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18 tm rank these keepers

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  • 18 tm rank these keepers

    I mismanaged my way to 2nd in this 18 tm mixed. In my go for it bid I traded away many great keepers, but I think I still have some ammo. Not that there is any reason to do this at start of off season, but would be interested in different eyes looking. Top hitters go for high 50's, low 60's in auction. Please rank top 10 keeps, 5x5 standard but oba instead of ba. I like my yankee relief pair of Betances + Miller as 1st 2, so need 8 more.

    29 Pujols
    5 Deshields, Delino
    39 Frazier, T
    2 Flores, W
    3 Solarte, Y
    29 Cespedes, Y
    7 Gose
    54 Mccutchen
    43 Upton, J
    16 Fowler, D

    1 Betances, D
    2 Carrasco, C
    30 Chapman
    4 Mchugh
    10 Miller, A
    4 Odorizzi
    4 Norris, D
    2 Gibson, K

  • #2
    Both the Yankees and Carrasco for sure. I think Fowler is almost a definite depending on where he goes. I'd add Odorizzi and Solarte - that kind of cheap productivity should be useful in a deep league. Hard to pass on Cespedes but I'm not a believer so I'd rather trade him. But keep him if you don't. I think I'd keep Delino too. Depending on where he signs I probably like J-Up out of all your expensive guys. That makes 8. Maybe McHugh for #9 and I don't even know if I see a #10 at this point.


    • #3
      ty jc, i dont need to keep 10. 9 decent keeps isnt too shabby considering i traded house away in my for for it run. i have my eye on d norris 4 but i maybe am clouded by his personal story.


      • #4
        Originally posted by joncarlos View Post
        Both the Yankees and Carrasco for sure. I think Fowler is almost a definite depending on where he goes. I'd add Odorizzi and Solarte - that kind of cheap productivity should be useful in a deep league. Hard to pass on Cespedes but I'm not a believer so I'd rather trade him. But keep him if you don't. I think I'd keep Delino too. Depending on where he signs I probably like J-Up out of all your expensive guys. That makes 8. Maybe McHugh for #9 and I don't even know if I see a #10 at this point.
        If stud hitters go for high 50's low 60's why have you left off Pujols for 29? What am I missing?

