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Hello, my name is ________ and I'm a trade-a-holic

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  • Hello, my name is ________ and I'm a trade-a-holic

    Yes I am, I just cannot sit still--Constantly fidgeting to improve my team. I'd like to think I'm a good negotiator, but once in a while I screw it all up.

    Now I'm in 5 leagues, my Yahoo all free agent leagues I'm currently 1st and 4th with minimal trading (one in each league) Just a ton of FA work. I'm currently 4th and closing in my legacy league (the one I'm leaving at years end) On trade there too, but again--working the WW. In RJEL, My pitching never got off the ground so I had to dump, but in doing so I've gains some great keepers and a ton of picks. the league I want to discuss in the RJ Staff league (Boxscore) I made a horrific trade followed by another and found myself scrambling to stay afloat. I've probably made 10+ trades so far and can't think i'm done yet. I may or may not have improved my team, but I have managed to stay in the top 2-4 all season. I'm going to post my originally drafted team and my current team side by side. If any of you care to take the time, how does my new team look? I lacked speed and Avg coming out of the draft I also had to replace 2 closers as Rosenthal and Rodney went south. I'm top 2 in pitching ratio's and Ks but almost last in wins so I'm thinking I need to deal for at least 1 maybe 2 solid starters.

    Has anyone else every screwed it up this bad? Can I recover?


    Ca Wellington Castillo $1 K Suzuki $6
    Ca Miguel Montero $10 B McCann $20
    1b Brandon Belt $3 B Belt $3
    3b Mike Moustakas $9 J Harrison $2
    Ci Tyler White $12 W Myers $9
    2b Robinson Cano $32 L Forsythe X
    Ss Villar $10 Villar $10
    Mi Jonathan Schoop $5 A Diaz $16
    Of Matt Kemp $18 McCutcheon X
    Of Jackie Bradley Jr $1 Cespedes $28
    Of Jay Bruce $14 Choo $4
    Of Steven Souza $14 Souza $14
    Of Ender Inciarte $7 M Upton $5
    UT Carlos Santana $18 Santana $18

    Sp Lester $12 C Mart $4
    Sp Thor $10 Bumgardner $41
    Sp J Ross $1 D Price $42
    Sp Tanaka $20 Pomeranz $10
    Sp Smyly $16 Smyly $16
    Sp V Velasquez $15 Wisler $1
    Sp JShields $14 Betances X
    Cl Rosenthal $22 Jeffress $3
    Cl A Vizcaino $1 B Maurer $12


    Reyes $3
    Enciarte $7
    Perdomo $1
    C Bethancourt $1
    J Mauer $2
    Butcher $1
    Peraza $5
    Olivera $2
    B Phillips $1
    Y Gurriel $2
    Otani $2
    W Smith $2
    Schwarber $15
    Cody Reed $1
    G Gonzalez $15
    T Rosenthal $22

    X Means they can't be kept.

    As you can see I have only 5 players starting from my opening day line up. I did pick up a couple of great keeps along the way In Myers, jeffress, C mart as well as a couple of others and Reyes has a job now and Gurriel might have one soon, also Olivera should be back in August so, there's that. I handcuffed both Jeffress and Maurer and if Trevor can regain his form, I will have a third closer.

    I am somehow still in 2nd as of tonight, but I need some help. I've about $60 in cap space so I can make another deal or five.

    Am I insane?

    Ok, of course I am.....

    Thanks again
    If I whisper my wicked marching orders into the ether with no regard to where or how they may bear fruit, I am blameless should a broken spirit carry those orders out upon the innocent, for it was not my hand that took the action merely my lips which let slip their darkest wish. ~Daniel Devereaux 2011

    Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • #2
    I too am a trad-aholic. I usually devote all or most of my attention to one league, that I've been in since high school, over 20 years ago. I make at least half a dozen trades a year in that league, and I'm constantly fiddling with my team. I too like to think I'm a good trader, and that I win more than I lose in making all of my deals, but much like a poor gambler, I have never sat and tallied my wins and losses. I know I have traded an awful lot of talent over the years, and one team has Trout, Harpur, and Bumgarner on long term contracts all from deals I made.

    But they aren't all dump deals. In fact, even when I'm trying to win it all, which is always, I tend to play both sides of the fence, trading to improve in one area, but looking toward the future and also trying to trade any surplus talent I don't need to mitage the losses I've given in other deals.

    For instance, in the last 10 days, I've traded Lucas Giolito, Oh, and CoCo Crisp for Altuve to address my need for a hitter upgrade in one deal, and also traded Makeil Franco, Orlando Arcia, and Sean Newcomb for Zobrist and Cruz in another deal. That second deal was only possible, because I had acquired Franco, along with Chris Carter, and Matt Shoemaker for Ian Desmond. I also decided I had too much pitching and traded Daniel Norris for Clint Frazier, and in a different deal, traded Wade Davis for two other prospects.

    Yeah, I too have a problem. I am sure in many cases I'd be just as well off sitting tight, but where is the fun in that? And this year I have the excuse of having this starting OF to start the year: Michael Brantley, Carlos Gomez, Hunter Pence, Randall Grichuk, and Jorge Soler. I mean, to be competitive, I had to wheel and deal to replace that dumpster fire.


    • #3
      I am constantly thinking about trades. One of my players has a bad night, boom I want to deal him. I just made Mag7 2 or 3 offers in a matter of hours and pulled them all. I am a trade a holic
      "I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."

