goes back to auction. This year we've created a "franchise tag" that will allow us to tag a player going into their 3rd year - as a result, that player must be kept for his 4th year at an extra $10 or if you drop him during the year, you lose $10 in the auction ($300 cap).

    I think I have two viable keepers to apply the tag to but wanted to get consensus from the Forum.

    Carlos Carrasco - $12.50 this year, would be $22.50 next year
    Charlie Blackmon - $8.50 this year, would be $18.50 next year

    I could see both of these players going for around $30 this year if they were eligible to be drafted but of course they need to stay healthy and productive this year or I'm stuck with them and/or eat the cost of releasing them.

    I'm leaning towards Blackmon as he carries less injury risk (knock on wood!). His biggest downside is the potential of being traded away from Coors. Carrasco could be a stud if healthy but with pitchers, that's always a concern. Thoughts from the group?

  • #2
    I don't like franchising pitchers, and it's tough because I love Carrasco. Blackmon's value takes a hit if the Rockies move him at some point, but I like the Rockies to contend this year meaning they're not going to move him.

