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WANTED - new posters

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  • WANTED - new posters

    Baseball season is coming -and politics is still going on.

    We need to see some new faces. If all of us regulars get just 2 people to post then maybe we can jump start some more life into the fantasy brain

    Let's give it a shot

  • #2
    I send out periodic emails to members who haven't posted in months. A few (cavebird, bernie brewer, among others) have come back into the fold.


    • #3
      Let's all see if we can recruit some new blood


      • #4
        I'll try to get Mith to come back.
        “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

        ― Albert Einstein


        • #5
          I don't bring much to the table fantasy baseball knowledge wise, but I'm good for the occasional smart ass comment. I'll try to step it up - and surprisingly, there is no firewall block for the forum at work.


          • #6
            Originally posted by revo View Post
            I send out periodic emails to members who haven't posted in months. A few (cavebird, bernie brewer, among others) have come back into the fold.
            I think I fell into the "haven't posted in years" category, lol.


            • #7
              I kinda like that nobody from my leagues really knows about this place


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pauly View Post
                I kinda like that nobody from my leagues really knows about this place
                That's probably why I stopped posting---my leaguemates showed up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by swampdragon View Post
                  Baseball season is coming -and politics is still going on.

                  We need to see some new faces. If all of us regulars get just 2 people to post then maybe we can jump start some more life into the fantasy brain

                  Let's give it a shot

                  I have been a member since the old days when NakedRicci was bartending the Sports Bar.

                  I love the site and the great folks that contribute. I will definitely make more of an effort to participate in the Fantasy Baseball and Sports Bar forums.


                  • #10
                    I've been a lurker for years and years... Every couple years I start posting, then stop.... I just have to remember to stay in the baseball forum and out of the Sportsbar. The quality of conversion in this group has always been outstanding for the most part.


                    • #11
                      I'm relatively new relative to the history of this forum, although I know at least a couple who already don't want me here.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ken View Post
                        I'm relatively new relative to the history of this forum, although I know at least a couple who already don't want me here.
                        hey - as long as your posts are credible and help others then fire away

                        ok - except the sportsbar is sometimes a mess


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ken View Post
                          I'm relatively new relative to the history of this forum, although I know at least a couple who already don't want me here.
                          It takes a LOT of whining about superstars to piss off anyone in the baseball section!


                          • #14
                            We could have Steve resurrect his other accounts again.
                            Bob- I'm not exactly sure it would ROCK as you say it Byron.. it may be cool, by typical text book descriptions. Your opinion of this is shallow and poorly constructed, but allow me to re-craft your initial thought into something tangable.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by swampdragon View Post
                              hey - as long as your posts are credible and help others then fire away

                              ok - except the sportsbar is sometimes a mess
                              oh, Ken has credibility

